Letters and Diary Poetry posted November 26, 2016

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What happened in the past year.

A Year of Days

by Cass Carlton

In the month when the year was new
I mastered the green canoe.
No need for a saddle
I just took the paddle
Out on the ocean blue.

February made me think
Of ants across the kitchen sink ,
Thirsty birds and drowsy cats,
Sun browned legs and shady hats,
Water tanks low and earth baked dry,
Blazing sun in cobalt sky.

March brought country shows' contest
In jams and cakes whose was the best?
I brought home tickets one, two, three
All were blue and won by me.

April was time for a holiday
Quiet inns and farms I found to stay
Lakes and gardens and antique shops
A car and a camera and please myself stops.

Chrysanthemums in my garden display
Brought glowing Autumn to beautiful May
Each sunny day and frosty night
Filled with Autumn's golden light.

Then came June and Winter's chill
Violets bloomed beneath my sill
The pallid moon her vigil kept
While all the flowers of Spring time slept

Woodfires and knitting soon made us forget
That July and August were windy and wet.
Hurry along to sweet September
My birthday soon I hoped you'd remember.

October began , my garden was thriving
I picked all the fruit, the birds were arriving

November , November I stood there aghast,
For the year had only two months to last.

And then came December, the end of the year.
Christmas and presents and loads of good cheer.
The year ended just as it began
With Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards Man.


Just in case you missed it, this is a poem about the year of seasons in the Southern Hemisphere. My sincere apologies to those who were confused by my apparent "poetic licence". As far as poetry is concerned , we are all still reading from the same page.cheers Cass Carlton.
Thanks to A.V. Murray for the delightful artwork
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by avmurray at FanArtReview.com

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