General Fiction posted December 14, 2014 Chapters:  ...15 16 -17- 18... 

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Mexico Mission

A chapter in the book Wilderness Encounter


by Catherin Elizabet Belle

Sitting on the porch sipping coffee and eating jerky they watch the sun cast a pale glow behind the trees standing statuesque on the crest of the eastern slope. Listening to the meadow larks sweet trill renting the air. “Pebbles, I can see why you love it here. It is so beautiful.”

Still looking toward the eastern glow. “I know. I don’t ever want to leave my home….and this is my home.” Still gazing into the distance. “I just want to feel safe; and know that I can protect myself.”

“Well, what you say we go to work!” 

Taking the cups Pebbles places them in the kitchen and returning to the porch finds Bo-peep nearing the barn, jogging toward her arriving just as she opens the door. Before closing the door behind them, Pebbles lights a lamp then draws it toward the center of the building. The light illuminates the interior with an eerie sheen of pale luster. 

Moving just under the lamp suspended from the ceiling Bo-peep motions for Pebbles who moves within four feet of where she is standing on the dirt floor. “Pebbles you are right handed so I want you to move your left foot forward standing on the ball of your right foot; bounce like there is a spring in your legs. Now, as you move your left foot forward, slide your right foot an equal distance forward; keeping a light spring in your legs staying on the ball of your right foot.  Now reverse it, step back with your right foot and slide your left foot equal distance backward. Okay, this also works from side to side; remember step slide, step slide. You can double or triple the motion in any direction. Practice these movements until you have a rhythm that feels comfortable.”

 Doing the movements for about thirty minutes perspiration dripping from her face Pebbles stops asking. “What do I do with my hands?”

Seeing that she is getting the rhythm Bo-peep responds. “Take your right hand placing your fist in front of your jaw with your elbow protecting your body like this. Now, tuck your head where it is protected by your left shoulder; bringing your left arm up to protect your body with your elbow and your fist slightly forward. Pebbles, like this. Continue practicing."

Amazed at the stamina Pebbles seems to have she has her keep up the routine for almost an hour. Not once does she complain or even act like she is tiring her clothes soaked sweat pouring off her face. “Take a break; rinse your mouth out with water then take a small sip.”

 Following instructions, she continues to casually walk around the barn. Hearing Bo-peep move from her position, she turns back meeting her in the center. “What now?”

“Taking your boxing stance with arms and fists in position.  Now, step, slide, jab-moving your arm straight out; keeping your body in balance by moving your right foot the same distance forward as your left foot. Then to get out reverse, step with right foot, slide left foot.  Again, step slide, jab, cross, over left hook putting your hip and shoulder into the action, step slide. Keep a fluid motion always with the body…look at the body as a gate, swing from the center putting your body into the motion with each punch.”  Bo-peep nods for her to start.

Pebbles attempts the punches and body movement, but finds synchronization rather awkward. “It’s okay Pebbles, get your rhythm going with the boxing stance, hold your arms in position when you feel comfortable with the motion add the jab and retreat.  Slow and steady.” Watching her as she works on the routine, Bo-peep decides to call a halt to the day’s workout. “Pebbles, let’s call it a day. Tomorrow’s another day.”

But Pebbles doesn’t stop; in the next instance she steps slides jabs; steps slides retreat. While the movement still needs work she is improving; and in such a short time. Her whole body soaked she slowly begins to walk in a circle around the barn to cool down.  “Okay, ‘Peep’, tomorrow will be better.”

Putting the lantern out the two walk toward the cabin noticing the sun is on the westward slope and shadows are lengthening under the trees and around the buildings.  Neither speaks, what is there to say. Pebbles mind is filled with all the things she accomplished over the last few days and how much she still has to learn. While Bo-peep wonders how long before they can progress to the weapons when the real work begins.

After dinner siting in the cool of the night listening to the nocturnal sounds including the lonesome howl of the coyote for his mate Pebbles remarks. “Bo-peep, tomorrow I’ve got to check on the horses. They need more food and exercise.”

