General Fiction posted November 6, 2014 Chapters:  ...12 13 -14- 15... 

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A chapter in the book Wilderness Encounter

Chapter 14

by Catherin Elizabet Belle

While darkness prevails in the cave Bo-peep is aware that the gray of dawn is slowly seeping through the trees cresting over the mountain heralding the approach of the golden glow of daylight.  Rising from her bunk she slips to the entrance listening to the sounds of the earth waking. Hearing nothing that merits alarm she turns to the morning’s ritual putting the coffee to boil.

 The tantalizing aroma permeates the cave. Pebbles opens her green orbs heavy with sleep gazing across the cavern she stretches and with a gaping yawn sits on the edge of the cot. “What’s the order of the day?”

 “Rise and shine girl. It’s going to be a busy day.” Smiling ‘because Pebbles has no idea on what she is embarking.  And because she really is looking forward to teaching her how to protect herself; something every woman should know in today’s harsh world. “We are going for supplies.”


Without turning around Bo-peep responds. “Let’s eat.”  And begins dishing up bacon and eggs with thick slices of rye bread.

Pebbles joins her but silence prevails throughout the meal. When the last bite is eaten Pebbles gathers the dishes stacking them in a basin pouring water over the top of them and proceeds with KP.

While she does the dishes Bo-peep empties two of the back packs. “We’re going to Viper’s cabin. We need to pick up weapons for your training along with some supplies; food, water, etc.”

 Pebbles looks at the back of Bo-peep’s head her eyes boring into her skull emotion rampant in the verbal eruption. “I told you I don’t want him to know!”

Bo-Peep slowly turns toward her staring with eyes cold as the arctic wind. “Right now, you need to control your emotions. They are your worst enemy and will get you killed.” Pausing for her words to sink in. “And, Viper already knows.”

Gasping at Bo-peep’s words and tone of voice, she recoils. “How could he know? We haven’t seen him or talked to him. Or did you phone him on that gadget you carry?”

“Girl! You have so much to learn. He has tracked our every move outside this cave.” Picking up the dish towel wiping the last of the dishes she continues. “Viper knows everything. There are no secrets when you deal with him. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but it is one you better learn and learn quickly. He hates liars!”

Pebbles stands in shocked silence, not moving just staring at Bo-peep as she walks to her cot.

Bo-peep doesn’t back down one inch. “We’ll hike to Viper’s place, pick up what he has at the cabin. What he doesn’t have I’m sure he will be glad to provide for us in a very short time.” Pausing. “Now get a move on.”

Without a word Pebbles walks out of the cave to see to her horses giving them food and water before time to start across the mountain. She has a thought that causes her to pause. “Hey Bo-peep, why don’t we take the horses? Paddy will accept you riding her.”

“Oh no you don’t. You’re not getting off that easy.  We are hiking over and back; and on the return we’ll be carrying some hefty packs.” Bo-peep watches her for any reaction; and takes satisfaction when Pebbles only visible sign is a shrug as she closes the door on the horse’s shelter. Well so far she is showing a lot of grit. She may prove to be a quick learner, well at least a determined one.

The sun has just risen over the tall pines at the mountain’s peak. Strapping on the backpacks, the two women start up and over the mountain with only water in their canteens. “This is an easy trek Pebbles; our packs are empty. On the return they will be sixty pounds or more.”

Starting up the hill Bo-peep glances over her shoulder. “Keep up! No matter what, keep up with me. Do not fall behind.”

Pebbles nods her understanding and follows. As they traipse through the pines she can’t help but remember the time  when she was tracking Liam.  Wow so much has happened since I followed Liam’s tracks; and went cascading down the mountain. At least it’s clear today.  As they move upward, she is aware that Bo-peep has picked up the pace.

It is some three to four of hours after sunup when Liam’s IPad pings while he’s working on the cabin. Glancing at the screen he sees that two humans are entering the quadrant abutting the land where Connie’s cabin is located. Time to check it out.  He leaves the cabin in a direction that will bring him in behind the intruders should intervention be advisable.  As he nears their location he moves toward them with the stealth of the hunter he is. Getting close he sees that Bo-peep is in the lead with Pebbles right behind her. What the hell!

Bo-peep knows where they are and is aware that Viper is probably tracking them. But unless he wants them to know he is there, not even she will detect his presence. I’m good, but not that good when it comes to Viper.

Observation tells him the packs are empty. Connie is keeping the pace and Bo-peep is well armed. He decides to keep close without revealing his position. King Pin is not sure all the cartel is dead. And he promised Connie she was safe.  Hum! At the pace Bo-peep is setting they should arrive at the cabin in two to three hours.

