General Fiction posted December 14, 2014 Chapters:  ...16 17 -18- 19... 

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A chapter in the book Wilderness Encounter


by Catherin Elizabet Belle

As the sun peaks over the crest erasing the shadows from the terrain the two women are traipsing up the mountain toward the cave with empty packs. Setting a stiff pace about half way there Bo-peep veers off the trail continuing with caution. Pebbles understands the tactic not hesitating to follow suit.  As time slips toward mid-day they approach the cave from above. Pausing in the shadow of the pines they check out the area to insure they are alone.  Bo-peep nods to Pebbles as they approach the cave from the north side. Entering the clearing in front of the cave Diablo and Paddy whinny a welcome. However, before going to the lean-to she waits outside the cave while Bo-peep checks the inside.  Returning she says, “It looks like the men left everything here. Check out your horses; I’ll load our packs and we’ll start back down the mountain.” Watching as Pebbles runs to the lean-to she smiles. They make good companions for her especially when she has been so afraid for so long. Moving into the cave looking around, she finds the weaponry she had asked Viper to provide still in the packs.  Hum! It’s going to be a load to haul this stuff down the mountain and all the food we are going to need.  Giving it some thought, she packs weapons in both packs as well as the necessary food, mostly MRI’s.  Dragging the packs out the entrance she sees Pebbles riding Diablo and leading Paddy.

Watching the three together she decides to ask. “Pebbles, would you like to take the animals with us? Now don’t get excited, we aren’t going to ride, but we can trail them with us if you would feel better.”

Joy written all over her face. “Oh Peep that would be wonderful. There is plenty of feed in the barn and more fresh grass at the lower level.”

“Okay, saddle them and we’ll be on our way.” Waiting for Pebbles to take care of the horses, she looks around the area for any sign that Viper is lurking around knowing full well he would want her to know he was keeping his promise, but sees no sign. “The packs are extra heavy and with the horses we’ll stay on the trail unless….she didn’t finish the sentence. She wanted Pebbles to sense her meaning; and she was not disappointed when she nods in acknowledgement. Always on the alert Bo-peep heads out leading Paddy with Pebbles and Diablo right behind. Pausing occasionally they are pleased to hear nothing but the normal sounds of the deep woods with a roadrunner skittering through the brush and the whistle of the wind through the pines. Toward late afternoon they arrive back at the cabin; Pebbles puts the horses in the barn after a good brush down with fresh hay and oats to eat. Picking up her pack where she dropped it, she enters the cabin where Peep has unpacked laying the weapons on the table. Watching Pebbles approach. “Be careful how you unpack, you have the same weapons you see here in your pack. So, listen as I explain how to remove them since you are not familiar with them.”  As Pebbles halts with the pack in midair. “What weapons have you handled?”

Solemnly she replies. “Only the shotgun over in the corner of the room.”

Lifting each weapon individually Peep begins to detail the arms in front of her: a marine K-Bar designed for hand to hand or close combat; eighteen inch machete for going through heavy foliage mostly jungles; a commando axe for survival; assorted throwing blades; and night vision goggles. Also, she laid out a P320 pistol and an FN H CQC Assault Rifle. “You will become proficient with all of these weapons in the coming months. Keep in mind this is deadly and there is no turning back. I can’t emphasis this enough. Pebbles, a little bit of knowledge will get you killed. “

With an eerie expression creeping into her eyes. “Will I become cold unfeeling like you and Viper?”

Her voice taking on a somber quality to impress the seriousness of what she is undertaking. “You will find it comes automatic when needed. If it doesn’t you will die right where you stand. Emotion can’t ever be a part of this serious business.”

Standing straighter, squaring her shoulders in an even tone with no inflection. “I’m ready!” She puts her pack on the table next to the weaponry already lying there and proceeds to carefully remove the arms. Bo-peep watches as she picks each one up with respect and caution.

“First order of business; tomorrow we will continue with sparing until you can take me down. If and when you succeed we will start training with the weapons.” Picking up a couple of MRE’s. “Let’s eat, tomorrows another day.”

Each day starts with Calisthenics’, followed by a five mile run over rough terrain, then a ten mile hike with sixty pound packs. Closing out the day sparing continues, but with a few changes as Pebbles is becoming more adept. When the days training is done, she cares for her horses.