Looking out into the darkness. “Well, I can check in the cave for more gear to proceed with your training while you do that. But let’s don’t tarry to long, that could be an invitation to be found.” Pausing. “Are you still determined that Viper not know what we are doing or where we are?”

Without hesitation or moving a muscle. “Hell yes!”   

“Well, Pebbles, let’s leave early enough to put us there by dawn. We’ll tote empty packs, but we’ll pilfer the cave and be loaded on the return.” Rising from her chair she moves to the inside with Pebbles right behind her. After the work out all day, both are soon asleep as the silence of the cabin echoes into the atmosphere of the mountain sage. 

On the other side of the mountain Viper is pacing around the cabin like a caged tiger, talking to himself, snapping at anyone who speaks to him. His frustration at not knowing where the women are, especially Connie, is complete. All his sensors show nothing of their location, even Jammer is unable to locate them with the satellites that he hooked in to check the surrounding areas for one hundred miles in all directions. It is as though they have disappeared off the face of the earth. But in reality, they are only ten miles away keeping themselves hidden.

King Pin, Hound dog, and Bam-Bam have tried to calm him down reassuring him that they were both safe, and they would have heard otherwise if there was a problem. King Pin also reminds him the she is with Po- Peep and she will allow nothing to happen to Pebbles.  It doesn’t help, Viper just keeps on pacing and glaring at anyone who gets near him.

What none of them know at that moment is that far to the south, events are taking place that will place them once again in harm’s way.   South of Merida, Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula, a mansion rises from the depths of the thick, dark jungle. The mansion with only one road in and one out is surrounded by high walls, guarded at all times. This is the home of Cortez known as the snake, the notorious drug lord, who is now no longer alive. His cousin Jose, who does not know of his demise, and runs all operations is concerned that he hasn’t heard from him. He contacted two of his dealers located in Albuquerque sending them to go to his last known location to find out what they could reporting back to him. If they did not, they would be dead. The two dealers had no choice in the matter, but instead of going themselves they sent two of their enforcers to deal with the problem.

It was 3:00 AM in the morning when Vipers sensors start going off; Viper, as well as the rest of the team are up and moving in mere seconds looking at the monitors. A long vehicle is coming slowly up the driveway with no lights on. King Pin and Hound Dog arm themselves heading out into the night and disappear. As they watch, the vehicle stops about 500 yards from the house, turns off the engine just sitting there. King Pin reports that there are two men inside both armed, watching the house while one of them is on a phone.

Jammer goes to work, locates the phone signal, tracing the outgoing call, jamming the signal.  Unable to make contact with anyone on the phone looking at each other the two men exit their vehicle slowly making their way toward the house; both puzzled by what they don’t see. They know why Cortez had come up here, they naturally expected to see the place shot up. Instead, under the light of the full moon, they see a man setting on the porch looking at them. Suddenly flood lights bright as day illuminate them and the area as the man in front of them speaks, “I highly suggest that you both drop your weapons and get your hands up if you want to live. You’re covered and don’t have a chance.”

Both men looked around, see nothing and began to laugh. One of them raises his pistol barking, “Where’s Cortez?”

It is at this point, a single shot rings out and the man pointing the gun falls over.  His partner looks at the dead man then gazes up to see Viper walking toward him. Dropping his gun he raises his hands.
“A wise decision,” states Viper, “Now you’re going to answer some questions for us; and one way or another you will answer them.”

King Pin and Hound Dog come out from the woods and all three stand looking at the remaining intruder.

“Alright now, we don’t care who you are, or where you’re from. What we want to know is why you’re here and who sent you. Now talk.” 

The drug dealer looks at his dead partner once again, then at the three men standing in front of him. All he sees as he looks at them is cold unfeeling eyes staring at him obviously not caring if he lives or dies. He couldn’t spills his guts fast enough telling them everything he knows.

When he finishes, Viper, King Pin, and Hound Dog look at each other; knowing what has to be done. Hound Dog says, “I’ll handle it.” Then another shot rang out and the second dealer falls dead.  Viper searches both bodies finding their cell phones.  The three enter the cabin, once inside he hands the phones to Jammer.

