General Poetry posted October 8, 2016 Chapters:  ...426 427 -428- 429... 

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A CinqTroisDecaLa Poem with Haiku

A chapter in the book Little Poems

Dusk at the Lakes

by Treischel

When you sit by the fire as the dusk settles in, it's so sweet!
As the twilights expire in the sky, it begins to accrete
into feelings, as those who have sat in the dusk can esteem,
that the moment embraces the essence that floats in a dream.
From the fire, to the bench at the beach, then the sky, it all drapes
on a scene where the stage is the night's blended shadowy shapes.
There's the sound of the fire as the wood crackles loud. Smoke escapes
on the breeze, as the warmth of the pine burning slow offers heat.
Let the marshmallows roast on the flames, 'til they brown in the steam.
You'll partake of it all. It's a ball, when you camp at the lakes!

in dusk at the lakes
logs crackle in burning fire
campers crave s'mores

I am refering to a place where I recently camped, near the town of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

Accrete - to gather together
S'mores - short for SomeMores, a campfire treat created by placing a hot roasted marshmallow upon a plain chocolate Hershey Bar between two halves of a graham cracker.

This poem contains two poetic formats: a CinqTroisDecaLa and a Haiku.
A CinqTroisDecaLa takes its name from Cinq - meaning five in French; Trois - meaning three in French; and Decade meaning a grouping of 10. It is a form created by Laura Lamarca (La is her signature trademark), consisting of one 10-lined stanza. The rhyme scheme for this form is aabbcccabc and a syllable count of each line is 15. So CinqTrois is for 3 X 5 = 15 syllable count. Deca is for the 10 line stanza length. The meter is unspecified.

A Haiku has three lines. For a traditional haiku, the first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line has 5 syllables again. The traditional Japanese haiku requires some reference to nature or the season. The goal of a haiku is to capture a single moment with very few words. It is unrhymed, contains no punctuation or capitalization. It has a line that contains a surprising "aha" statement that was unexpected.

A non-traditional haiku can have less than 17 syllables. A common variation is 3/5/3.

For the first poem, I considered the 15 syllable meter and decided that an anapestic meter would work well (da da Dum, da da Dum). I also thought that the combination of these two poetic forms would combine to give the feeling of a Haibun.

This photograph was taken by the author himself on October 1, 2016.
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