Bo-peep maintains silence as they climb toward the crest; she’s in working mode and unnecessary conversation is not part it. She has yet to clue Pebbles into non-verbal signals used in the field, but notes that she has avoided talking. 

Pebbles puzzles at the absence of conversation but doesn’t break the silence.  Her ears attuned to the sounds of the forest as they follow the trail. She is aware that while her steps echo through the silence, she hears not a sound from the foot falls of Bo-peep. How can she do that, not a sound?

As she reaches the crest Bo-peep stops in the shade of a pinon looking out across the way. She knows Viper is watching but even with all her skills she has not been able to detect his presence. Damn! No matter how hard I hone my skills I can’t seem to match Viper.

Pebbles, her thoughts elsewhere doesn’t realize that Bo-peep has stopped and when she shakes off her daydreaming she is right on top of her. Although her normal reaction would be a loud exclamation of shock, by sheer determination she remains mute.

Still maintaining her silence she frowns at Pebbles as she almost collides with her.   Then motions for her to sip from her canteen still not speaking. Turning she picks up the pace. As they start their descent a slight breeze ripples the needles creating a soft whistle wafting through the air.

As they move downward, Viper follows their progress as he skirts their location intent upon arriving back at his cabin before they do. He smiles. Pebbles is maintaining the pace but he sees the packs are empty and wonders how she will fare on the return trip.

Slipping through the shadowy woods he listens to the forest as he crosses the trail of a roadrunner and hears the caw of a crow some distance away. The sky is clear with the sun almost directly overhead.  Even with the pace Bo-peep is setting it will be a couple of hours before they reach their destination. There’s plenty of time for me to prepare a meal for them.

Bo-peep glances back from time to time, Pebbles seems to be holding up well at the pace she has kept both ascending and descending. Aware that the sun is directly overhead. We still have a ways to go to reach Viper’s. Moving on through the pines time seems to pass quickly. Noticing the position of the sun, she figures it to be about 1500 hours. Glancing at her watch she sees it is a quarter past.  As they round the bend of the slight trail she has been following she sees the cabin through the trees. They had been hiking for over six hours with only one stop and Pebbles had kept up. Hum better than I expected.

As they approach the cabin still maintaining silence Bo-peep is not surprised to see Viper with the grill going. He waves at them as they emerge out of the forest into the small clearing where his home sits. 

Only when she is standing in front of him does she break the silence she has maintained since beginning the journey.  “Good to see you are preparing to feed us. We’re hungry. Is that steaks your grilling?”

  Pebbles stops beside Bo-peep as she is conversing with Viper. Quietly standing there she gets a whiff of smoke wafting through the air although they are up wind of the grill. She sees the clouds moving across the azure sky noticing the shadows beginning to grow under the many trees as the sun moves downward toward the horizon.

  Viper looks at the two women. “Okay eat first; and then you can tell me why you’re here.”

  Grinning as she turns away Pebbles says. “Well maybe we just desired your company!”

  Bo-peep chimes in. “That will be the day!” As Viper throws a towel in her direction she moves to the wooden table removing the empty pack. “Come on Pebbles dump the pack. Let’s relax for a bit.”

  Viper watches the two women as they settle at the table curious why Pebbles is so quiet, but chooses to wait them out. He still has his IPad near, he doesn’t want any surprises that he hasn’t planned. Glancing at Bo-peep. “Want a beer?”

“Hell, Viper I thought you forgot your manners; of course I want a beer. How about you Pebbles?”

“Nah, I’m good.” Sitting with her eyes watching Viper but her mind wandering. Her thoughts rampant with interest as to what Bo-peep has planned for her training but unwilling to ask. Is it because of fear or uncertainty?  No it can’t be. I’ve lived with fear too long, it doesn’t feel like fear.  We kept a good pace today, but it was exhilarating. As she sighs she notices that Viper is watching her.

“What’s on your mind, Pebbles? You seem a million miles away.”

With a smirk. “You know what, I’m just hungry. Are you ever going to feed us?”

 “You’re a saucy lass!”

With a slight grin. “You already know that, so watch your tongue.”

 His eyes dancing with pleasure and his face placid. “Steaks up grab your plates and dig in; beans and potato salad with hot rolls and butter on the counter indoors.” Turning the grill off, he places the platter of steaks beside the rest of the food. As he walks by Pebbles, he pinches her on the butt; and shows some surprise as she swats him but he fails to see the look of promised retaliation in her eyes.

Bo-peep takes pleasure in the expression on her face and the fact that Viper missed it. One of these days he is going to pay for that.

As the sun makes its final descent over the horizon, the three sit on the stoop sipping coffee watching the lengthening shadows turn the forest to ebony.  High overhead the velvet sky is littered with millions of twinkling stars.  And not far away the lonesome howl of the coyote echoes through the canyon.