“Trace the phones back to their origin Jammer. Then hack into their phones and see what you can find out.” Jammer nods and starts working on the trace.  Twenty minutes later, he has the answers. Once he advises the team, they know that the Hydra has grown another head and is still in business.
The four of them are setting in the living room, each saying nothing but all knowing what needs to be done. King Pin looks at each of them one at a time with his gaze each of the team simply nods their heads saying not a word. The decision is made. King Pin pulls out his SAT phone making a call.

“Sir, this is King Pin, the snake turned into a Hydra and his organization is still a threat. We need to go south to finalize mission. Yes Sir, Yes Sir, I’ll send you what we have. Also Sir, request reinstatement of Viper for this mission. No Sir, Po-Peep is still on protective assignment. Yes Sir, we’ll be waiting for pick-up.” Then he hangs up.

Looking at the team, “We have a mission and Viper you’ll be coming with us. Our mission is to finalize the termination of the Cortez Cartel once and for all by whatever means necessary. Pick-up is two hours from now. “ 

The chopper arrives at the time designated taking them to Cannon AFB, New Mexico, home of Southern Command, Special Forces.  Once there they are taken to one of the special ops buildings and told to wait. They didn’t have long to wait.

Their boss, like them, went by a code name. No one knew the true rank or name of their team mates, but they knew who was in charge and as he steps in the door, they all stand.
“Be seated gentleman.  Your mission, so far has been a success, now though we have to finalize it and finish this Cartel once and for all. Your information packets are in front of you, you’ll be able to familiarize yourself with what you’re heading into on your way down. Jammer, you’ll be staying here. We have everything setup for you to monitor, advise and keep in contact with them at all times. The four of you will leave here heading for Albuquerque International airport. Once there, you will travel as tourists and fly to Cancun, Mexico. From there, four of my operatives will pick you up. You’ll spend the first night there, the next morning you’ll head for Merida where you’ll stay at a safe house I have; you’ll find everything you need there and anything else you need the operatives will get for you. Any questions?”

King Pin speaks up. “Sir, we’re used to working on our own with no outside help. Why the four operatives and can they be trusted?”

The General looks at them for a moment and smiles. “Yes King Pin, they can be trusted and I have used them in the past. As for why, your heading right into the heart of the Cortez Cartel and they have people everywhere. That and I know for a fact that the local police as well as most of the local military are on their payroll.”

“How will we know them Sir,” inquires Hound Dog.

“They will find you when you land at the Cancun airport. Any other questions? If not, wheels up at 0800 tomorrow morning.” With that the General turns exiting the room.
The rest of the day, the team goes through the folders, reading the information that has been compiled as well as terrain maps, photos of the mansion complex, security, and a blue print of the inside of the mansion.  The one thing that concerns them is the large basement reinforced with tunnels running out in different directions. They toss around different scenarios finally coming up with three different options; two are perilous at best and extremely dangerous, the third option is the one they decide on as it offers less risk to the team.  
The next morning they head out, playing the part and looking like tourist, but aware of all that is around them the whole time.  Their flight is uneventful finally landing in Cancun, Mexico.  Once they pick up their luggage, go through Customs, their passports stamped, they head for the main entrance not sure what or who they will find there. 

Walking outside the first thing that hits them is the oppressive heat and humidity enveloping them like a wet hot blanket. The next thing is the taxi and bus drivers trying to get them into their vehicles; offering their services as guides, telling them that they know all the hot spots and can get them anything they desire as well as locals selling anything from gaudy sombrous to colorful handmade hammocks. More times than not, any of the four would just look at them and they would quickly back off and leave without a word.

 Finally Hound Dog sees something mentioning it to the others, “Hard left, four waiting with a sign.”

Standing to the left of them are four beautiful women of Mexican descent dressed to kill and standing in front of a stretch limo holding a sign that reads Davis Party.  Davis is the name on the passport that was given to King Pin. The four of them look at each other heading toward the women. Viper softly makes the statement, “The General always had a strange since of humor” causing the other three to chuckle. 

