General Fiction posted November 1, 2014 Chapters:  ...10 11 -12- 13... 

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A life changing decision

A chapter in the book Wilderness Encounter

Chapter 12

by Catherin Elizabet Belle

Bo-peep guesses it to be just before dawn when she hears low moans and tossing coming from across the cave. Raising up on one elbow she realizes that Pebbles is having a nightmare, but decides to see if it wakes her. Soon, the groans and movement stop, then slow steady breathing echoes through the room.  Pebbles has a lot to work through. No wonder Viper asked if I would stay. Bo-peep wonders, what Pebbles decision will be regarding the training.

The quiet of the night is soothing as off in the distance she hears a coyote’s lonesome howl echoing across the mountain.Slipping out of the cave she sits watching the ebony night turn to gray as the sun makes its way above the horizon. Soon the smell of coffee brewing wafts into the open air,.Well, Pebbles must be moving about. Returning to the cave she sees that Pebbles is preparing breakfast.

Looking up as Bo-peep enters Pebbles asks. “Where have you been?”

“Sitting outside watching the night fade listening to the birds herald the dawn. You been up long?” Moving toward the fire, “Want some help?”

Smiling Pebbles replies. “No, it’s about ready. Figured we would need a hardy breakfast before getting to my training.”

Even though the answer is obvious the expression on Bo-Peep's face turns serious as she asks. “What is your decision, Pebbles?”

Looking down briefly then raising her head her green eyes piercing into the inky orbs across from her. “I want to feel save, so I figure I better go all the way. Teach me to kill.”

Her eyes turning to steel her voice icy. “Pebbles are you absolutely sure, ‘cause there will be no quitting once we start.”

Straightening her back she glares at Bo-peep. “Damn straight, I don’t want to ever be vulnerable again. Do, we understand each other?”

“Let’s eat and we’ll lay out a plan that will be strictly followed, no exceptions.” Taking the plate handed to her she moves to the small table where Pebbles soon joins her.

Eating in silence with only the sound of small critters moving around in the far reaches of the cave, each lost in their own thoughts and the seriousness of the commitment both have made. Quietly, without looking up Pebbles speaks in a whisper. “Call me Connie, that’s my name.

Hearing Pebbles but not responding, too much information; then, looking at her downed head. “This is your last day of relaxation. Early tomorrow morning we get busy on your training.” And in a firm voice void of emotion. “So be ready!”

At the tone of Bo-Peep’s voice she looks up responding. “Right.” Then continues her meal.

O400 hours

Banging a spoon on one of the pans Bo-peep yells. “Rise and shine, it’s time for fun and games.”

Pebbles opens her eyes with a start and sees Bo-peep standing in battle dress hands on her hips glaring at her. “What the hell.”

“Get dress, your clothes are beside your bed, snap to.” She turns and stalks outside the cave to await Pebble’s exit.

Stunned by the metamorphosis of her companion, she crawls out of the warm cot picking up the pile of clothes beside her bed; and is surprised to see they are the same type of clothing Bo-peep is wearing, fatigues.  Okay, I asked for this, but just what did I ask for. Dressing quickly but meticulously she exits the cave to find Bo-peep standing rigid against the back drop of pines sheltering the white trunks of the aspen.

With no preliminary remarks. “Today we’re going to hike five miles up hill and back down with a sixty pound pack.” With that she picks up her own pack. “Turn around.” With Pebbles back to her she helps her on with the pack. She is pleased when she doesn’t bend under the weight. “You’re to keep pace with me, let’s go.”

Bo-peep starts up the hill setting a pace she hopes Pebbles can keep up with as she falls in behind her.  No words are spoken. The sun just sneaking over the mountain peak sends yellow rays glistening through the trees.
Pebbles feels the weight of the pack as they move steadily upward. As the day warms, she feels sweat slithering downward between her breast while her legs begin to ache, but she refuses to accept the possibility she can’t last the five miles; she has hiked this mountain before is this so different? Feeling the breeze on her face as it ripples the pines they move steadily upward.

Shortly Bo-peep stops on the side of the trail as she is slightly ahead of Pebbles, but in glancing back she is pleased that the distance between them is not lengthening. When Pebbles stops beside her. “How are you doing?”
Remembering Bo-Peep's words when she asked for the training she replies. “I’m fine. You’re the one who stopped.

Bo-peep smiles at the audacity of the woman, but admires her determination. She is going to need all she has to get through the rigorous training she needs. “Point taken, let’s move on.”

As the women move further up the hill they are unaware of the two blips showing up on Vipers I-pad. “Well, well, let’s see who is rambling around.” Moving in stealth mode he moves toward the intruders. In the shadow of the trees he observes the two women noting that Connie is the one with the pack and wonders what is going on. Maybe I should venture over to the cave later today to see how things are going; and what this is all about.

Moving higher up the trail following Bo-peep who sets a stiff pace, Pebbles realizes that while she has carried packs before they were never this heavy or at this pace. Taking deep breathes to get plenty of oxygen in her lungs; and setting her jaw firm in determination she refuses to give the least hint that she is tiring; and tiring quickly.  Reaching the five mile mark the two stop in the shade of a large pinon. Gazing out across the terrain below, Pebbles remembers why she fell in love with this mountain the first time she visited it as a child. The many hues of green give the panoramic view sprinkled with the aspen and tall oaks.  Tired, but exhilarated without removing the pack, she turns to Bo-peep. “Do we go higher or back down the way we came.”