As Viper waits for the two women to explain the purpose of their visit, a tenuous peace settles in the small glen he calls home. Finally Bo-Peep reaches in her pocket taking out a list of paraphernalia she requires for the task ahead.

Taking a pen light from his pocket he shines it on the piece of paper in his hand. Taking on a commander’s firmness. “What the hell is this? Are you going to war?”

Bo-peep just grins at Viper and responds in an all business tone. “Well, how long will it take you to supply me with things on the list? A Week? Two?” Then winks at Pebbles who tries not to react to the harsh tone of both Viper and Bo-Peep’s voices. “And this is the other list, we’ll pack these items back over the mountain in the morning.” Then in a softer tone. “Viper, you can supply these items from your store room can you not?”

Looking at the two women sitting in the shadows of the night he wonders. What the hell are they up to? But something tells him he won’t get a straight answer. “On the first list, give me a week. On the second, yes I can fill it from the store room.” Pausing to see their response and when there is none from either one. “Now, are one of you going to tell me what you two are doing?”

Before Bo-peep can utter a word Pebbles straightens her shoulders and the words tumble out. “Hell no.” Her radiant green orbs flashing fire into the darkness and as her mouth closes shut the muscles in her jaw clinches taut.

Bo-peep smiles into the darkness. Well! Well! Well! Pebbles may have some grit after all. She’s going to need it in the weeks ahead.  Viper looks from one to the other as Bo-peep gets to her feet and looking down at him with her hands on her hips. “Got it commander?”

Looking at Pebbles whose features are still tense, then at Bo-peep whose stance is demanding an answer.  With eyes of steel he nods in acknowledgement and moves inside the cabin without saying another word.

The women pick up their packs where they had laid them when they arrived and follow him into the cabin. He begins pulling the requested food items from his walk-in pantry. When he has laid everything on the counter Bo-peep begins separating the items into two piles. As she does she starts to load the packs. 

Watching how she is placing the items in the pack, Pebbles mimics her actions. Soon both are loaded and ready. No words are spoken between the two but a time or two Bo-peep indicates a better way to load the stuff for her.

Sitting by the hearth where a small fire is radiating warmth into cool mountain air filtering through the night Viper watches the activity of his two uninvited, but welcome guest. Whatever those two are planning it is by mutual agreement, but why so secretive? That’s not going to be a problem, I’ll soon know what they’ve hatched.

As the two finish loading the packs it is nearing midnight and the air is cooler although the wind has subsided. ‘Pebbles, let’s call it a night, we’ll be leaving at dawn. Viper, where are we to bed down, or do we sleep in the barn.”

With A look that would kill. “There’s two beds in the room at the end of the hall. They should suit you nicely compared to the cots in the cave.”

Smiling in spite of herself Bo-peep can’t resist. “Now, Viper where’s you hospitality?” Leaving him standing in front of the fire his countenance very unfriendly, she moves toward the room he indicated with Pebbles right behind her.

Unsettled by the events of the evening, he sits puzzled by the silence as no sound filters through the walls. When he hears rhythmic breathing sifting through the night he sets the alarms and retires. Still puzzled by the lack of conversation from Pebbles.  And the failure on Bo-peep’s part to supply what he considers pertinent information, he lays awake listening to the silence. In the wee hours of the morning he is not surprised to hear activity in the room down the hall. Stealthy he rises preparing coffee for the entrance of the two whose actions seem mysterious. Yet, he is sure there is a simple explanation. The question is will I get the answer.

Viper hearing their footsteps turns as the ladies enter the kitchen their packs sitting on their backs. “Coffee?”

Bo-peep looks at Pebbles as she replies. “Sure, how about to go!”

While a little perturbed at the answer Viper without any change in his voice inflection or the emotion free expression on his countenance reaches for a couple of thermal cups. Pouring the coffee and closing the top he hands one to each of the ladies standing statuesque only a few feet from him.

Pebbles takes her cup, smiles, and turns walking out into the cool mountain air.

Bo-peep moves to follow when Viper in a very low voice. “Bo-peep, what the hell is going on here?”

In a calm firm tone without cracking a muscle. “None of your damn business.” He starts to grab her arm, but halts his movement when he sees the fire spilling out of her eyes like daggers.

In almost a whisper she looks at him with fire enunciating each word slowly and firmly. “I have given my word, my sworn word; and I will not break it even for you!”

Viper stunned by the vehemence in her words and actions concedes she will not tell him; standing tall towering over her with controlled furor born of much discipline. “If anything happens to Pebbles, anything, you won’t be able to hide. I will hunt you down and kill you.”

Bo-peep with complete understanding nods her head in response to his threat; no, his promise, turns and walks into the gray dawn.

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