One day toward the end of six weeks. “Bo-Peep, let’s take the horses out for a ride; they need the exercise. Diablo is restless and Paddy could use a work out.” Pausing. “I promise to work harder to make up for the time.”

Considering what Pebbles is asking she agrees to the break in training. “Okay! That’s sounds good. We’ve covered most of the trails, what do you suggest?”

“There’s a seldom traveled road a few miles south east of here that runs down the mountain toward Cimarron. There’s a half mile stretch a ways down that will give the horses a chance to run. I doubt we’ll see anyone. Not too many people in these parts as you may have noticed.”

“What about hunters?”

“Too early, they’ll start coming in around mid-November.” Looking out into the forest seeming lost in thought.  “How about it? Other than Viper, you and the crew I haven’t seen anyone in this part of the forest. Even old Mr. Cargill doesn’t come up anymore.”

Bo-peep looks at her with a question in her eyes. “Who’s he?”

Laughing. “He’s an old friend of my Uncle and the one who showed me where the cabin was located. That was some four years back.”

“Okay, Pebbles, let’s get a good night’s rest and start out at dawn.”

Before the rays of the sun rises above the skyline of pines high above the cabin, Pebbles saddles the horses. Mounting Diablo she hands the reins of Paddy to Bo-peep who looks like she is not sure about this riding bit. She can’t help her reaction, the look on B0-Peep face is priceless and she burst out laughing. “Peep, have you ever ridden a horse?” 

With looks that would kill Bo-peep responds, “A horse, HELL no; a motorcycle yes, but no damn horse.”

Choking back the laughter she mutters. “Okay, mount on the left side. Paddy’s gentle. You’ll do fine; just let her have her head and she’ll follow Diablo.”  Seeing that Peep manages to get in the saddle, she moves Diablo down the trail.

“Hey, Pebbles, what do I hold on to?”

Snickering she halts alongside the trail. “Loop the reins over the saddle horn, then grasp on to it; grip the horse with your knees and roll with the gait.”

Sitting in the saddle her eyes piercing the early dawn with daggers of fire. “How the hell did I let you talk me in to this?”

Giggling so much she can barely speak. “Well now ‘Miss don’t mess with my ass’ are you telling me you are afraid of this marvelous example of a gentle equine?” And with that she nudges Diablo moving on down the trail at a leisurely pace.  And much to Bo-peep’s surprise Paddy follows right behind him with her hanging on to the saddle horn. Remembering to grip the sides with her knees she soon finds the ride comfortable in a rocking chair like movement.

As they move through the forest steadily traveling in a downward direction, Bo-peep is aware of the cool mountain breeze whispering through the trees. High overhead toward the east  a magnificent Bald Eagle  soars against the baby blue sky dotted with a few billowy clouds drifting across the dome.  It’s no wonder Pebbles loves this mountain hideaway. It’s so beautiful and peaceful. Soon she feels the strain of griping the horse with her knees and her butt aches. She eases off with her knees only to find she bounces around coming close to being dumped. Quickly she grips the animal with her knees and finds the stability she almost lost.

After about an hour’s ride Pebbles pulls to the side of the trail near a small cluster of scrub oak and dismounts. “Step down Peep.” Taking Paddy’s reins Pebbles tells her. “Walk around a bit or you will be stiff and very sore.”

“Hey, girl! I’m in good condition.” She can’t help but rub her backend finding that straightening her back is a little painful.

Smiling as she gives Diablo and Paddy a sugar cube. “Suit yourself! But you’ll be real sorry come tomorrow that you didn’t listen.”  Leaning against the trunk of an aspen just a few feet off the trail she watches as a roadrunner darts after a small rodent. Keeping an eye out for rattlers even though it is a little cool for them to be out of the den; one just never knows.  Resting her eyes as she leans against the tree she is aware that Peep’s is moving around. Good! She’s still going to realize she has muscles she forgot about.

“Peep there’s a small stream a little further down we’ll stop and give the horses a cool drink. It’s back in the woods a bit, but nice.” Mounting they continue their ride when shortly Pebbles picks up the pace to a trot moving down a well-trodden path. Hum! Peep is beginning to get the hang of this riding. It’s better on Paddy when she is comfortable in the saddle. After a short ride slowing the pace she moves into the dense pine weaving through the trees until they emerge into a small clearing with a clear stream and a small pool of water glistening in the sun’s rays piercing the statuesque firs.

