General Script posted June 13, 2017 Chapters:  ...36 37 -38- 39... 

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a scene

A chapter in the book Scenes

Last Day

by Bill Schott

The teachers and administrators gather for my retirement party.

Mrs. P: You must feel like a million bucks today, Bill.

Me: Do I look green and wrinkled?

Mr. S: I wish I were you, Bill.

Me: Old and unemployed?

Mr. M: What a long strange trip it's been, Bill.

Me: Party on, my cracker.

Mrs. A: Ensure your room is cleaned out and all personal possessions have been removed.

Me: Jawohl!

Mrs. S: I've pinned a note for your wife to your sleeve and here's a bag of Cheerios for the ride home.

Me: Thank you, Mrs. S.

Mr. D: Any parting words, Mr. Schott?

Me: Yes. I'd like to thank Mrs. Chapel, God rest her soul, for the advice she gave me on my first day. She said to just love them, Bill. That will make everything you do worthwhile
for both you and them. She also said -- HHHAAAAANNNNKKKK

Mr. M: Lunch break is over, people. Everyone back on your heads.***

Me: Thanks, everyone, for the party. See you ---

Everyone is gone.


*** A guy died and went to hell. A devil came to him and said there were three choices as to where he would spend eternity. Looking through the first door he saw people on spits screaming as they were roasted. Looking through a second door he watched as others were shrieking while being slowly vivisected and then reassembled to be cut up again. Looking through a third door he saw a thousand people, or so, standing up to their knees in sewerage drinking coffee.
"This is an option?" he asked.
"Yes," said the devil.
"I'll take this one."
Once he was in the knee-high river of crap, he was given a cup of coffee. Just before he could drink it a devil came in and yelled, "Your bi-millennial, ten-minute coffee break is over! Everybody -- back on your heads!"
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