Children Fiction posted June 11, 2017 Chapters: 4 5 -6- 7... 

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A chapter in the book "Shed Another Tear Fairytales and F

June Bug and Me!

by Ricky1024

Follows with another amazing tale.
"June Bug and Me!"
By Ricky 1024
Written on June 10th, 2017.
"I hate bugs!"
"Spiders, ants, bees, mosquitoes ..
"They all bite me mommy?"
Yes dear.
"I'm sorry, me and daddy do the best but they still appear?"
"Welcome back Fanstory Reviewers to my sixth...
"Shed More Tears Fairytales and Fables.'
"Completely written with a child's point of viewing careful with a lesson at the end. "
"Here's my narrator and friend...
"Enjoy this...
"Thanks Ricky and this is...
"Annie Oakley the...
"Greatest female, sharp- shooter this here West of the Mississippi River!"
"Yes, I was born in 1836 but with the magic of imagination and Ricky...
"Nothing is impossible!"
"Now this I'm is about BUGS!"
Damn, I hate I'm!"
"Got stung back in '44 and send hurts!"
"Yucky bugs but....
"Let's see what Ricky got in store...
"He always gets me in the end!"
"Enjoy this and I will see you in the end for....
"The Lesson of the day!"
"So, that little girl grew up hating anything creepy and crawly!"
"She was bitten once by a big spider and that was age six...
"At age eight she was stung by a hornet outside by the lake!"
"For goodness sake!"
"Since then Katherine has learned to respect and stay far away!"
So, time pSses on and Katherine at last was free!"
"No incidents!"
"Now, she's eighteen and a graduate of Monroe High in Burlington, Vermont."
"During the Winter of 1986...
"Can you come here a moment?"
"I'm trying to make dinner dear."
"The mom comes to investigate and noticed a harmless June Bug or Summer beetle."
"Oh, yuck a bug!"
"And, a big one at that!"
States the mother.
"The June Bug decided to make itself home in Katherine's room right in a Phillips Baseball Cap!"
"Oh crap!"
"Mom, what am I supposed to do with that?"
She questions. "She decides to study it...
"Katherine, do you want me to get 'Old Trusty?'
'Old Trusty' is a can of Raid!"
"Let's hold off for now dear...
"I believe that they are completely harmless...
"And, bugs eat bugs...
"Moml eaves for work at the Post Office and leaves Katherine alone with her new friend....
"So, November turns into December then January and Katherine starts up a relationship with the insect that she now calls 'June.'


"Good morning June!'
How did it go at the Phillies game today?"
Tee, here!"
"I see your making a nice nest with my hair, and...
"Whatevers in there?"
"Nice, may I take a pic?"
"She gets her Polorid Land Camera...
(A Swinger))
"And focus carefully...
"The shot pops out and after a few minutes comes into focus...
"Now look how pretty you are June!"
"Red and black polka dots and a little yellow on your wings!"
"A beautiful and touching specimen you are June Bug!"
""Katherine wonders how the insect survives?"
"It hardly never leaves her nest and doesn't disturb other insects?"
"Bit like nasty spiders!"
She thinks.
"Wonder if she would like this?"
"Katherine try numerous things and finally realized that 'Miss June Bug'loves fish food flakes !"
"She nibbles away and it takes forever to eat just one flake?"
"Spring arrives and Katherine starts to prepare for college in the Fall."
"She purposely waited a year to save for books and extra spending money at the grocery store."
It's now May of 1987 and Katherine awakens early before her mom as usual. "
"She eats breakfast alone...
"Eggs, bacon, grits and toast."
"She washes it down with a big glass of OJ. and goes back in her room to check on June...
"But, to Katherine's dismay...
"June Bug is gone?
"That's odd...
"Well it's Spring and maybe she went exploring...
"She'll be back...


"The days turn into weeks and no June..
"I guess she left for better places?"
Katherine figures.
"Fall comes and goes...
"Katherine is now attending 'The University of Burlington.'
"She's studying Science and Physics and dies a piece on 'Deadly Insects!'
"On Spring Break, Katherine and two friends take a flight to Cancun."
"On the flight back something horrid happens...
"The 707 fails and crashes into the Caribbean just South of Cancun...
"Unfortunately, all passengers and crew drowned...
"The University, her friends home and family are devastated. "
"Mom takes it the worst and has to be institutionalized."
"After her release, all she does is cry all day...
"She stops working at the Post Office and loses twenty pounds. "
"She seeks help with a shrink and meds but they do little good...
"Nothing seems to help?"
"Months pass and it's the Summer of 1988."
"Being alone...
(Her husband Joe died of cancer in '72)
"She says a prayer and prays that the Lord will take her soon...
"But, in her deepest despair with no one there...
"God gives her a small blessing...
"The next morning momawakes and goes into Katherine's room which she never does...
"And, she sees the strangest thing?"
"It's June Bug back in her nest in the Phillips baseball cap!"
"Fat now and friendly?"
"June Bug your mommy is gone but..
"Maybe this is a Gift from God or....
"She like to think the latter...
Bow many, many, years pass and mom returns to the Post Office and retires on a pension...
"June Bug is long gone and today?"
"Mom i's in a nursing home doing well the tender age of 99!"
The End.
"That Ricky did it again!"
Complains Annie.
"Can't stop crying....
"Oh well now reviews and cow kids...
"The Lesson of the Day. "
"Yes Brett West?"
"Well Annie, as I see it no matter how bad it can get....
"With a little Faith and a prayer...
"And time...
"Your wounds will heal...


"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ, Fanstory and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review, this talented artist 'Tonie...
and the picture...
"Banded beetle"
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by tomie at

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