General Fiction posted April 30, 2017

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My beloved 'Spook,

No Choice

by Chrissy710

Dare I share my story? It begins with a little, grey, fluffy, kitten, a stray I adopted much to the delight of my children. We named her Spook. She grew into a beautiful big, fluffy, grey cat with a kind, gentle personality. We all loved her and she in return gave us so much joy.

Every night she would sit at my feet, wait for me to pat my knee, then up she would jump, settle in for her nightly cuddle. Many years passed and age was catching up with her. I noticed her hearing had deteriorated and one day not long ago, I rescued her from my son's car wheel as she lay on the warm concrete driveway. "Stop. Don't drive out Spook is there." Phew that was close. Little did I know.

A few weeks later I needed some groceries, so jumped into my car and began to back out. Immediately I knew. I felt the bump, and heard her meow. With fear and panic I got out to find Spook spiralling around on the driveway, blood pouring from her mouth and eyes rolling back.

I knew instantly there was no hope to save her, so with the greatest love and compassion I could muster I held her close to me, my hands around her neck and I squeezed tightly until her last breath was taken. Then limp and in no pain she lay in my arms.

I cried and cried. I have never felt so much raw emotion and held her and sobbed until my neighbour heard me. My beautiful 17 year old Spook now lies buried under her favourite bush in my garden and I look out at her every day.

My tears flow as I write this. I miss you my wonderful cat Spook.

Beautiful Creatures writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short essay about an animal - maximum 300 words. It can be a beloved pet or a wild animal you admire. The photo you include should be of the animal, or type of animal, you are describing.


This was very difficult to share and I now cry when I think of this terrible day

The photo is of my Spooks resting place in my Garden

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