General Fiction posted October 26, 2014 Chapters:  ...7 8 -9- 10... 

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Unexpected source of help

A chapter in the book Wilderness Encounter

Chapter 9

by Catherin Elizabet Belle

Connie Witness a bank robbery and murder, as the only witness she testifies. Even though she is in witness protection the cartel finds her and she has to relocate.

Time passes quicker than they realize. Liam’s shoulder heals nicely with full use of it back, as well as Connie’s arm which is no longer in a splint. They know it is time for him to leave, but neither broaches the subject until that night at dinner when Liam brings it up.

“Connie, tomorrow I’m heading back to my place. I’ve been gone too long and I have things to take care of back there.”

Looking at him for a moment with a sad look in her eyes says, “Well it’s about time you got out of here. You’ve done nothing but eat my food, take up space, and just being an overall pest to me. I swear it will be nice to have some peace and quiet around here again.”

He smiles at her chuckling, “It’s always nice to know that some things never change.”

In their hearts though they know that neither wants the other to leave they're just putting on a brave show. In reality they have grown closer, each wanting more but afraid to take it to the next level.

The rest of the evening. Each lost in their own thoughts until they call it a night. Connie in her bed, Liam on the couch, so close yet so far apart. It is a restless night for each of them.  

The next morning they are both up early, neither saying much of anything as Connie fixes breakfast preparing sandwiches and coffee for Liam to take with him when he leaves.  Finally, it is time for him to head to his home on the other side of the mountain; both stand there looking at each other, not knowing what to say feeling very awkward.

Finally Liam says, “The hell with it.” Dropping his backpack he takes her in his arms holding her close. She sighs as she melts into his chest holding onto him, not wanting to let go. Liam kisses the top of her head pulling away looks into her beautiful eyes, “Connie, you’re one hell of a lady. Tough, beautiful, and mule headed as they come. But I am honored beyond words to have met you. Now, if you are so inclined, meet me at the cave one week from today. I need to check on a few things; may have a solution to your problem. I can’t promise anything, but I’m going to try like hell to keep you safe.”

Hugging her once more, he picks up his back pack, turns and walks out the door without another word.

Connie stands in the open door watching till he disappears into the woods; without warning the tears stream down her face as great sobs echo through the cabin.

Time drags until finally the week passes.  Connie is up early packing supplies that will be good to take she saddles her horses and is ready to go as the first rays of the morning sun flood the valley.  They make good time even though sometimes they move at a snail’s pace as they navigate around obstacles and rough terrain. Arriving at the cave around mid-afternoon Connie looks around calling out Liam’s name. When no answer comes, she hobbles the horses near the trees in a grassy clearing where they have shade and plenty of grass. Nearing the cave she sees nothing out of place but feels that there have been changes made, yet can’t put her finger on what.  Just before going into the cave, she stops looking around once again she spots what has changed; there’s a large pile of wood near the tree line camouflaged looking as if has always been there. She would have never known it was there if she hadn’t trained herself to be more observant of her surroundings. Looking around once more she calls out Liam’s name, when no answer comes she heads to the cave noticing the entrance that it has been widen and made taller.        

As Connie starts her entrance, she finds a lantern sitting just inside pausing for a moment to light it before continuing. As she stands up she is amazed at what she sees; Liam has been very busy setting up the cave. There are cots, sleeping bags, fold up lawn chairs, jerry cans of water, camping stove, and dehydrated food and other supplies needed to hold up in the cave for weeks at a time. Why had he done all this; for what purpose she wonders.

Just then she hears his voice outside yelling, “HELLO.” 

Slipping out of the cave she stands watching him as he comes up the hill carrying more supplies in his backpack. As he gets closer she is overwhelmed by a compulsion and running to him wraps her arms around him. The sudden weight change of her onslaught causes him to lose his balance falling backwards with Connie on top of him. Remaining in the awkward position eyes locked in a surprised stare  suddenly Connie jumps off of him her face a radiant blush apologizing saying that she didn’t mean it.

Liam lay there, trying to get up but looking very much like a turtle on its back. Finally he undoes the straps, slips out of the pack and slowly stands looking at her. “It’s great to see you too.  As he pulls her into his arms she lays head on his chest savoring the feel of his arms around her, she looks up into his blue eyes asking, “What is the deal with all the stuff in the cave? Are you leaving your cabin and moving into the cave.”

