Mystery and Crime Poetry posted April 6, 2015 Chapters: 1 -2- 3... 

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The Strongman Mining Disaster, West Coast of New Zealand

A chapter in the book Inside My Head

Strongman Mine, NZ

by bill darling

19 January, 1967
19 miners died, and went to heaven
Strongman blew apart
10am in the morning of that day
19 miners caught underground,died that way

Greens No 2 was where they were
Caught in an explosion
All caught unaware
But who was to blame
The inquiry wanted to know
Who to pin it on
They wanted to bestow

Many facts came out, there was an enquiry this time
And how they wanted to crucify one Mr Syme
But it pointed to greed, of whom they wouldn't say
And the enquiry concluded " no explanation ", that day

17 miners bodies came home to rest
2 stayed behind, to rest together in peace
It's closed today, a legacy in history
Forever in the realms of hardship, and mystery

Share A Story In A Poem contest entry

I visited Strongman mine in about 2012 and felt compelled to write about this disaster. An airy feeling came over me as I wrote on site and I felt I was writing down words that were being said to me from the lost miners. This poem was written in 5 minutes
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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