General Fiction posted December 13, 2014 Chapters:  ...14 15 -16- 17... 

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A chapter in the book Wilderness Encounter


by Catherin Elizabet Belle

The hikes continue over rougher terrain along with endurance training. Pebbles muscles become as taut as her trainers as she makes progress in the art of self-defense. She works hard at moving through the forest without making a sound; yet Bo-peep always hears her. What the hell am I doing wrong? A question she continually asks herself, but her determination to succeed keeps her from asking Bo-peep. As they near the cave, the sun is sinking behind the western slope and the whinny of her horses reach her ears. They are down wind, so she knows the horses have not caught their scent. Just at that moment Bo-peep signals for them to become obscure, moving stealthily through the trees they reach the edge of the clearing but remain hidden in the shadows. When they see who is standing by the corral, their eyes meet and a grin breaks out on their suntanned faces. Rising from the shadows they approach the pen, “Howdy, King Pin. What are you doing here?”

Turning at the sound of her voice his eyes sparkling, “Bo-Peep that’s an unfriendly way to greet your commander. I expect you to show a little respect.”

Both women standing statuesque she replies, “Commander, I am on an assignment, an assignment that is not completed at this point. Did you have some vital information we need; or did you just come to harass.” At that very moment Viper crawls out of the cave. “What the hell is this, a convention or something? Pebbles we have been invaded.”

Moving toward the front of the cave the women remove their packs and turn to the ‘interlopers’. “Bo-peep, since we have uninvited guest perhaps they can pay for their unwelcome behavior by serving us a well prepared dinner while we relax in the shade.”

King Pin and Viper glare at the two conspirators in disbelief then burst into roaring laughter.  “Viper, we arrived too early; I guess we will have to accommodate these two females. What the hell is in that cave to cook?”

As the two men disappear into the cave to search out the supplies, the women being tired and dirty from their hike and neither one happy with the invasion grin at each other. Bo-peep speaks in a low voice, “What you say, we teach them a lesson?”

Pebbles looks toward the entrance where they have disappeared, “I would like that. But how do we do this without them catching us.”

Pondering the question posed by Pebbles, “Where is the last place they would look for you?”

In low laughter and gazing at the sun sinking behind the tall pines on the crest of the mountain, “I think there is only one place they would not look to quickly. Viper’s places is booby trapped with his sensors, but there are none around my cabin. We could go there.” Pausing in thought, “Bo-peep how do we keep them from following us?”

“I think we’re about to find out how much you have actually learned about sneaking through the woods without leaving a trail. Let’s go before they return and catch a glimpse of us; and no talking.” Quietly and without fanfare the two pick up their packs and move around behind the corral and shed for the horses; slipping into the forest and heading down the mountain Pebbles in the lead knowing exactly where her cabin is.

About an hour into the hike Bo-peep stops in the shade of a small stand of juniper mouthing the words she asked, “How far are we from there?”

Following her example Pebbles responds in like manner holding up two fingers. Acknowledging her Bo-peep moves out and Pebbles slips into the lead. The shadows are lengthening as they move silently down the mountain. Bo-peep is surprised at how silently Pebbles is slithering through the trees, careful where she places her feet as they slowly descend. They have been traveling for about an hour when the sun slips below the horizon. Pebbles halts in the deep shadows gazing at the thousands of sparkling diamonds glittering in the ebony dome. As Bo-peep stands beside her they watch the glow of a full moon spreading its halo across the land. A cool breeze slithers down the mountain, but no scent of the men is carried in its wake; and the night is silent except for the howl of a lone coyote some distance north of them. Pebbles soon reaches a path down the mountain that is familiar, but continues to be cautious where she steps and what she brushes against.

Soon they reach the clearing where her cabin sits, here Bo-peep leading them around the edge of the forest checks out the area as well as the cabin.  When she’s relatively sure the place is vacant they move into the clearing staying in the shadow of the corral and barn approaching the cabin from the blind side.  Reaching the porch, Pebbles reaches into a flower pot pulling out a small plastic box and removes the key to her cabin. When they are inside, Bo-peep speaks first, “If we are to stay hid, we can’t have a fire. Do you have food for us to eat other than what is in our packs?”

Grinning she responds, “There should be plenty in the panty to survive without cooking; if nothing else I always kept a large supple of jerky for my hiking adventures.” Removing her pack as Bo-peep does, “How long do you think it will take them to find us?”

“Well, let’s see, considering you told Viper that you were not ready to return to the cabin, a day or two at the most.”

As a serious expression crosses her countenance Pebbles ask, “Peep, how about you teaching me some of the moves of self-defense while we are here. We could use the barn.”

Looking equally as serious she asks, “Are you sure you’re ready?”

“I think I am, but I guess you have the final say.”

Bo-peep is pleased that she is leaving the decision to her; an indication that she is more willing to accept the guidance she has been requesting. “Okay, we start in the morning. “And the two ladies settle in for the night.

 Back at the cave, “King Pin, where the hell did those two go? They challenged us to cook for them, then disappear. What the hell is going on?”

Standing with his hands on his hips glaring at Viper, “I’m damn sure I have no idea. Did you piss them off?”

“Hell no! Well not to my knowledge.” Pausing to ponder the question, “Pebbles was acting odd the last time they came to the cabin. She would hardly talk to me and they refused to tell me what they were up to. Bo-Peep requested some training gear saying it was to keep in shape while she was ‘baby siting’. They loaded up supplies from my storage house and hiked out the next morning. A week later I delivered the gear requested and after being told to leave, I did.”

“Well, I’ve checked the perimeter, there is no sign that would tell us the direction they might have gone. Is Pebbles that good at tracking through the woods?”

“Bo-peep is, but not Pebbles, she’s a rank amateur.” Viper stands looking off down the slope. “She doesn’t plan to be gone long, her horses have supplies for three or four days at the most. And she never leaves them housed in the lean-to longer without exercising them. Those damn horses mean everything to her.”

“Where the hell are they? Would they have gone to Pebbles cabin? Damn it there’s no one still after her.”

“Not likely King Pin, she was adamant that she was not ready to return. The ground has not been disturbed and I saw nothing in the forest to indicate a struggle. Wherever those two females have gone it was under their own steam. No sensors have pinged my IPad signaling intruders, so they have not gone toward my cabin.”

Glancing around the area, “Something tells me this has to do with you, Viper. So what the hell did you do?”

Shaking his head at King Pin’s words, “I have no idea. Let’s eat what we cooked, wait out the night and if they don’t return hell let’s go home. Bo-peep is one of us and capable of protecting Pebbles if she needs it.  And, right now I’m not sure she isn’t the one who needs protecting.”

As the sky turns from ebony to gray dawn, “Get your gear Viper, let’s get back to your cabin where all the electronic equipment is set up. I’ll contact Bam-Bam and see what the satellite can pick up.” King Pin sees the anxiety growing in Viper, Hell if he ain’t hooked on this woman.

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