 “No Connie. I have an idea and its part of a plan I’m formulating to keep you safe. I’ll explain it to you once we’re inside the cave and I get some coffee, it been a nice little trek over the mountain.”

With that, Liam picks up his backpack moving into the cave. Connie stands there for a moment, full of apprehension as fear creeps into her soul; not sure she wants to know what he is talking about but at the same time curious. Finally her curiosity bolsters her courage and she follows him into the cave.  Sitting in one of the chairs he put in the cave she says not a word watching him prepare the coffee and setting the pot on the cook stove to brew. Connie follows his every movement with questioning eyes as he picks up his pack, sitting down beside her pulling supplies out.

“Alright Connie, first things first. This is for you, a satellite phone that’s encrypted and untraceable. It has a 72 hour battery life before it needs to be recharged and you can use it to call me anytime you wish. My number is set up in it; all you have to do is hit ONE and SEND then it calls me directly. I have the same thing and no one will ever know it’s you or for that matter where you are because it’s untraceable.”

As he hands it to her she accepts it with a slight nod; yet, she is puzzled by the phone.
“Now I have two pistols for you; they are easy to carry and easy to conceal on your person. The first one is a 9mm with 2 spare clips, each clip with 10 rounds of hollow points in them. The second is for close range emergences. It holds five rounds and is a 45/410 pistol. I have both kinds of ammo for it and depending on which is easier for you to handle, will be what we load into it. They also have clip on holsters and can hook on to your belt or on your boots if you wish. They are also, as of now, fully loaded.”  He hand her both pistols, holsters, and four boxes of ammo consisting of 9mm, 45, and 410 deer slug rounds.

She takes them looking at him her eyes large and round full of fear. Thinking to herself, what is he getting me into?  As she watches him, he rises pours coffee for both of them. She notices that his eyes have changed, once soft and gentle are now cold, hard and unfeeling.

As he sits back down looking at her with those steely eyes for a minute, a shutter runs through her. Then he taking a sip of his coffee he begins. First off Connie, I did some checking on this Cortez individual you said was part of the bank hold up and murder. He’s very bad news and the head of one of the largest drug cartels in Mexico and the United States. Anyone who crosses him ends up dead and he doesn’t give up once he goes after someone. The FBI & DEA are both after him and have been for years, but every time they get a lead on him he simply vanishes. They nicknamed him ‘the snake’ mainly because he’s so slippery. As of right now, you are the only one who has managed to survive as long as you have. But you are living on borrowed time; it’s only a matter of time before he finds you.” 

Liam pauses for a moment watching her. Connie’s face is pure white and she is shaking so badly the coffee in her cup is sloshing over the edge.  He reaches over taking the cup holding her hands to calm her.  “Connie, I know you’re scared but there is more I have to tell you. If we do what I have in mind, you will be safe for the rest of your life. I also know that my idea will scare the HELL out of you, but rest assured you will never be in any danger. Now as I was saying, I can’t prove it as of yet, but I am pretty dam sure that one of your handlers is on Cortez’s payroll. That is the only way they could have found you so quickly after changing your name and your location. They came after you three different times and failed each time to kill you. Now the next time they find you, Cortez will want to be personally involved to insure no mistakes are made assuring himself that you’re dead.”

Pausing for what he said to sink in, “Connie, I want you to listen to what I have to say and not say a word. This is what I have planned; and what needs to be done.”  Over the next hour, Liam lays out his plan to her in detail. Connie sits there the whole time with nothing short of a shocked emanating on her face, ringing her hands, and shaking. Finally he finishes sitting back he looks at her without saying a word.

Connie gasps as her hands fly to her mouth panic just under the surface, she shakes her head from side to side her whole body trembling.

“No Connie, we don’t want you dead. We want Cortez to show himself so we can eliminate him once and for all; then you can live out the rest of your life without fear.”

Liam reaches into his pack pulling out a bottle of cognac pours some into her cup handing it to her.  Connie is shaking so badly that he has to help her hold it; as she drinks it down in one gulp.

