Horror and Thriller Fiction posted December 7, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
I hear them out there...can you?

A Winter's Tail

by Dean Kuch

Sunday, Monday, Doomsday... Contest Winner 

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

~ A Winter's Tail ~

Sept. 1, 2016 Thursday

Everything was normal just days ago. How'd this happen so fast? It's night, not that it matters. It's been four days since it happened, I haven't seen the sun peek out once. Maybe it's died too, like everything else.

There's lots of screaming, and silence, mostly. Except for the grunts and pounding coming the bathroom.

Sept. 2, 2016 Friday

Daddy's chained in the toilet. He was sleeping on the couch when the bombs hit. I watched him on the floor for awhile after he fell — maybe fifteen minutes — until he began to twitch. He flopped around like a fish out of water. Thick pink foam came out from behind clenched teeth. Spitting his dentures on the floor, his body began to shake. I did what anybody would'a done, I walloped him. I picked up a cast iron skillet mommy left on the stove, then cracked him in the skull with it. I dragged him to the bathroom, then chained him to the register.

That's where he's at now.

I'll tell you this, he's not human, not any more. No living person could smell that bad —

Sept. 8, 2016 Saturday

It's been a week — no TV signal, no radio...nothing. Daddy's being good. There's no way for me to run outside to see what's going on. The winds are too strong. I don't hear nothing... except 'them'. I call them screamers. You can call them what you like, but that's all they do is scream, really. They're pale white, even in the dark. They shriek constantly. I think they were squirrels once, maybe cats? Not anymore, though.

Those things are as far from squirrels as cats are from dogs.

Sept. 9, Sunday

I'm hungry; all I've got left is raw chicken wings, some canned veggies, cookies, and a few crackers. Soon, they'll be gone too...

My stomachs growling like a caged, starving lion trying to break out of a zoo. I'm tired — I feel so sacred and alone. I have to keep writing everything down just in case anybody is left who'll find it. Then, they'll know what happened, too. But right now, I have to sleep.

Good night... or day — whatever it is.

Septober 10,

Our kitchen door was ripped off, then carried away by the wind. I had to find somethin' to cover up the huge hole. Anything out there in the dark could've come walking right on in! I had to go into the basement, find some of daddy's nails. The wood's was used up, but there was the kitchen table and doors I took off the other rooms. I...I'm just so tired, so hungry. Did I mention that already; how hungry I was? I probably have, several times. I could eat almost anything.

I'm going to climb under the blankets, grab some shut eye. Sleep, that's what I need. Just a little...

...Daddy — izat you? Oh, the smell. Your hands, daddy – they're so cold. Oh no, it is you. How'd you get loose? I'm so sorry this happened to you... to us.

Spetmber 11,

Funny what you can make yourself to do. I had to smash Daddy's skull in with the hammer. I'm happy it's completely dark; and quiet now. I'm not hungry, not no more. Daddy's smell took some getting used to, but it's not so bad when you do. I can't tell how long the meat will last, but at least I have enough for now. It tastes kinda' funny, a little weird. Too bad he was already dead when I clobbered him. Maybe he would'a tasted better.

I'm full now, and tired. So tired.

Did I tell you how tired I am...?

They're outside my patched-up door, growling and screaming. Can you hear them? No, I guess you can't. Maybe it's the sickly – sweet smell of daddy's rotting carcass that brings them... Maybe it's just the fact that I'm still alive. It doesn't matter. I'm too tired to fight them off once they get in.

On second thought....it sure would be a lot of meat to eat.

Now — where'd I put that stupid hammer?


A Winter's Tail photo STOCK_UP_FOR_NUCLEAR_WINTER_SML_A2_BORDER_zps9247929d.jpg





Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story up to 700 words that involves a doomsday scenario. Anything goes, but the end of the world, or its perception, must be a driving force in your story.

Sunday, Monday, Doomsday...
Contest Winner

The misspelling of "Tail" in this context is intentional, okay? Please...think about the title in relation to the story. You'll get it, LOL...

Nuclear Winter has been theorized by scientific communities for some time. An absence of light, coupled with massive amounts of falling ash, would propel our lovely world into a bleak, grey winter-like wasteland.

*699 words

As always, thank you very much for reading.
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