As Paddy moves up beside Diablo, Peep gasps at the beauty of the scene before her. “It’s so beautiful. Do you come here often?”

Before answering she dismounts reaching for Paddy’s reins she leads both mounts to the small pond where they drink their fill of cool water.  As she stands between the two horses she responds. “Not so much lately. I use to come about once a week until I fell down the mountain and Viper rescued me.”

Standing in the silence of the clearing listening to the ripple of the water coming into the pond and gently exiting the other side, Pebbles finds a serenity she thought she had lost and feels a peace creep through her body and mind. With a sigh she turns to Peep. “Ready?”

Nodding she asks. “How far to the stretch you talked about where the horses can run?”
Taking the reins of Paddy she mounts.

Stepping up into Diablo’s saddle she can’t help but grin as she responds. “About five miles; and the term is gallop not run.” Without waiting for a retort she moves back through the trees to the trail with Peep following. She doesn’t encourage conversation and Peep seems to respect the quiet. Long about the time the sun is directly overhead Pebbles pulls up without a word dismounts putting her finger to her lips to signal silence and squats in the shade of a pinon.  As she waits soon not far off the trail barely visible through the trees a deer and fawn pause to listen then move off in the direction the women just left. Mounting Pebbles says. “They are going to the pond for water; I have seen deer there before.”

“How did you know they were there?

Turning to face Peep. “Not hard, they are up wind from us so they were not alerted to our presence; and I heard them moving through the brush. Besides the deer follow the same trail to the pond year in year out; or at least they have since I moved here.”

Looking at Pebbles with a new respect. “You know more about moving through the forest undetected than you led me to believe. Why?”

Halting Diablo and turning back to face Bo-peep.  “I had lost confidence in myself after I fell down the mountain and Viper nursed me back to health. I should not have made that stupid mistake cascading me down the mountain. It was really carelessly stupid. And you were part of his team….a perfect killing team.”  Shaking her head. “I am an amateur.”

With eyes flashing with glee. “Amateur? Maybe at some things but as you have discovered, so am I. How about we learn from each other?” Looking past Pebbles at the trail ahead. “You teach me about horses and riding; and I’ll continue your combat training. Deal?”

“Deal! Let’s go.” Moving on down the trail they soon reach the area giving almost a straight half mile. Halting at the north end of the stretch, she waits for Paddy to come up beside her. “Peep, take the reins in your left hand but keep them loose, grip the horse with your knees and hold on to the saddle horn with the right hand. When I kick Diablo into a gallop Paddy will follow. Let her. If you follow instructions you may stay in the saddle otherwise you will take a spill. Got it?” Looking down the trail, “When we reach the bend we’ll turn and return at full gallop. Stay on the horse! You won’t like it if you hit the ground and I don’t make a good nurse.”

Grinning Peep replies. “Got it.”

The words barely out of her mouth Pebbles touches her knees to Diablo who instantly leaps into a gallop with Paddy right on his tail. Leaning forward whispering in his ear he races like the wind making a quick turn at the bend returning to the north end of the straight stretch. When she pulls Diablo to a halt, she is pleased to see that Paddy with Peep, a little discombobulated, but still in the saddle is not far behind.  “Well, you stayed in the saddle. How do you feel?”

“Like a damn clumsy fool flopping around like a fish lying on the river bank.”

Moving off into a small cluster of pines far enough not to be readily seen Pebbles dismounts taking a small brush from her saddle bags and begins brushing Diablo.

Peep steps out of the saddle still holding the reins but discovers her legs are wobbly and hurt like hell from her crotch to her knees; through clinched teeth. “You got another one of those. If so I can help.”

Seeing that Peep’s is not moving she looks away with a gleam of pleasure at finding something she is not so expert at and knowing that she is in real pain. “Unpack our lunch from the saddle bags while I see to the horses. There’ll be time later for your help.”

Relieved but not too sure she can walk, she reaches up to remove the saddle bags from Paddy and finds she is not sure how to do so. Finally she finds the right way and struggles to set out the food in the nearby shade.

Pebbles finishes with the two equine then sets down beside Peep. Looking out into space but seeing nothing she comments. “There is such a feeling of being free riding like the wind---one with the horse. I can’t explain it; you have to experience the thrill.”

