General Poetry posted May 3, 2016

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I See Her

by Jonadab Ezerie

I see her in the morning rays of the sun
Bidding me lovingly to awake
In the wind, so swift and gentle, caressing me with its touch
In the earth, that supports me and bids me grow
In the clouds*, that seal the sky* carrying my fear away
In the moon, with such incredible beauty that leaves me in awe
In the stars, glittering like jewels and inspiring hope in me
In the night, as she rocks me to sleep in her bosom

Ode writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
An Ode is a poem praising and glorifying a person, place or thing.


The cloud protects the sky from luminance distribution, reducing light intensity. In this poem, the clouds act as a shield. In a real-life situation, when we have protection, it takes our fear away. When the clouds seal the sky -it protects us from danger.
The context of the poem is a contemplation of nature and the nurturing presence of a female figure within it. The speaker reflects on the various elements of nature and how they embody the comforting and nurturing qualities of this female figure. The poem is set in a tranquil and peaceful natural environment, where the speaker finds solace and comfort in the presence of this nurturing figure.

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