Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted November 28, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
Tableau Poem

Life's Tableau

by michaelcahill


Life's Tableau
                                 by michael cahill


Screams, as fists clench tight
pacing man worries
doctor reassures
woman curses all
he has five fingers
he is breathing fine

"Momma", his first word
"Momma", his second
candles, a myst'ry
cake, it's delicious
more candles, birthday!
one more year, more cake

kids, friends, enemies
girls, not yet … but soon
older, girls ... yes, now
kiss, forever love
lost, eternal ache
time, will never heal

a job--already?
a wife! this is good
surprise--baby's here
fists clench tight again
he paces ... worried
daughter? more pacing

grandson? you're kidding
but, my knees are sore
love's his rocking chair
years pass by swiftly
candles hide the cake
grandson, now a man

screams, as fists clench tight
pacing wife worries
doctor tells the truth
she wishes for lies
his breathing has stopped
fingers stilled … he's died



Tableau Poetry contest entry


Rules: One or more stanzas. Each stanza should be six lines, each line five syllables. Rhyming optional. Each stanza should paint a picture that requires no artwork. Tableau should be part of the title.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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