She looks at him with terrified crazed eyes shaking so hard she teeters as she attempts to rise from her chair. Slowly she reaches over, grasp the bottle of cognac with both hands taking a long swig from the bottle. She gags and coughs for about three minutes as she leans against the cave wall.  Looking at him her eyes burning with rage; but a look of complete and utter fear radiating from her ashen face.  “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAM MIND; ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME KILLED, OR WHAT?” her voice rising with each word, “That is the most asinine idea I have ever heard in my life. You think using me as bait to bring this psycho out in hopes of killing him is going to work when the FBI or the DEA can’t even stop him. That’s got to be the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.”

“Is it Connie? Think about it. You want to be free and be able to live your life without fear. We have to take him out completely! As for the FBI and DEA, they are constrained by what they can do by law and will go no further; and they do not have the resources that I do. They are unwilling to do whatever it takes to get the job done; I, on the other hand will do whatever it takes with no questions asked. So for now Connie don’t say another word, think about it overnight. Then give me your answer in the morning. In the meantime, I’ll get dinner going for us while you calm down and think about what I’ve said.” 

Connie stands there with her hands on her hips glaring at him saying not a word. Picking up the bottle of cognac downing another swig, gaging she leaves the cave.

 Liam sits there for a moment, shakes his head and proceeds to fix dinner. About a half an hour later, he steps outside the cave and finds her taking care of her horses. She found the corral and shelter he built for them.

He hears her talking to them as she brushes their coats.  Quietly as not to alarm her further he says, “Dinner is ready.” Without further comment he returns to the cave.

Fifteen minutes lapses before she enters the cave saying, “Thanks for the corral.”

Liam serves dinner; and while they eat silence permeates the cave.   It is late in the evening, the sun sinks behind the mountains and the stars are dancing around the quarter moon lighting the darkness.  Off in the distance, they hear a lone coyote calling out his loneliness as yearns for a mate; but no answer echoes through the night.

As silence roars in the cave, Liam picks up one of the sleeping bags and his rifle moving to the exit of the cave.

“And where do you think you’re going,” Connie inquires.

“I’ll stay outside tonight to watch over the horses. There were some fresh cougar tracks near here the other morning, and I don’t want your nags getting bothered by it. Besides, I don’t want to fall asleep around you and wake up with you beating the crap out of me’ cause you’re still pissed. So get some sleep, if you need anything, just call.” As he moves outside he leaves her setting with her mouth open glaring at him.

About three in the morning Connie crawls out of the cave to look for him. She freezes in her tracks when she sees him setting next to the cave entrance with his rifle to his shoulder looking through the scope at something out in the woods that she can neither see nor hear.

With one hand, he motions for her to get down and move over to sit beside him. Once she is setting next to him, he softly whispers.  “There’s a cougar about two hundred yards out there I’m watching just to make sure it doesn’t go after the horses. It’s downwind of them; they don’t know about the cougar yet, but he knows where they are.”

In a whisper, Connie asks, “How do you know it’s there? I can’t see a thing.

Liam reaches down beside him handing her a scope; as she puts it up to her eye everything changes.  “Starlight Scope”, he whispers; then points to the area he is watching.

Connie scans the area he is pointing to seeing a large sleek, beautiful mountain cat with its eyes glowing bright in the scope. The cat is on the hunt, slowly and carefully making its way toward the horses. Then she looks back at Liam sees his finger on the trigger; she can’t help herself from asking; “Are you going to kill it Liam?”

His face is one of pure concentration as he whispers to her. “I’m hoping not to. I’m going to try scaring it away, but if it gets within a hundred yards of the horses then I will. Now watch the cat and tell me what happens?”  As he caresses the trigger the only sound heard is a soft frump as the round leaves the barrel.

Connie watches the cat as the round strikes a tree about five feet from him with a blinding flash. The mountain cat snarls leaping about five feet straight back, turns and tears off into the woods as fast as it can.

Liam chuckles, “That cat won’t stop running for about five miles. She won’t be back tonight or for the next few nights is my guess.”

Connie sits there looking at him in disbelief. “OK Liam, two questions. First, what the hell was that thing you fired; and second, how the hell did you know it was out there?”

He looked at her for a moment smiling before he answers. “That was a specialized incendiary round used normally for fuel tanks and or gas tanks to make them go boom. It’s also great at night for scaring the crap out of things as you’ve just seen because of the bright blinding flash it causes upon impact. As for how I knew that cat was out there, coming our way. I have sensors planted out at three hundred yards and one hundred yards to let me know if we have any unwanted guest; and hands her his notepad.

