Humor Poetry posted April 6, 2015 Chapters: -1- 2... 

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The life and times of a dog I watched as he came into town

A chapter in the book Inside My Head

The Piddler

by bill darling

I watched him stroll into town, early that night
And by his walk I knew, there was a slight
He piddled on everything, that he could dare
Lamp posts, fences, doors and stairs.

There was something about him, that took my interest
His walk, his widdle, or his sniffing test
But what stood out, was plain to see
That dog sure knew, how to pee.

If I could pass wind, as good as he could pee
I'd have no wind, and I'd be free
But not a sound was muttered, in as so much
Not a sound at all came, from that dogs crutch.

He carried more water than our local fire truck
Could douse a flame, if they got stuck
His aim was accurate, it was known far and wide
And what he did, he did with great pride.

He was the envy of all dogs, of that I have no doubt
How he could stroll, sniff and pee from his spout
And even years later, when he was a bit fickle
He still walked his beat, and peed out his trickle

He left many offspring, to carry on his line
The gene of how to pee, to continue through time
But not one dog could master, what that old dog could do
He died with a secret, that no dog knew

So if you see a dog, try to mark his post
And push out a squirt, at the upper most
He's not from the master, whom I have seen
He's just an impostor, being dirty and unclean.

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