General Non-Fiction posted March 10, 2015 Chapters: -1- 2... 

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A memorable week

A chapter in the book Carolyn's Corner

Where seagulls fly

by Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

My sisters and I embraced as we stood on the deck of the condo looking out at the gulf.

It had been a memorable week. We had sung and prayed together, cooked and ate until we were stuffed. Laughed until we almost 'peed' our pants, and dreaded the day of parting. But with pedicures and full body massages behind us, trips to a delightful consignment shop, dinner at McGuire's where we were surrounded by a million and a half dollar bills hanging around, several Dolphin sightings, and many other 'unforgettables', the day, the hour had arrived.

Bags were packed into the SUV and off we drove toward the airport in Pensacola. The scenic route was chosen. It was a beautiful sunshiny day. The gulf lay shimmering to the left of us and the bay to the right. What a sight!

We stopped at a pull-over area to view the incredible sea-scape once again. The sun had chosen to be shy most of the week, but not today. The seagulls came screaming as we walked out onto the sugar white sand. I had grabbed a handful of ' peanut butter stuffed pretzels' as I left the car. Upon crushing one, I threw it into the air and the gulls appreciatively rose to give me this incredible shot.

After sacrificing several more of my pretzels we drove on to the airport, with a solid plan to return next year, if the Lord wills.. 'Where seagulls fly.'


Making memories to keep...
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