Romance Poetry posted December 26, 2015

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Searching for my Soulmate

Waiting for you

by Earthwriter

Through the passing of the years
I've been searching for love that is rare.
through the good times and the tears
I have always known you were there

Even during the heartaches and pain
I could still feel your loving presence.
Scars have healed ready to love again.
Our souls connected by your essence.

The love I feel is of a special kind.
You are the one I have been waiting for
True love is rare so hard to find.
Sharing your heart with the one you adore

I pray daily for God to send me a sign.
Sometimes your sweet face is all I see.
The moon and stars will begin to align.
If the love, we share was meant to be.

Ours souls move closer sweet angel of mine
I am happy to know the beauty that is you
I hope one day our hearts will intertwine.
As I fall deeper and deeper in love with you


This is a poem I started years ago and finished today. It is a poem both past and present written to the one i adore I have not met her but a special lady who connects to my poetry i meet for the first time tomorrow although we have conversed a lot and we will take time to see if love can be part of our special connection of souls. I met her this time when i went to finish the poem the words came easily. She inspired to finish one of my cherished works if that is all that comes of it that in itself is enough . I pray for more.
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