General Fiction posted August 28, 2016

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A strange kiss

Bus Stop

by Chrissy710

100 Word Dash Contest Winner 

Waiting to catch the bus. I looked around, our eyes locked momentarily and I knew he felt it too.
Boarding, I tried to ignore this deep unexplained feeling and stared ahead. Stop it I said to myself, but my eyes wandered to his, my heart raced and then he was next to me. Silently reaching over he kissed me, a stirring passion engulfed our desire. The bus stopped and stepping off I saw her smiling face as she greeted him. Without looking back I quickly walked away with the tingle of a strangers kiss still on my lips. I smiled.

Writing Prompt
Topic: A first kiss between strangers.

Let's take flash fiction to the extreme. Can you tell a complete story with just 100 words. If so this is your opportunity to shine.

100 Word Dash
Contest Winner


Thanks to VMarguarite for the image Sealed with a kiss
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by VMarguarite at

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