As soon as they introduce themselves to the ladies, they giggle. Going to the men, each one wraps their arms around them, kissing and continues to hold on.  At that point a punk, in his twenties, walks by loudly calling the ladies, “PUNTA’S.”   Quicker than anyone can realize, Viper grabs the punk throwing him on the ground and in fluent Spanish, “If you ever refer to my sister’s like that again, I will break every bone in your body.” Then he stands walking away. The punk doesn’t say a word, just darts through the many venders.

Viper looks at the seven of them apologizing, I can’t stand foul language being addressed to these beautiful ladies. They all chuckle shaking it off, except the one lady who chose Viper. She seductively walks up to Viper, put her arms around him saying, “Thank you,” kissing him like he had never been kissed ever. 

The eight of them get into the Limo and head for the hotel. The ladies motion to them to watch what they say because they do not trust the driver.  Forty five minutes later they reach the Le Blanc Resort, where they check in and are taken to their rooms. They are given two adjoining suites; each suite with a view overlooking the ocean, two master bedrooms, full-bath with hot tub and marble shower, full kitchen and wet bar, large living rooms;  very private.  Once the porters delivers their bags to the rooms and leaves, one of the ladies goes to the phone and orders an early dinner for them, then asks everyone sit down.

“My name is Contessa and this is Catalina, Elizabeth, and Lucia. The General sent us to help you out with your mission.  We have worked for and with the General for years now and our specialty is getting information by any means possible; and we are experts at doing just that.”

The four men look at the ladies and something tells them these ladies are far more dangerous than their appearances indicate.  Contessa speaks, “As of right now the plan is this, for the next two days we play tourist here in Cancun. This will placate those who are watching. On day three, we’ll head for Merida where we have a safe house where you will find your equipment. The General advised us what you needed and we have it waiting for you. While in Merida, we will play tourist for two more days and on the third day, we will take you where you need to be to complete your mission.  Are there any questions?”

King Pin says. “First off, the General told us that four of his operatives would pick us up, but he did not tell us that four heart stopping ladies who are probably as deadly as they are beautiful would be picking us up. So please forgive us if we seem hesitant in believing you. We are not use to such luxury or dealing with such beauty.”

The four ladies laugh smiling as Contessa says, “The General said that the four of you would be uneasy, as well as untrusting. He told me to ask you if you had ever heard of one of his teams called the Dagas. If so, then you have your answer.”

King Pin and his team sit there in silence, their faces showing neither expression, nor emotion.  Finally Viper looking at everyone says, “Ladies, I have heard of the Dagas or daggers if you will. Your reputation precedes you as well as your methods and beauty. I am Viper and these other three are, King Pin, Hound Dog, and Bam-Bam, and it’s an honor to meet you.”

Lucia responds, “We also have heard of you and the others; it is our pleasure as well to work with you. But the General did warn us about Hound Dog. He said that his name says it all. What did he mean by that if I may ask?”

Hound dog sighs, “OH SHIT,” as Bam-Bam, King Pin, and Viper busts into uproarious laughter to the point they are holding their sides as the ladies looks on. 

Finally King Pin gets some of his composure back speaking up. “Hound Dog can tract anything or anyone anywhere and once he hones in on his target, they’re as good as dead. But mainly we call him that because if there is a skirt within fifty miles, he’ll find it. We also call him Horn Dog on the side when no one’s around.”

All Hound Dog can say is, “Thanks ASSHOLE,” as he turns a brilliant red, causing everyone to break out in laughter again.  
Finally King Pin asks. “Why such a delay in getting to our job?”

“As I said,” Contessa replies “We, You are being watched. There are two Cartels in this region. One here in Cancun and the other, which you’re after in Merida. They both have people everywhere on their payroll from police, military, and even in the hotels watching and reporting. So to divert suspicion, you four play the part of tourists and we are your guides. We four have an appointment out there on the same day we drop you off.”

A puzzled look came across the four men as they look at the ladies.