Every time she moves a groan escapes her mouth. Without turning Peep responds. “Yeah, like me beating the hell out of those guys at the bar!”

Laughing Pebbles starts putting things back in the saddle bags. “Well, looks like we are both going to learn; me how to be a combat ready killer and you to be an expert horseman.” Looking her trainer who is fast becoming a friend, directly in the eye she. “Let’s ride. We have about five miles or more to cover before dark.”

Moaning with every move. “You expect me to get back on that ‘rocking chair’?”

Ducking her head and turning her face Pebbles hides a smug grin. “Unless you want to walk all the way back to the cabin in the dark without weapons.”

“Ugh, how far?”

Keeping her back turned trying to stifle a laugh.  ”Oh, I’d say about two miles as the crow flies, but along the trail about five.”

“Pebbles, you are evil. You’re laughing at me. What’s so damn funny?”

She can contain herself no longer laughter roaring through the trees. “Peep, you beat the shit out of men twice your size, stalk and kill members of the cartels and then a ‘little bitty mustang has you groaning and carrying on like a wimp.” Her face buried in Diablo’s mane. “I just find the whole scene funny.”

“Okay, I’ll get on the damn nag.” Putting her foot in the stirrup with effort she throws her leg across and plops down in the saddle just as Pebbles nudges Diablo.  With a sudden jolt Peep finds herself in the rocking motion that has taunted her for hours as Paddy follows Diablo up the trail.

With shadows lengthening under the trees they arrive at the cabin just as the sun sinks below the western horizon turning the sky to dark gray as the moon creeps over the eastern hills. With the setting of the golden orb a chill encompasses the eastern portion of the Sangre de Christo Mountains and the nocturnal predators start their nightly hunt. The whoooo of the owl followed by the flap of his wings as he takes flight is silenced by the echo of the coyote’s lonesome howl somewhere high on the ridge behind the cabin. By the time they reach the corral the ebony dome is alive with millions of glistening diamonds. Dismounting Pebbles opens the doors to the barn as Peep manages to literally stumble almost falling to the ground beside Paddy as her legs bend of their own accord.

Peep pauses in the doorway gazing at the magnificent pale moonlight spreading across the land whispering more to herself than anyone else. “It’s beautiful!”

As she continues inside the barn Pebbles mutters. “Yup, it’s a small piece of paradise.  At least it was until the cartel found me; now I’m not so sure!”

While she removes the saddles and tack, rubbing down the mustangs and putting our fresh oats and hay, Peep sits one of the bales watching the tender way she takes care of the horses pondering her remark as she enters the building. “Pebbles, once we complete your training no one will ever be a threat to you again. You’ll be able to handle any situation; and if not I’ll only be a phone call away.”

With a questioning look she turns to look at Peep. “Are you serious? Would you really come?” Anxious to hear what she will say, but scared at the same time she stands perfectly still her eyes boring holes in the woman sitting near her.

With shiny orbs of black fire. “Not only would I come, but the whole crew would be here if we were not on assignment.” Watching a slight change of expression cross Pebbles face. “Let’s call it a day, I could sure eat; how about you?”

“Sure thing.”  Tossing a bottle of horse liniment to Peep. “Rub your legs and rear end with this.”  Putting the horses in their stalls she secures the door behind her listening to the nightly sounds of the forest as they quietly cross the short distance to the front porch. Sounds that she once thought didn’t exist but had over time become a comfort in her solitude.

Reaching the cabin door just as Peep yells at her. “Hey, this is for horses. Not people!”

‘Damn it woman, Use it or don’t, but come morning you’ll wish you had when you can’t get out of bed.” Continues into the small kitchen area to prepare something to eat.

Grousing all the time Peep strips and massages her legs and butt with the liniment feeling the warmth seep through her bones.

Later relaxing on the porch in the cool evening breeze with their dinner coffee, conversation seems an unwelcome intrusion as they sit the silence broken only by the lone howl of a coyote. The pale glow of the moon creating a mystical aura mesmerizing two weary ladies unwilling to break the spell each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Peep speaks in a low vice. “Are you ready to go in, tomorrow we get back to sparing so we can move on to weaponry.”

Pebbles stands stretching her body easing the aches. “Yes, I’m ready to go in and to move forward toward my goal.”

The last sound echoing across the mountain was the slamming of the screen and the latch locking the cabin door.

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