General Fiction posted May 24, 2015

This work has reached the exceptional level
A Car crash leaves a man hanging onto life.

Maggie's Kiss

by davisr (Rhonda)

100 Word Dash Contest Winner 
"Maggie, Maggie, I love you."

Maggie was dead, and lay tangled in a mass of twisted metal.

Harry had been thrown from the car.

"Sir," the lady EMT said. "I need you to focus. I'm about to put in an IV."

"Maggie," he moaned.

"We're losing him, Sally," Jason announced.


"I'm here," Sally said.

She reached down and gave Harry a kiss on his bruised and swollen lips.

"Maggie." Harry smiled.

"Blood pressure and pulse stabilized," Jason said. "Let's transport."

Sally touched her lips where they had met Harry's. Never did a kiss mean so much.

Writing Prompt
Topic: A first kiss between strangers.

Let's take flash fiction to the extreme. Can you tell a complete story with just 100 words. If so this is your opportunity to shine.

100 Word Dash
Contest Winner


Kisses can be exchanged for many reasons. (97 words)

Special thanks for the incredible artwork, Emergency Response, by Mike K2

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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