Self Improvement Non-Fiction posted February 8, 2015

This work has reached the exceptional level
Word Count 96

Fear Is Not A Fault

by michaelcahill

Fear is not cowardice, inaction is. Never allow bullying in your presence. This begins in childhood and applies to ALL situations.

A boss in a restaurant goes overboard, publicly chastising a server: You stand up and call him on it publicly in the same fashion. Follow up with the owner of the restaurant to insure no repercussions fall upon the server.

Parents, teach your children. No one has the right to humiliate anyone publicly. No one has the right to physically assault anyone. Step in and demand that others assist you.

Your success will amaze you.


Best Advice You've Heard writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Tell some of the most helpful advice or words of wisdom you have heard.
May be serious or funny, or a mixture of both.
100 words or fewer.
No art work.
Word count in description line.
No more than one line of author notes.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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