“We, the four of us, “continues Contessa, “use what we have to get information and get close to our target. As of now we have the complete lay out of the estate, locations of monitors, sensors, and the underground complex of the mansion. We will go over those when we get to the safe house in Merida. It’s too dangerous to have that information here. Our rooms will be searched while we’re sightseeing or shopping. “

There is a knock at the door of their room; Contessa holds up her hand motioning everyone to be quiet. Elizabeth goes to the door.  It is room service delivering dinner; once room service leave Contessa continues, “As I was saying, our rooms and belongings will be searched and then reported to whoever they are working for. “I know for a fact that the young man who delivered our food works for them and is reporting what he saw in here. That is why you have to play tourists with us as your personal guides. Now, if there are no further questions, shall we enjoy our dinner and get to know each other better. “

Viper asks “If I may Contessa, I have a few questions. First off, what do you mean; the four of you have an appointment to where we’re going; and seconded off, where will you be staying in case we need to get ahold of you if we have any questions?”

 Contessa and the other three ladies just look at him with a dumbfound look on their faces, then just starts giggling non-stop.

King Pin speaks telling them, “Viper has been out of circulation for quite some time, but was brought back in because of his expertise for this mission. Contessa nods her understanding and looking at Lucia nods to her.

Lucia acknowledges Contessa with a nod of her head, she stands taking a seductive pose in front of them she slowly walks back and forth in front of the group. Swaying her body in a way that she knows will drive them wild with desire.

“We use our assets to their full potential not only gather information, but to get to our targets; and once we have what we need we arrange accidents or our targets simply disappear off the face of the earth. As for our appointment, Jose, who is now running the Cortez Cartel is nowhere near as smart as Cortez, but he is even deadlier than Cortez. He was Cortez’s primary hit man and doing all the dirty work for him. The four of us have a score to settle with him. As for our appointment, Jose is a pig and thinks the more the merrier and this fact alone will give us the opportunity we need as well as to confirm that he is there so you can do what you need to. When you see the four of us leave the compound, it’s all yours.”

 Lucia sits back down smiling sweetly at them. “As for your second question as how to get ahold of us if need be. That won’t be a problem, we’re staying with you.”

Lucia and the other ladies are watching the four men to see how they react. They all notice the same thing; three of the four had reacted to Lucia’s movement very slightly, but they did react. The fourth member of the team puzzles them; Viper shows neither movement nor reaction what so ever. He just sits there watching and listening, unmoving and unreadable.  Lucia considers two possibilities for the lack of reaction from him. Either he is gay or he has that much self-control which she has never come across before; either way she will find out before the night is over. 

Viper nods his head without saying a word.  For the rest of the evening, they eat, make small talk, discuss the mission, and talk about humorous events that happened on previous missions. Slowly, as they get to know each other, they begin to relax trusting each other to a point; only to a point. They are also teasing each other for the fun of it. Finally King Pin makes the statement that they have a busy day tomorrow asking the ladies which rooms they are taking. Looking at each other they smile, rise, each choosing one of the men leads him into a room shutting the doors.

The next morning Viper is up before anyone else. He calls room service and orders a European style breakfast for all of them which consist of rolls, cheese, meat, fruit, and lots of coffee. He is setting there when the other three ladies and men come out of their rooms looking refreshed and ready to go. They again make small talk as they get their coffee and breakfast sitting down.  Contessa looks around finally asking where Lucia is. Viper looks at her, smiles slightly saying, “She’s still sleeping.”  Contessa and the other two ladies look at each other with a shocked expression on their faces, get up heading into Lucia’s room.

Hound Dog looks at Viper, “What did you do to her last night?” Viper smiles but says nothing. After about ten minutes, Contessa, Elizabeth, and Catalina come out of the room, sit down staring at Viper without saying a word. Finally Lucia comes dragging out of her room walking over to Viper, sits in his lap, wraps her arms around him and snuggles close. Looking at him she says one word, “Animal.”   

Everyone just sits there looking at them with a shocked expressions on their faces as Viper sits there with a mile long grin on his.

 Hound Dog speaks, “That’s it then. I relinquish my throne as number one Horn Dog and I bow to your greatness, OH GREAT STUD.” 

With that the room busts out in laughter with unsavory comments. Viper turns beet red and Lucia keeps sitting on his lap with a look of complete contentment on her face.

About two hours later, they all head out the door and spent the rest of the time in Cancun shopping, eating, and enjoying the beaches as well as the night life for two days, then set out for Merida.

