General Poetry posted January 15, 2017

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write a bio contest

Good Fortune (a bio)

by Chrissy710

Bio Contest Winner 

Good Fortune
A bio about me
I write down today,
I’m a middle aged woman
What more can I say?
But how did that happen
Yesterday did I see?
In the mirror a young girl
I’d swear she was me.
No wrinkles or crow’s feet
Dark hair with no grey,
But somehow has vanished
She was not there today.
Instead just an old girl
Who must have been she?
So I smiled at her broadly
Yes, she smiled back at me.
But with age too comes wisdom
One gathers through life,
I don’t think I 'd swap it
I’m grandmother, mum, wife.
Though my youth may have passed by
There’s so much I have gained,
I’m content now with my lot
And all I’ve obtained.
My husband’s a winner
A good bloke, kind is he,
Though at times I might nag him
He lets me be me.
My three children are my rocks
I can count on each one,
To me they’re my diamonds
And they love their old Mum.
My interests are varied
I read books, go to gym,
Lifts weights, squat, do push ups
Just to keep my butt trim.
And still have a good job
Been a Nurse now for years,
I’ve delivered a new babe
What a joy through my tears.
Now I teach the students
What a good nurse should be,
Have compassion and caring
Both things are the key.
And always treat fairly
The down and the out,
Be never judgmental
Of what they’re about.
I’m grateful for blessings
Good fortunes received,
A unique individual
From the day I first breathed.
So when all’s said and done
I’ve naught to complain
And yes if you ask me
I’d do it all just the same.



Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type about your life, personality traits, and ambitions.

Contest Winner


Thank you to Liilia for the image 'Lady with hat'
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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