General Poetry posted September 23, 2016

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Our lives can change so quickly...

Treasure Your Loved Ones

by Cedar

Naani Contest Winner 

We live day by day,
never knowing our fate
Cherish your time together,
before it becomes too late


Writing Prompt
Write a naani on any subject. A Naani poem has 4 lines. The total number of syllables in the poem are between 20 to 25. While the poem does not have to be about a particular subject it is often about human relations or current statements.


Balancing Act

Life is a tightrope
Sometimes you will fall
But step out in faith
You are only inches off the ground

- written by juliajames

In this example, the Naani poem has 24 syllables. It should have between 20 and 25.

Contest Winner


Please don't wait too long to tell your loved ones how you feel about them. We assume they will always be there, but sadly, life doesn't work that way.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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