It is about a four to six hour road trip to Merida on State Hwy 180, which cuts straight through the jungle. On either side of the road dense jungle encroaches onto the highway trying to take back what once belonged to it; and is so thick one could not see five feet into it. There are no signs of life along the road, only sparse traffic, no road signs or bill boards, and the occasional business or home has been abandoned; now derelicts with the jungle reclaiming the land once again. About half way to Merida, in the middle of nowhere, they stop at a toll exchange. The only civilians there are the ones working the booths, the rest are heavily armed soldiers who watch everyone with suspicion. It takes about fifteen minutes to clear the exchange, answering questions and showing there pass ports; and then they’re on their way.     

Reaching Merida, they drive directly to the safe house which is named Casa Esplendida, (House of Splendor), which apply suits it to perfection. High fenced in yard for privacy with exotic flowers and fruit trees, fountains and a private pool. The inside is even more ornate with everything one could image in one’s mind for the life of luxury. Plush furniture, four bedrooms, large bathrooms with tubs and showers, interior fountains, formal dining room exotically decorated with an erotic touch.

Having unloaded the Limo taking their bags to their prospective rooms, they gather in the living room.  Contessa looks around the room for a few seconds before speaking. “We will be spending a few days here playing tourists before the mission and then a few more days after that to kill any suspicion that we had anything to do with such events. Usually there is a maid and cook here to take care of all our needs, but I sent them on vacation till we are gone. They are my relations and would not say anything to jeopardize the mission, but to keep them safe, I sent them away. We, the four of us will take care of what we need here as well as be your guides. Now, do you wish to relax the rest of the day or go over what we have in the way of Intel and equipment?”

King Pin’s response, “I think we would like to go over the data first so we can get a good idea of what we’re heading into then do an equipment check. After that, we can be tourists, if that meets with your approval?”    
No one argues; Elizabeth walks over to one of the bookcases in the room, presses a switch that no one can see and the bookcase swing open. In it is every type of weapon they will need, ammo, night scopes, and laser markers, web belts and harnesses, camo cloths, and boots, all they need for their mission. Opening a drawer she pulls out paperwork setting it on the table for all to see.

“Here are the blue prints to the house, as well as guard schedules, camera and sensor locations, as well as a diagram of the underground bunker under the house and the exit locations of each of the four escape tunnels. At any given time there are at least two dozen or more there. Twelve are always on guard and heavily armed. The others are usually in the underground bunker, dealing with the drugs and are also armed. There are, as well, two generators that run the house and security systems with two large underground fuel tanks located behind the house. The power out there is spotty at best and more times than not, the generators are running everything. Are there any questions?”

The four men looked at the blue prints and layout of the grounds and security systems, for a few minutes without saying a word. “Where will the four of you be in case there’s trouble and we have to come in and get you out,” asked Bam?

Catalina leans over placing her finger on a second story bedroom, “We’ll be right here, if not there, we’ll be by the pool. But if you do not see us leave, finish your mission by whatever means necessary.”
King Pin, Viper, Hound Dog and Bam just look at them saying nothing. The rest of the day and into the evening, they study the Intel and check their equipment over. It us late afternoon by the time they finish. The ladies fix a delicious dinner and drinks for them. Once they finish eating, instead of going out on the town, they decide to stay enjoying the pool relaxing in each other’s company.

The next morning Viper is up early as always and fixes breakfast for everyone. He has champagne with orange juice, omelets with roasted peppers and onions, fresh whole roasted jalapenos, fresh made salsa and coffee for all.

Once they finish eating they play tourist and for the next few days hitting the road. Shopping, seeing the historical sites, such as the Mayan ruins at Tulum and Coba, as well as the historical district of Merida. During the evenings and well into the night they enjoy the night life, bars, dancing, and walks along the sea shore before heading back to their place calling it a night. Though they all play the part of tourist, they are always alert and going over the mission in their minds.
Finally the appointed day arrives and all is in readiness. At the established time they all load into the limo and head out. Contessa advises them that the driver is her brother and will say nothing. As they head for the meeting, the four men change cloths placing their other cloths into plastic bags to take with them. Nothing can be left in the vehicle that can give any hint of what is to come. They turn down a dirt road that cut through the dense jungle finally coming to a stop.

