General Fiction posted May 10, 2015

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Perception Can Kill

by giraffmang

Callum sat in the diner watching; that was what he was good at. He had his back firmly against the rear wall and from that position he could see the whole diner. His scruffy, scraggly beard was itching, but he felt it necessary for the time being. He didn't want anyone to be able to describe him. He couldn't wait to have a shower either. He'd been living in the alley for two weeks, blending in with the homeless, and 'down and outs'. He reached forward and picked up his steaming cup of coffee with a shivering hand. The heat from the ceramic mug coursed through his fingertips like a tide of joy. He smiled as he took a sip.

"Everything okay?"

Callum hadn't heard the waitress approach. He wondered if the cold was starting to dull his senses.

He nodded his head, and grunted out a whispered, "Uh-huh."

Callum watched as the waitress smiled at him, then pivoted away on a well-turned ankle. High-heeled shoes, smooth legs, tight pencil skirt that really showed off her ass-ets. That was as far as Callum got as she darted through the kitchen doors. Life is full of perks, if you know where to look for them, he thought.

He returned his attentions to the rest of the small diner, scanning the room. That was when he saw the man in the far corner. He must have come in when Callum was distracted by the waitress. Callum recognised him immediately -- Joshua Meek. The dossier Callum had read on Meek was two inches thick. Callum studied him for a few minutes; the well shined shoes, immaculately tailored charcoal-gray suit, and the purple tie with an Oxford knot. No amount of expensive clothes could mistake that this guy was powerful, and dangerous. There was no way he was going to let that bastard take him out.

Callum finished his coffee, surreptitiously glancing at Meek over the rim. Callum made a quick survey of the diner. There was only one real option. Straight out the front door and blend in with the pedestrians going about their business, then into the alleys at the end of the block. If he shed off some of the bulky clothes he was wearing. He'd be undetectable in the homeless community, even if someone was able to give a description. He briefly considered staying in the diner until Meek was leaving and then following but that would be pushing the diner owner's leniency a bit too far. 'Cup of coffee and out,' he'd said.

No, it had to be now. Callum stood up slowly, with a lot of effort. He thought must be coming down with something. Too long in hiding. He got a few steps before he fell, clutching at his heart. He was dead before he hit the floor.

Outside in the alley -

"It's done," she said, as she discarded her now unnecessary waitress uniform and stepped into the waiting car, "No, he never saw it coming."

Assassinate Me A Thriller! writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
In 500 words or less, write a thriller (or/and horror) prose involving an assassin/assassination or hitman/hitwoman. No poetry or script, please. Be creative and have fun! :)

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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