Romance Fiction posted July 31, 2016 Chapters:  ...103 104 -104- 105... 

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Jim wants to force Miguel to show his hand.

A chapter in the book Texas Dream Catcher

Chapter Treinta y uno (31) Part Uno

by barbara.wilkey

Soni Adler owns the Rockin' A ranch. I35 goes through it. Drug & human traffickers use I35 for transportation to other parts of the US. Jacob Blackwood is an ICE agent. Will these two find love?

"Good." Jim removed his hands from the man and stepped back while he returned his knife to the sheath. He nodded to Glen. "Take the scumbag away." He held out his hand to Soni. "Let's get back to the hospital. Come on, Fi. You need to come too."

As the Yorkie puppy followed, Jim said, "Did you notice how Fi protected you?"

Soni laughed.


Part 1

Jim parked the SUV in the hospital parking lot. "Think Kuruk cured Tatiana while we were gone?"

"I believe he did. She'll be out of the hospital before you know it." Soni held up Fi. "You can't bring this inside and you can't leave her in the Range Rover. It's too hot."

"Watch this." Jim hid the puppy inside his shirt and cautioned, "Shh, don't make a sound."

As Soni and Jim walked into Tatiana's room, Alex stood and hugged Soni. "What took you two so long? I was beginning to worry."

Jim shook his hand before he glanced over at Kuruk. "I'm surprised Kuruk didn't keep you informed."

"A few men followed Grandfather and Jim from the ranch. They tailed us as we left the hospital." Soni hugged Tatiana.

"No, stop," interrupted Jim. "I know Kuruk showed up as a black bear. I need him to tell the story."

Grandfather smiled. "I have no clue what you're talking about. Have you been hitting the bottle? I didn't take you for a drinking man." He kissed Soni's cheek. "Sonsee-array, do you know what he means?"

"One man yelled 'Oso negro' and they all scattered." Soni laughed. "I personally never saw a black bear. They were cartel members. Maybe they were high on something and imagined it."

"Jim, come here." Tatiana lifted her arms. "I need a hug." After Jim returned the hug, she continued, "Don't let them bother you. Kuruk's spirit shows up in many forms. The black bear's his favorite."

"I do have a question." Soni's glance alternated between Alex and her grandfather. "Do either of you know anything about a man named Eduardo Juan Pablo Martinez-Vega Sanchez?" After they both indicated no, her shoulders slumped. "According to one of the men, he ordered the attack on us."

Alex sat. "Many Latino names reveal their family's heritage. If we dissect the name, Juan Pablo Martinez-Vega is the man Gunter won the 125,000 acres from. He's suspected of murdering Gunter."

"Hmm, that's right." Soni shook her head. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you're dead tired. You kept dozing off on the way here." Jim rubbed the inside of his shirt. "Shhh," he whispered.

"What's going on? You got fleas?" asked Alex.

Soni laughed and shut the hospital room door. "He might have gotten a flea or two. Show them."

Jim lifted the Yorkshire puppy from the inside of his shirt. "Somehow she got left at the abandoned salvage yard. I couldn't leave her to die. Meet Semper Fidelis or Fi for short." He paused, set his jaw, and quickly returned to the previous subject. "So all of this could be revenge over land ownership? How many years ago are we talking about?"

"About one hundred eighty years ago." Kuruk's eyes met Soni's. "Granddaughter, the man who keeps hanging around, isn't his last name Sanchez?"

She nodded. "Yes, Miguel Sanchez." She sat on the edge of Tatiana's bed. "Do you think he could be part this?"

"I never did like him." Alex leaned forward from his chair.

"He has a bad spirit," interrupted Kuruk.

"I always felt he came on too fast and wanted something." Soni buried her head in her hands.

Tatiana rubbed Soni's arm. "Honey, you had no way of knowing. You're a pretty, young woman. Many men come courting."

"Many men who want the ranch and the money that comes with it. They don't want anything to do with me. I know he's the one who kidnapped Midnight, but I can't prove it. I always felt he was up to no good."

Jim stared out the window and petted Fi. "I guess we need to get some evidence. I'm sure I've heard it before, but where and who does this Sanchez guy work for?"

"The Cactus Jack Ranch, over by El Paso. Rusty Parker bought it ... maybe two years ago."

"Miguel became the foreman about six months, no, closer to eight months ago. I met him at a rancher's convention. He came over and introduced himself. He seemed to know who I was. I thought that was strange." Soni studied her hands.

Kuruk walked over to Jim. "You've been studying that window for quite a while. What's on your mind?"

"I think we need to force Miguel to show his hand?"

Soni stood. "How are we going to do that? If I walk up and ask him, he's not going to admit anything."

Jim grinned. "No, but he might with some friendly persuasion."

Fi growled.


Thank you Google Images for an image of a black bear inside a dream catcher. I want to thank all of you for sticking with me for so long. I know this novel is taking forever!!! It's not as long as it seems. Also, thank you for taking time to review and all the support you give me. I truly appreciate it. Once again I made changes as I posted. I so hope I didn't make it worse.

I have only one weeks of freedom left before school starts again.

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