“From here, you’re about a mile from the complex. The first monitor is about half a mile ahead. When all is done we will be waiting at the intersection of the main road and this one, the day after to pick you up. Remember, you’ll have to be changed before you get back in and your current gear disposed of. Good luck,” states Contessa.

The four men just nod to the ladies, getting out without a word they disappear into the jungle.

They slowly make their way toward the Cortez complex, through dense bush, vines, and bogs. Not a word is said among them. Only hand singles for instructing’s and warning on poisons snakes and plants that would burn you at the slightest touch to your skin. It is hot, sticky, and dirty; finally after about four hours of fighting their way through the jungle they reach the high wall surrounding the mansion. Not a word is passes between them, King Pin looks at each one of them and nods and they head to their assigned positions. Each one of them goes out one of the escape hatches. Once they reach there finding the hidden exits to the tunnels, they set up clay more mines pointing at and into the tunnels. Anyone who opens the hatch would trigger off the mine, effectively killing anyone in its path.  If anyone survives the traps, then one of the team members at that location will deal with them.

Once they are in location accomplished their designated task, they contact King Pin via secure radio advising him all is set. Now they wait.

The only way the team can see over the high wall is from the trees that grew thick and high in the jungle surrounding the complex. Each one of the team selects a tree, maps it out to see where they will climb to and waits till nightfall to insure they will not be seen. That night, amongst the noise of the night creatures and the insects, they put on their night vision goggles and slowly make there climb up the trees. Once they are at their vantage point, they each insure that they blend in with the surrounding canopy of trees settled in, and wait. Each one of the team is on full alert, not only to make sure they are not spotted from the well-lit compound, but from the poisons snakes and biting insects that inhabit the trees. 

As they wait they scope out the compound watching the guards make their rounds, going in and out of the mansion. They keep their eyes peeled for the ladies, watching and hoping they are unhurt. The four of them are spotted out by the pool by Hound Dog at one point during the night. They are with Jose, playing to his ego and giving him all their attention. Hound Dog advises the rest of the team that they are spotted and in good shape, before they all went back inside the mansion and he lost sight of them. The rest of the night is quiet.

 The next morning, there is a lot of activity on the compound. As the team watches, a panel truck arrives pulling up to the house begins unloading package and taking them into the house. From what they can tell, they are drugs of some type to be processed and cut; then will be sent out to their destination.  At around ten, the panel truck leaves. Shortly after, King Pin spots the ladies as they get into their Limo leaving the compound. King Pin advises the rest of the team that they are safe and have left. Each acknowledges the call; then waits another hour to insure they are well clear of the area.

An hour later King Pin calls the team, “King Pin set,” and waits for the response.
“Hound Dog set.”

“Viper set.”

“Bam set.”

“Bam, contact Snoopy, release Gopher, wait ten and release Baby.”   As Bam acknowledges, King Pin sets up the laser tracker aiming it to the best advantage on the mansion.

Fifteen miles off the coast, and thirty thousand feet in altitude, a lone modified F-22 circles in the cloudless sky, unseen by ground or airborne radar. In its weapons bay were two, GBU-28’s, laser guided, 2000 pound bombs. Both are made mainly of fiberglass with no markings, serial number, and invisible to radar. One of the bombs will blow on contact, the other had a hardened steel nose casing that will bore deep into the ground or through harden concrete; in short, a bunker buster. Bam contacts the aircraft.

“Snoopy, Snoopy, this is firecracker over.” His response is almost immediately.

“Firecracker, Firecracker, this is Snoopy. On station, awaiting instructions, over.”

 “Roger Snoopy, copy loud and clear. Release Gopher, wait ten, then release baby. How copy, over?”

“Snoopy acknowledges, standby.”

Ten seconds later Snoopy calls back.

“Firecracker, Firecracker, Gopher headed home, over.”

The entire team hears the conversation and knows what is headed their way and holds on to the trees they are in. As they watch the compound, Viper and Hound Dog see that they are setting up lunch by the pool. They have no idea they are being watched or what is coming to crash the party.

