General Fiction posted December 19, 2014 Chapters:  ...19 20 -21- 22... 

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Viper Collapses

A chapter in the book Wilderness Encounter


by Catherin Elizabet Belle

Over the next few weeks the training becomes extremely intense; sometimes eighteen to twenty four hours a day always with a full pack; but now they carry a full arsenal of weapons. Always with the same result, Pebbles growing more adept at combat tactics and stealth. Bo-peep finds it harder to track her through the forest and more difficult to sneak up on her. She has an uncanny sense of movement, even the shift in the breeze, a small rodent scampering across the forest floor or the brush of a twig; nothing goes unnoticed; it’s as though she has the nose of a bloodhound.

 Just before the sun sneaks over the ridge Bo-peep lies awake listening to the early morning sounds of the forest. Hum, let’s see what shall I propose to advance Pebbles education? As she ponders the scenario for the day she hears Pebbles moving into the kitchen area. Shortly the smell of brewing coffee wafts through the cabin stealing her thoughts as her body demands the brown elixir whose aroma so temptingly commands her immediate attention.

“Good morning, Peeps; I thought that would arouse you from the reverie keeping you in the bed.”

‘You knew I wasn’t a sleep?”

Smiling at her companion who had earned her trust. “Of course, your rhythm was not synced with your normal sleep pattern.”

Her face placid but inside she is extremely pleased at Pebbles words of observation. “Just considering how to proceed with training. You have become adept at tracking, concealment, and locating the target; as well as hand to hand combat with both pistol and knife.” Watching to see what reaction her words elicited, pleased at seeing none, not even a flicker of an eyelash, she continues. “It’s time to work as a team. For this first outing I will take command.” Taking a cup of coffee from Pebbles she continues. “On this foray we’ll scout Viper’s area. Our mission will be to get in and get out without his knowing it.”

Pebbles face is expressionless. “Peeps, his place for several miles out is protected with sensors that are connected to his computer and alerts him instantly. Do you know something I don’t?”

For the first time since the conversation began Bo-peep laughs. “Hell no! In fact this is the stupidest proposal I’ve ever made. We will be going into dangerous territory with the deadliest ‘good guy’ killer I know.”  Looking at the slight sparkle in Pebbles eyes. “We’re absolutely guaranteed getting caught; unless he is still on assignment. Which is not likely as long as it’s been since we picked up the equipment there.”

“Yeah, but what if we were ro succeed, wouldn’t that be great?”

“Pebbles, I like your attitude, but when we leave on a mission we have to prepare for every contingency; including capture. The one thing we can be assured is Viper ‘probably’ won’t kill us, but he might make us wish he had just to teach us a lesson.”

“Then we better not get caught, had we!”

Shaking her head, but secretly agreeing that it would be a real coup. “We’ll spend the day preparing for this mission and leave tonight.” Her face taking on a stern look her voice becoming harsh. “Pebbles you agree that my orders are to be followed without question?”

With no malice or patronization her tone firm without inflection she simply replies. “Yes Sir.”

The rest of the day they spend cleaning weapons, loading packs and canteens. “Peeps, I might remember where some of the sensors are.”

“That would be good, but we don’t know when he left on the last mission or if he has returned. Knowing Viper he has probably relocated them for security reasons.” Thinking for a moment about the possibility. “We better go in blind on heavy alert. This is not the kind of mission any of us like we usually have more Intel. The only reason I proposed this, it’s Viper place. And while he is dangerous he will check the disturbance before he acts.”

It is almost sundown. “Peeps, I’ll check on the horses before we leave. They will need plenty of feed and water while we are gone. How long do you think it will be?”

“A good five days that’s if we move fast until we reach his area.”

She fills the cistern that feeds the water trough in the barn, laid out plenty of hay and filled the self-feeding grain bin. With all the things she added she knew the animals would be okay.  As she tends the horses, she has the eeriest feeling that this proposal of Peeps is very important to her goal. “I will do exactly as I am told. I be damn if I won’t.

The sun slips behind the western horizon as the two combat ready women start their mission. Upon Peeps signal they move out but unlike other treks to Viper’s cabin this time Bo-peep intents to head south skirting the outer edge of Pebbles property.  After a few miles checking the compass she alters their course just slightly northwest and moves on breaking west into unknown territory. Off in the distance the hoot of an owl rings out as he swoops through the trees searching for his dinner. The plan is to come in from the west which would lead Him to believe it is not the women. Not a word is spoken, Pebbles is now knowledgeable of all hand signals used in the field and follows directions perfectly. Moving quietly through the forest always alert to the sounds and movement around them. Several hours into the trek Peeps halts motioning for Pebbles to squat then directing her gaze to about 20 yards to the left. There a doe and her fawn are curled under a small scrub oak hidden except to the trained eye. Their eyes lock in admiration of the animals and on a nod from Peeps they move out without disturbing the duo.

