Romance Fiction posted March 6, 2017 Chapters:  ...25 26 -27- 28... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Ayana and Riley's privacy is invaded at the hospital

A chapter in the book Love is 3 Ayana Neveah

Love is 3 Ayana Neveah 3 27

by Sylcastillo14

I am startled from a deep sleep by someone yelling. My whole body jumps up in fear my heart is pounding hard in my chest. I am scared to open my eyes; I finally do and notice that it is Riley yelling into the phone. He looks at me and immediately looks remorseful.

"I am so sorry that I scared you baby," he says.

"What's wrong, you almost gave me a damn heart attack." I say as he asks me to hold on for one second.

"What the hell do you want Tony," He says in a clipped tone into the phone.

Tony, what the heck does he want. I hope he is calling to apologize to me but I find that very doubtful. Riley hangs up the phone shaking his head. He runs his hands through his hair in an agitated way, he groans in annoyance. This is making me very worried.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yes, Baby, I am sorry that I scared you. I didn't mean to do that. Tony says that I should look up my name online," he says kissing my forehead.

He begins to type into his cell. His eyes grow large as he looking at the screen. I scoot closer to see what he is looking at. I am now in shock too. The image that he is looking at is of us kissing passionately on the hospital bed. This image is posted on TMZ and every other entertainment website. I feel sick to my stomach. I feel horrible about this, not for me for him. This can mess up everything he has worked so hard for.

"What the fu...." Riley begins to say.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry Riley, I've ruined everything for you," I say through tears.

"Babe, no you haven't." he says as he kisses my face. "But I tell you what someone in this hospital is about to lose their damn job," he says in angry tone. "Babe, I am going to make a few calls , Jack has called me about ten times." He says and I nod.

He walks across the room and the hospital phone rings. I look at it and it just out of reach. After a few attempts I finally reach it. I clear my throat before I answer it.


"What the hell Ayana, he has a girlfriend? He is hella playing you. I know you're not stupid! But come on Ayana, wake the hell up!" Lorenzo yells into the phone. My blood is boiling.

"Listen Lorenzo, I don't know who the hell you think you're talking to but I suggest you stop right now. Tu no sabes nada! You know nothing! I am done talking to you. Oh , I'm ok by the way, I didn't almost die last night, Pendejo! Where is Mama?"

"I don't know. She went to the store, I think. I am sorry hermana, I didn't mean it."

"Right now I need to focus on getting better, don't believe everything you read. I gotta go bye."

How dare he talk to me that way. Did he forget that he is my little brother not my father. What hurts most is he didn't even bother to ask if I was ok. I grab the remote to see if could find something to watch. Maybe it will help distract me for a bit. Bad idea!

"Riley Ryan was caught in a cheating scandal in wee hours of the morning with a mystery woman. The woman has yet to be identified but we know she is a patient at St. Luke's hospital in Manhattan. The reason for her hospitalization is unknown. More on this story later." The overly tanned woman on TV says.

What the hell they said what hospital I'm in, now any loon can come and find me. What if I crazed fan comes and tries to come and hurt me? These shows are horrible. I notice Riley walking back to me and I turn off the TV quickly so he doesn't see that I was watching it.

"Babe, what's wrong?" he asks as he walks up to me.

"I am a mystery woman." I say.

"Babe, forget about them." He bends down and kisses my lips. A nurse comes in carrying a tray of food.

"Good morning I am your day nurse," she says and my face lights up. She is the nurse from the emergency room.

"Hi again, sorry I didn't catch your name last night," I say.

"Oh sweet girl, my name is Nique. The orthopedic surgeon will be in after breakfast," she says placing the food tray on rolling tray in front of me. "He reviewed your x-rays already and he says that you can eat normally." She takes the lid of the tray off to reveal pancakes, eggs and bacon. My mouth waters just looking at the food.

"No surgery?"

"Nope, no surgery," she smiles at me.

"Great! May I ask you a question?" I ask.

"Sure sweetheart, anything."

"What is the policy of invasion of privacy at the hospital?" I ask.

"It's looked at very seriously dear. Can I ask why you're asking that?"

"Yeah, let me get my boyfriend Riley. Babe, come here please." I motion for him to come over to us. I notice right away that she recognizes him but she is acting normally. "Can you show Nique the picture?"

"Sure, good morning Nique," he says shaking her hand. He shows her the photo from his phone. "This photo was taken last night by what I assume is staff because it was after visiting hours were over."

"Oh my goodness," Nique says clearly upset. "Let me find out right now. I have a way of finding things out." She is so sassy and I love it. "Eat now sweet thing, you'll need your energy, I'll be back."

I look at the food and down to my hand, how will I cut up my pancakes? I am right handed and my right arm is broken. This going to take some getting used to. I look at my food and look back at Riley.

"You want me to help you cut up your pancakes?"

"Yes, please." I say with smile. He cuts the pancakes up into small squares. I decide that I need to address the very large elephant in the room. "Riley, what's going to happen now?"

"Nothing to me but are you ready to lose your privacy?" he says while feeding me the pancake.

"Yes and no but we're in this together, right?"

"Right!" he beams at me showcasing his beautiful dimples. "Hey wanna see a picture of my new best friend? He says with a laugh. I will never grow tired of his laugh or his cute accent. I am confused at what he is talking about.

He takes out his cellphone and shows me a photo. There is a little boy who can't be older than two or three. He has blond springy curls. He is being held by Riley. He could pass for his own child. He is adorable.

"Awww he is so adorable! Who is he?"

"That's my best pal Jonah, he stole the show at our photo shoot yesterday."

"Is he a model? He is simply gorgeous. I mean just look at those dimples and blue eyes."

"No. Just a random little boy from the park. His mom asked for picture with me. We decided to use Jonah in the photos. He took a shining to me."

"He's got good tastes," I say with a smile and a wink. "How was he with Jessica?" I ask between bites of eggs.

"God, he didn't care for her at all. Johnny asked him to let her hold him for a photo. He said no I Ylee, that's how he said my name. He only just turned three. Johnny said hold Jessica's hand he said no she's yucky." He laughs and it makes my heart happy. "Speaking of Jessica, I really should call her to see how she is handling all of this. Finish eating your breakfast, baby."

"Ok, I say offering him a bite. He takes the bite of the pancake. He winks at me.

"Wow, that's actually really good for hospital food," he says as he walks across the room.

I watch him as he walks away. He does not know what he does to me. He is so sexy without even trying. He has the biggest heart of anyone that I know. He wants to make sure everyone is ok . He wants to make sure that Jessica is handing this well. Well I wonder how he is really handling this? I wonder if he is truly ok? He is an actor after all.

I am dying to tell him that I love him. He has taken such good care of me. I think that if I tell him that I love him he'll think I'm nuts. But he makes my heart complete.

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