The majority of the people at the mansion gathers around the pool area starting to set down to eat, when there time runs out.

From thirty thousand feet, the GBU-28 is released. As soon as it is released it deploys its fins and the laser tracker in its nose, locating the beam that is coming from the nose of the F-22 as well as the beam from the ground. It locks onto the beam adjusting its fins and homes in following the beam down making small corrections to itself as it does. Silent and deadly it comes on till it reaches the roof of the mansion where it punches through the roof, the second and first story floors, and into the bunker below, exploding.

Two thousand pounds of high explosives erupt in the bunker. Its explosive force traveling in all directions. The floors above it, already weakened from the impact of the bomb going through them, heaved upward and outward, as flames, shockwave and debris fly in all directions. The mansion blows outwards in all directions, and the two underground fuel tanks explode as well, adding their own explosive force to the destruction covering the area in flaming fuel. Those who are around the pool are tossed about blown apart or covered in the flaming wreckage. As for those still in the house as well as in the underground bunker, they are vaporized. The ensuing shockwave and fireball travels through the escape tunnels like a juggernaut concentrated till it reaches the end, blowing the escape hatches into the sky setting off the traps the team set.

The only ones in the compound that escape are those who were walking the perimeter of the walls, knocked down by the shock wave. They are slowly getting up, dazed and confused as they look around trying to figure out what just happened. Slowly the five remaining men stagger their way toward the smoking ruins of what once was a palatial mansion, not knowing that they had been targeted with four scopes zeroed in on them. The five men, all bleeding and dazed, slowly gather at what once was the front, trying to decide what to do. The vehicles that had been there were now tossed around and in flames.  They look over the smoking and flaming remains of the house and the gaping hole in the ground where it once stood knowing that no one could have survived. Shock registers on each countenance.

 Then the second one arrives King Pin had moves the laser where the men are gathered and watched to see if there are any other survivors. The five stand together trying to get their wits together when everything around them goes up in a blinding flash as the 2000 pound bomb detonates.

There are no survivors.

The team watches for a few more minutes and then makes their way to where they are to meet up. Bam contacts the F-22 and tells Snoopy to head back, and be safe. Snoopy acknowledges heading home.

The four meet at their pre-arranged location, all four of them have minor injuries with blood dripping the arms and hands from flying pieces of the debris. Not a word is said as they fix and bandage themselves up. Finally Hound Dog speaks, “I don’t think it will be necessary to look for survivors. Nothing could survive that. How long do you think we have till others show up to see what happened?”

 “I don’t know,” King Pin replies, “But we’re not staying around to find out. Let’s gear up and hit the road. We’ll dispose of most of our gear in the bogs and swamp as we go changing when we get to the road.”

The four nod and they head back into the jungle. It takes them the rest of the day and well into the night to hack and fight their way through the ten miles of jungle, dumping their equipment as they go. The wounds on their bodies act like a magnet to every type of insect imaginable looking for a meal, and soon are covered with bites and welts. Finally, early in the morning with the sun beginning to rise, they hear the sounds emanating from the highway. They slowly make their way toward it till they can see it without being seen; changing their clothes they wait.

A limo pulls over to the side of the road. The driver gets out opening the hood up, the four ladies exit the passenger side leaving the door open joining the driver at the front. As the driver pretends to work on the engine he watches the road. When there is a break in traffic, he waves toward the jungle, not knowing if they are there or not. One by one, the men run from the jungle into the waiting Limo. Then the four ladies get back into the Limo. The driver closes the hood entering the vehicle drives toward the safe house. 
They spend four more days at the safe house, with the ladies doctoring, feeding, and helping them recover. The local police and military are questioning everyone and anyone on about what happened. The local news is reporting on it as well and finally the official story comes out that underground fuel tanks at the complex exploded causing major damage with no survivors. While there are a few in the higher offices who suspect what really happed; but know the truth will never be known.  A major drug cartel has been taken out, completely.

Finally they all start back to Cancun where the men say their goodbyes heading back to the states and the cabin in the mountains.                    

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