Horror and Thriller Fiction posted July 18, 2015 Chapters:  ...8 9 -10- 11... 

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What if you found that elusive pot of gold?

A chapter in the book Dr. Howler's Nightmares

Rainbow Maker

by Brett Matthew West

What if? Contest Winner 
What if there really was gold at the end of the rainbow? Who would know? I would. Cause, you see, I am the Rainbow Maker.

I really do love the sparkling glow the metal makes. I like bright and shiny things all around me. The luster just warms my cold, cold heart. Almost as much as the terrified expressions I get from those who would steal my gold from me. Something many have tried to do several times before. None of them have ever lived to tell about their caper though. No one ever will.

What phenomenon is it that makes a rainbow so attractive? After all, it is nothing more than a refraction of light in water droplets that forms a multicolored arc with red on its outer part and violet on its inner side. Nothing more than an optical illusion.

Other popular colors I place in my rainbow creations are green, yellow, orange, and blue. Some times I even make double rainbows. Once in a while I will get real creative and make full circle rainbows.

My twinned rainbows, that split from a single base, are extremely popular too. Or I might even try my hand at making my most famous stacked rainbows that contain pastel color bands.

And why do I make rainbows? Because of greed. Not mine, but those like you Reader, who would crave my gold for their jewelry, artworks, and coins. Such a waste. And to think that more than 175,000 tonnes of it have been mined throughout their thieving history.

In Old Norse I am known as a jotnar from Jotunheimr that has tormented our human victims in Asgard and Midgard. Although I much prefer to reside in Valhalla where Odin rules. I am known to live in caves, under rocks, and on isolated mountains.

I have lived to a ripe old age of many centuries now. I guess I have been around since the dawn of time. However, I can not tolerate being out in sunlight, and lightning is another thing I must avoid at all costs.

Why do I have all this disdain for those who would steal my pot of gold I always place at the end of one of my rainbows? Because it is mine. Do you hear me, Reader? It is all mine!

I also love rain because then I can spring my trap, and wait. I have all the time in the world. Do you? No, your lusty human nature will force you to come seeking my treasured gold. Well, come on. I have something for you when you do.

Us trolls, and there are many of us in this realm of existence, are also creatures, violent by nature, who delight in capturing and torturing our victims.

Hey you! Yeah, you know I'm talking to you. The one wrapped up in reading my little tale. It is time for you to pay close attention to me in action. I see my newest victim approaching the pot of gold I placed at the end of the rainbow I made this morning.

First, I just quietly observe him running his filthy human hands through my precious, beautiful pot of gold. He starts tossing some of it up in the air, letting it fall back down wherever it lands, and that drives me absolutely insane!

I want to scream out loud as thunder, "Knock it off knucklehead!" but I don't. I remain silent, but not for long. Instead I turn myself into one of my favorite life forms. One that has never let me down before. If there is one thing males of the human species lust after more than my gold it is a scenic wonder they call women.

Deceit is one of my best played roles and this poor sap will quickly find out why I am so good at the game. With my raven black hair cascading down my back it is easy to attract his attention away from the pieces of metal he has found but will never enjoy.

Especially when he slowly turns around and sees my two perfectly sculpted bare breasts starring him right in the face. No doubt about it, Reader. I now own his body. Soon his heart and soul will belong to me as well.

I take him by his hand. It feels like mush in mine and I can see the weakness in his knees as I lead him under my rainbow. Like all other males I have vanquished before with this vice it won't be long before I will dine on his bones as well.

I do not stop his slipping my snow white gown off to the ground and let it fall silently to the soft green meadow we are in. Quickly he is undressed as well, anticipating the special feeling that draws two people together.

What a buffoon! Conquering this coward was easier than taking candy from a baby. Oh, I am going to touch him alright. But, not in the way he was expecting me to. You hear me Reader? That could be you!

In an instant I change back to my troll form and see the terror in his eyes when I do. Should I simply rip his throat out? Or do I let my razor sharp claws tear him to pieces?

Hey Reader, here is my special little treat for you today. How about you decide this time? Just remember when you see one of my stunning rainbows there is always a pot of gold at the end of it. What are you waiting for amigo?

All you have to do is come and get it. Are you brave enough to do so? Somehow I seriously doubt that you are.

Yes, I am the Rainbow Maker. And the pot of gold you crave is mine. All mine! You hear me? It is mine!

So, keep your filthy paws off of it or else!

Writing Prompt
What if there really was gold at the end of the rainbow?

What if?
Contest Winner


This is exactly what could happen to you when you seek that elusive pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Do you dare go looking for it now? Who knows what may be lurking, waiting there for you, if you do.

Thanks exulans for the use of your picture. It goes so nicely with my little story.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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