Family Poetry posted May 8, 2015

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bouquet haiku 4-9-3

haiku (each petal pressed)

by michaelcahill



each petal pressed
to make a bouquet of memories
mom's scrapbook


Haiku (Bouquet) writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a haiku on the subject of a Bouquet.

In honor of the upcoming Mother's Day --

-17 syllables OR LESS
-two lines of grammatically interconnected concrete imagery
-a satori line of reflection or observation.
-personification allowed
-artwork ok, but the poem must stand alone
-no animation, videos or music
-short-long-short format
-title must be haiku (first line of poem)
-minimal punctuation and capitalization
-no end rhyming

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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