The moon high in the sky illuminates the forest with a dim glow, only a trained hunter would see the humans in the shadows. A rustle in the fallen pine needles halts their movement; frozen in time they watch as a field mouse races across their path scurrying into the dense undergrowth. With a nod from Peeps the two move stealthy through the night. Toward the witching hour the howl of the coyote calling his mate echoes across the cool night air answered by another off in the distance. The sounds of the forest are both please and assure no predators are within the area.  Pebbles is aware of her surroundings ever alert she strives to remember all she has been taught. I will not fail. I will not.

As the ebony sky turns to gray dawn Peep checks the compass and the time. She is pleased that for Pebbles first time out she has held her on in all ways….speed, stealth, and silence.  We still have a ways to go and getting past Viper in to his compound is a real challenge. Peeps stops under an aspen motions for Pebbles to join her; touches her watch holding up five fingers to indicate a five minute rest. Yet neither removes their pack or does more than squat leaning against a tree ever alert to the sounds around them. Not far from them the song of the meadow lark herald’s morning as the forest comes alive with the critters of the day.  As the allotted time draws near Pebbles is on her feet ready to move out. They have been moving steady through the night with only the brief rest. Peep’s eyes glow with pleasure but she is careful to keep her face turned as she signals to move out. Let her find out for herself what she has learned ‘cause there will come a time very soon when she’ll be tested.

Remembering the last time she was on a mission and Viper shot the cat that was perched in a tree over her head ready to pounce, Bo-peep keeps her eyes all around her including in the trees. As she is about to remind Pebbles to look up also, she sees her scanning the trees in the area. Guess she remembers the cat, too.

They’ve been on the trail for thirty-six hours nearing what she presumes is the edge of Vipers property. He never really disclosed how much he has or in what direction it lay so there’s no way of knowing for sure until they reach the outskirts of the cabin. Waiting for Pebbles to move up the trail beside her, she removes her pack and sits back in a small clump of trees. Maintaining about ten to fifteen yards separation she’s surprised when she does not hear Pebbles approach.  As Pebbles appears in the grove she notes the pack laying on the ground removing hers she moves near enough for conversation if Peeps initiates it. As she sits down Peeps leans in very close and in a whisper. “We’re still some ways from the cabin, but, we could be discovered any minute. We’ll rest hear for thirty minutes, have some jerky.”

Without saying a word Pebbles nods her understanding removing jerky from her pocket she chews away; then takes a sip from her canteen. She waits pondering what she will do if Viper is there and decides to treat them in a harsh manner. I’m not going to let him get away with it. That’s the whole purpose in the training to protect myself against all who would cause me to be uncomfortable….and that would do it. Even though she is ponders what she will do she later is ever alert to her surroundings; noticing the shift in the wind and hint of smoke floating through the air. Reaching for her pack she stands as Peeps does both moving deeper into the trees. They are down wind so unless they have crossed one of his sensors they have not been detected.  No sound heard moving in the direction of Viper’s cabin if she has calculated correctly they are only a couple of hours out; and coming in after night fall was the intent. As they near the compound, they begin to leap frog their way toward the object of the mission each guarding the others back.  Their movements well performed for the pro and the amateur quickly moves into pro status.

Approaching the cabin some twenty yards apart, Pebbles sees the vehicle parked near the barn as Peeps does the one behind the house alerting them to danger. Knowing if it is Viper with the crew they are in big trouble. He will most certainly want to teach them a lesson. Damn! How will Pebbles react? Well, we’re about to find out.

Signaling Pebbles to hunker down, Peep moves toward the back of the house in her approach.  She motions for Pebbles to move in behind the barn, both realizing that it is only a matter of time ‘til someone inside challenges them. Just as Bo-peep reaches the back of the house she feels the cold end of a gun barrel at her neck. She freezes for a moment then drops and rolls coming up on her feet moving aggressively toward the attacker and the battle is own.  It takes only a few minutes for King Pin to settle their scuffle with him still standing.  “I see being on holiday has not dimmed your talents.”

“You bastard, what holiday?”

Pebbles cautiously moves around the edge of the barn toward the front of the house.  She sees Viper headed in her direction at the same time the area is brilliantly lit with flood lights. Ducking back behind the edge of the building still in the shadows she waits, and as he approaches she aggressively attacks.

