General Poetry posted March 11, 2015

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more than a feeling

Love in Blue

by lancellot

Each day I’m up before the first rays of the sun
And I thank God for the undying love I’ve won
She doesn’t speak when I leave our blessed bed
 But I hear the worries in her
heart that go unsaid
To me the uniform is an honor and the badge, a shield
To her they are reminders that evil will never yield
I am proud that she seldom gives in to the endless
She understands that I do it all to protect what I hold dear
We both treasure the nights when the streets are quiet
And together we dread the danger when people
They blame and hate when a black suspect happens to fall
They never hear the facts; CNN and NBC refuse to tell it all
Should I die in the streets will anyone march for me?
A least I know at my wake a sea of blue she’ll see.
Oh God, watch over my love if my time should come an end
Let her know down from Heaven my deepest Love I’ll send


3 Words In A Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type. These three words must be included in the poem: fear riot heart
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