Bo-peep shows no expression on her countenance but inside there is hiding a broad smile at the gumption that has been shown by her pupil. “We’ll return the way we came. Watch your footing, I’m going to set a heavy pace; and I don’t want you tumbling down the mountain.”

Pebbles can’t help herself as laughter escapes from her lips. “That’s how I met Viper.”

With a confused expression on her face Bo-peep says. “HUH”?

“Remind me to tell you what a stupid fool I was and how I got myself into a heap of trouble.” Moving out from under the spreading needles. “Well, are we ready to get back to the cave?”

Bo-peep nods her head and moves down the trail setting a pace twice the rate as she did scaling the hill, Pebbles falling in right behind her watches where she puts her feet as she doesn’t want a repeat of sliding down the mountain.  Descending is easier, but the pack doesn’t get any lighter.  Pebbles is really feeling the pain in her shoulders by the time they reach the cave, only sheer  granite of will keeps her on her feet.  As she starts to remove the pack, Bo-peep reaches to help her. With the weight of the pack gone, she arches her shoulders and grimaces at the pain radiating across and down her back.

“Walk around for a while to help loosen the overworked muscles; then I’ll give you a good rubdown.”

With a sigh that she tries unsuccessfully to hide. “How long?”

Snapping a reply. “Till I tell you to stop!” She stands watching Pebbles as she moves toward the small corral and to her horses, hearing both whiney as she approaches. Watching the transformation from a stressed look to a radiant glow as she approaches the shed, once again Bo-peep sees the strong bond between Pebbles and her animals.

Pebbles wraps her arms around Diablo as Paddy nuzzles her shoulder. Checking on their water and food she picks up a brush and begins to detangle his long flowing mane, then moves to Paddy. Each stroke is a warm caress.

When she finishes with the animals Bo-peep says. “Okay, let’s get something to drink and eat. Then we’ll talk about tomorrows routine.”

“Go ahead and clean up Bo-peep while I fix us a bite to eat. “  Pausing, Pebbles stretches her aching shoulders as she reaches to fill the coffee pot unaware that she is being observed.

With not an ounce of compassion she asks. “Are you alright Pebbles?”

Straightening her spine and squaring her shoulders she responds with a strong voice. “You bet!”

Bo-peep isn’t surprised at her answer. And can’t help a smile as she walks to the corner of the cave to clean up. She has pride in herself. I hope she has the determination to complete the task she has embarked upon. This is only the first day.

While the coffee boils, Pebbles fries some bacon and scrambles eggs wrapping them in a tortilla, one of her favorite meals.  As she works in the small area she can’t help but think of how well stocked the cave was. Liam did a fabulous job; he certainly knew what they would need. As Bo-peep approaches her. “It’s ready if you are.”

Grinning she replies. “I could do with a good meal! What’s this?”

Laughing. “Bo-peep, it’s my version of a burrito but I did leave off the green chili seems Viper forgot to lay in the chili.” Pouring the coffee Pebbles hands Bo-peep a cup and sits down across from her.

 As the two women enjoy the meal silence permeates the cave.  Bo-peep senses that Pebbles is in deep thought; and waits quietly to give her a chance to express her thoughts. Even as they clear away the dishes and sip on their coffee Pebbles says nothing; yet there is a darkness shading her eyes giving the illusion that she is in deep concentration over something very serious.  Realizing it is time to question her Bo-peep chooses her words carefully. “What causes the darkness that shadows your green eyes?”

Pebbles looks up, but says nothing.   The words on the tip of her tongue frozen in time hang on the edge of her pale lips. Why can’t I speak? Why is it so hard to ask? Is it because I am afraid of the answer? Staring into the glow of the smoldering embers like a statue of marble she sits unmoving desperate to know and scared of the answer.

Unsure of what is causing the statuesque appearance Bo-peep knows she must break the silence. In a commanding voice she demands. “Pebbles what is wrong? Tell me, now; this instance!”

The harsh tone of her voice reaches the granite figure before her and she blurts out, “Oh, Bo-peep.  “How can he murder men in cold blood; then be ever so gentle and tender in the next?
How can you? How do you do it?”

She is not surprised. Yet, she is unsure how to answer the question knowing she must reply with total honestly. “Pebbles, I’ll try to keep the explanation simple. When you owned your own business it was what you did to support yourself, but it was not who you were.” Pausing to see if Pebbles is following her; seeing the shadow in her eyes lighten a tad she continues, “Sometimes killing is what we have do it but is not who we are.” The sparkle gradually returns to the green orbs staring back at her. “Just as you’re trained in Publishing and had to stay atop of current advancements, we have been trained and also must keep our training abreast with whatever we may encounter in our work.” Watching Pebbles’ facial expression she adds. “It is our work, not who we are. Do you understand?”

A small smile escapes as the corners of Pebble’s mouth turns slightly upward. “I think I do. I want to defend myself. And if that means killing then so be it.” Looking directly into Bo-peep’s eyes. “Are we clear?” With that she drifts off into that other world where she was before Bo-peep had demanded an answer; her eyes open but not seeing.


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