Hearing the ruckus Viper’s team moves to the front edge of the barn and stands watching the melee going on in front of them---King Pin, Bo-peep Hound Dog, and Bam-Bam.  The four warriors watch in awe as Pebbles holds her own with Viper; taking bets on who will be standing in the end. 

Bo-peep aglow with pride of her pupil’s achievement sees Viper collapses with sweat pouring off his body as shivers ripple through him. In a flash Pebbles sits on the ground beside him trying to keep him still. The four are at his side in two quick strides across the yard.  King Pin immediately recognizes the effects of malaria, keying his encrypted phone. “King Pin here, Viper’s down. Send a chopper to his cabin NOW! Hound Dog, Bam-Bam, gather blankets from the cabin and let’s get him as comfortable as we can until the chopper gets here.

Bo-peep says. “Let’s move him inside.”

King Pin calmly replies. “Hell no! That chopper better damn well be on its way or heads are gonna roll.”

Still sitting beside him as Hound Dog squats besides her wrapping him in blankets she asks?  “What’s wrong with him, Hound Dog?”

He looks at her taking her hand in his. “Pebbles, it’s a severe malaria attack. He’ll be okay as soon as we get him to a hospital. He’s had them before.”

She just finishes saying. “I felt the heat the first time I hit him but didn’t think anything of it. I just wanted to best him.”

King pin approaches. Hearing her last words he starts to laugh. “Little lady, the malaria has sidelined him, but something tells you he would have found you quite a challenge.”

Hearing a click in his ear King Pin punches the phone. “King Pin here.” Listening briefly. “Copy.” Turning to the crew. “Copter’s two hours out, pilot will be asking for a flare. Get one.” 

Viper’s ramblings incoherent as the five sit around him quietly chatting waiting for the sound of the chopper moving over the mountain. Soon King Pin pushes the on button on his phone. “King Pin.”

The voice simply says. “Now!”

King Pin nods to Bam-Bam who immediately releases the flare.

Again the voice in King Pin’s ear says. “Green Smoke.”


In just a few minutes the copter sets down with a medic and two corpsman exiting the open door a basket between them.  “We’ll transport to Kirtland, ETA two hours.”

“Roger that.” His team plus Pebbles watch as the copter lifts off and zooms south. “Okay, let’s take this in the cabin. As they all gather around the kitchen table Bam-Bam puts coffee on to perk when King Pin demands. “Bo-peep, what the hell were you two doing?”

She looks at Pebbles both burst out in a roaring laughter that has them doubled over holding their sides.

Standing his feet apart hands on his hips with that serious Commander Tone of voice King Pin barks, “I’m waiting.”

Trying to get her chuckling under control Bo-peep looks at Pebbles trying to keep a straight face. “Pebbles, we’ve been caught, guess we’ll have to confess. Whatcha you think?"

Still in the throes of snickering. “Is it the only way we can get out of here.”

And before Bo-peep can reply King Pin answers. “Damn straight. Now, I suggest you get on with this tale.”

Smiling Pebbles. “Peeps, can I plead innocent?”

”Not on your life! You’re why we are in this mess. Now come clean.”

Turning to face King Pin as the two others snicker behind their coffee cups. ‘You want the long or the short explanation?’

Barely able to contain his serious demeanor. “By all means let’s have the short version. I doubt I could last through a lengthy dissertation.”

Pebbles picks up the cup Bam-Bam set in front of her, “When I told Viper I was not ready to return to my cabin, as you know, he asked permission for Bo-peep to remain in the cave with me. In our early conversation she mentioned she was on restriction for a bar brawl and the guys were in the hospital as a result of it. Taking a sip of coffee.  “After thinking about all the times I had to run for my life I decided I wanted to be as good as Bo-Peep at defending myself. So, I asked her to help me without letting Viper know.”

 Stopping she glances at her partner. “You tell it from here Peeps.”

“When we left ya’all supposedly to prepare dinner we went to her cabin. Decided that since she had refused to go there when Viper assured her she was safe that he would never look there for her. I asked Viper to get us some equipment, which he did. Later with Pebbles ready for more advance training I couldn’t reach Viper. You’ll were on a mission so I call jammer and had him make an equipment drop at Viper’s. Which we retrieved by trekking over the mountain then returning to her cabin.”  Looking around the room at the three men she went on. “You saw the results of that today. I think Pebbles has done remarkable well in these few months. She has taken me down, sneaked up on me without my hearing, and her marksmanship far exceeds anyone here except perhaps Viper.”