As she looks at the screen, she sees red markers that pulse on the screen marking where the sensors are located.

“Anything that gets near or goes between those sensors sends a signal to my notepad giving me a good location of the intruder and which way he’s going. Then I can scope it in to see what the intruder is and decide what to do from there. As I told you Connie, I’m going to do everything I can to keep you safe.”

He looks at her, his eyes soft and gentle as she looks away saying, “I’m going to make some coffee, you want some?” He nods his head as she returns to the cave.    
About fifteen minutes later she returns handing him a cup of coffee sitting down beside him leaning her head against his shoulder. For a few minutes the only sound renting the air is a sigh coming from Connie as he slips his arm around her holding her close.  Under the starlit dome, they sit listening to the night creatures prowl the forest, and watching the heavens for the occasional shooting star as it streaks across the ebony sky. Silence continues between them, an aura of peace wrapped around them as they sit side by side. Finally the suns first rays lighten the eastern skies as the creatures of the night disappear into their lairs; and those who saunter through the forest during the day ventures out looking for their next meal.

Looking down into the valley below, they spot a small herd of elk grazing in a small clearing on the dew cover grass, yet ears perked alert for a predator searching for a meal of venison.

Connie stifles a yawn looking up at him.  “Liam, I truly believe you when you said that you would protect me, and I’m sorry I blew up at you. But what you said scared the crap out of me; I knew you were right but didn’t want to admit it.”

Saying not a word he pulls her tighter against him.

 She puts her arms around him quietly saying, “Liam, do what you need to do to keep us safe and not living in fear? I won’t argue; I will do what you want me to.” She shutters moving herself closer to him. 

As he gently kisses the top of her head, “So be it Connie, now I’ll set the wheels in motion and get things set up.”

With that he takes his arm from around her picks up his SAT phone, dials a sequence of numbers, and waits. On the third ring it’s answered.

“459,” came the answer.

“Kingpin please,”

“Wait one.”

Liam looked at to Connie and put his finger to his lips, indicating to her to be quiet.

“Kingpin here.”

“Kingpin, this is Viper. Do you still have the snake on your shopping list?”

“Affirmative Viper, every time we get a lead on him. He disappears and we have to start tracking him all over again. I have his file in front of me as we speak. We are also looking for a witness named Pebbles to see if she would be willing to help us. But have been unable to get a lead on her what so ever. Why?”

“Kingpin, I need you, Hound dog, Bam-Bam, and Bo-peep at my location in three days. Then we can bring out the snake.”

“Wait a minute Viper, why do you need Bo-peep?” There was a momentary pause. “You have Pebbles don’t you? Is she willing to help?” What else would you need Bo-peep for?” There was an unnatural excitement in his voice as he spoke.

“Yes Kingpin, I have Pebbles. She is willing to help and is under my protection at this time. That is also why I need Bo-peep. To protect her as we deal with the snake. I also suspect that the FEDS have a rat in their soup, and that will have to be dealt with.”

“We concur with the rat in the soup Viper. But as of yet have been unable to confirm. Either way, the team will be at your place in three days, OUT.” The phone went dead.”

Liam looks at Connie, smiling about to explain what had just transpired, when she speaks, “Alright Liam, who is Pebbles, who the hell is Bo-peep, and who or what the Hell is Hound dog and Bam-Bam?”

Liam looks at her with a gleam in his eyes chuckling. “Connie, first off, your code name is Pebbles. As for the rest, Hound dog is one hell of a tracker, amongst other things; Bam-Bam is our explosives expert; and as for Bo-peep, let’s just say to have someone protect you, that she is the best there is and they’ll be at my cabin in two days if not sooner.”

“But you told them three days Liam.”

“That I did Connie, but I know them. They will be here early to scope things out and snoop around without us knowing it, or at least that’s what they think. But we will know when they are in the area, as well as where they are at any given time.”

Connie looks at him with a puzzled look on her face as he taps his notebook she smile chuckling too, “We will have to give them a proper welcome won’t we Liam?”

“That we will Connie that, we will. But for now, we have to get packed and head for my place to wait for the team to show up.”

 They head back into the cave, share breakfast, and readies the packs to place on the horses. Just before they leave, Liam camouflages the entrance to the cave to give a natural look to the surroundings. Riding out he gives one last look!


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