General Poetry posted June 8, 2016 Chapters:  ...35 36 -37- 38... 

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Just feeling sorry for myself
A chapter in the book thoughts and feelings in poetry


by s.m.kirby

I really don't like the way that things are
I can't run the vacuum and I can't drive a car.
It hurts to sit down,it hurts to just stand
So pop another pill and go to la- la land.
This is not me it's not living my life
I am a mother,a grandma and my husbands wife.
With so many things that need to be done
By me, not my husband grandchildren, or son.
I need to learn how to deal with this pain
If I don't then I know I will just go insane.

Wrote this back on 6/10/ 15 I still have pain but not as bad.
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