King Pin ponders what he has heard.  “Pebbles what was your purpose?"

Thinking about what to say. “Sir, when I started out I just wanted not be afraid ever again. I’m tired of running and tired of living in fear.” Looking at Bo-peep she continues. “But it changed. I haven’t even told Bo-peep. I want to be a part of the team. I want to do what you do.”

Sitting quietly thinking about what Pebbles told him he ponders what her statement.  “HUM! An interesting turn of events.”  Rising. “Good night, ladies.” He turns and walks into one of the bedrooms and shuts the door.

Looking at Bo-Peep Hound Dog very sarcastically says. “Well, that went well.”

 At that point in time they all leave the room with only Bo-peep and Pebbles remaining. “Peeps, he didn’t have much to say. I guess it’s too much to hope for.”

Not responding to the statement.  “Pebbles, looks like we’re left to our own devises. You want the rug in front of the fire or the sofa?’

Realizing she isn’t going to say more. “I’ll take the rug in front of the fireplace.” With that both settle down for the night. Pebbles is restless, aware of ever sound in the house and outs. Her mind wondering what King Pin will say later if anything. After all her request was a surprise to everyone. In the early hours she gives up trying to sleep, rises and moves into the kitchen where she puts coffee on to brew. Then sitting at the table she waits for the others to rise. When she hears the first movement she starts preparing breakfast. King Pin is the first to enter the kitchen. Without a word, Pebbles sits a cup of hot coffee in front of him.

Observing the placid face as she continues the food preparation he sees how much she has learned and how far she has come from the woman whom he first met. Reviewing her assault of Viper before he collapsed he could find not one move on which to fault her. Picking up his cup he walks out the front door keying his encrypted phone. “King Pin, Put me through to the commander.”

Soon he hears a familiar voice. “King Pin, What is it?”

Smiling with the boss’s curt and to the point answer. “Couple a questions? How is Viper?

“He’s holding his own, be in the hospital at least two or three weeks.”

King Pin can see him in his mind moving his cigar from one corner of his mouth to the other surrounded by a plume of smoke as he continues. “What else is on your mind?”

“Would you be interested in adding a neophyte to the unit? One Bo-peep might be willing to vouch for?” King Pin holds the phone away from his ear expecting to be lambasted good. Oddly enough that does not happen.

“She’s been on a babysitting assignment. Are you referring to Pebbles?”

“Yes Sir!”

“Hum!” There is a slight pause before he continues. “That would explain the equipment she requested while we were down south. Can she cut it?”

“Bo-peeps says she can hold her own; and I saw her in action against Viper before he collapsed. She was good.”

“Can she kill?”

His voice becoming more serious. “Thats, to be determined.” Listening to silence on the phone he waits.

“Talk to Bo-peep privately, if she is agreeable provide Pebbles with an encrypted phone and the contact numbers. Nothing more at this time. Got it.”

“Yes Sir, Loud and clear. King Pin out.” Returning to the kitchen he finds everyone chowing down. He sits in the only empty chair between Bam and Bo-peeps. As he downs the food in front of him he listens to the camaraderie going on around him.  She seems to fit in with the group.  But the question is still unanswered can she kill without remorse? As Pebbles turns her back to the table placing dishes in the sink he whispers to Bo-peep. “Need to talk with you.” She nods her understanding.

Hound Dog gets up from the table a smile spreading across his face. “Pebbles you cooked breakfast, Bam and I will clean up this mess.”

“Whoa, there buddy. How come you’re volunteering me? I’ve done all the KP I ever intend to do.” But as he spouts off with all the bull shit he clears the table.

Laughing Pebbles wipes her hands handing the towel to Hound Dog. “Sounds like a fair deal. Thanks!” She turns to King Pin, “Have you heard anything about Viper?”

“Yes, he’s holding his own but will be in the hospital for two to three weeks.” Laughing he takes a sip of coffee. “The only way he will stay is if we make it an order.”

“Will it be an order?”

“You bet, already been given. I’ll keep you all appraised of his condition and when he will be released.”

“Peeps, if you have no objections I would like to get back to Diablo and Paddy. We’ve been gone longer than planned.”

“Start getting things together we’ll leave in an hour.” As Pebbles heads to the other room to start gathering their equipment King Pin and Bo-peep step outside. It isn’t long before Peep joins Pebbles continuing to ready their packs saying nothing about the conversation with King Pin. Within the hour their good-byes have been said and they are on the trail back to the cabin.

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