General Poetry posted September 2, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
One of nature's dealiest battles...

The Mongoose and the Cobra

by Dean Kuch

~The Mongoose and the Cobra~

The plains of Southern India, a fine venue for a fight;
in one corner lurks the cobra, displaying all her might.
The other, a gray mongoose— hungry, on the prowl,
the cobra's hiss is meant to scare, she opens up her cowl...


You may as well quit now, my friend, and die with dignity,”

The wily mongoose bears his fangs and speaks with brevity.

I know your venom kills most men, but I'm immune to it.”

Yet, in response the serpent coils, her answer, poisoned spit.

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You think you'll make a meal of me,” the slinky serpent asks?

You're far too slow for me, I know, why tackle such a task?

And if you've come to find a fight you've sure found one in me.

So turn back now, while you still can accept my charity.”


The mongoose would have none of it, his family needed food,

he'd tackled snakes like this before, the nature of his brood,

with lightning speed, lithe mongoose lunged, and struck the deadly blow;

Tho' bitten twice, his teeth tore thrice, subduing fanged foe.


The mongoose pups ate well that night, while serpents eggs sat cold,

the animal kingdom, with frightful tales, have stories often told,

of how the fearless mongoose braves the vipers poisoned fangs,

while many cobra's hatchlings sit enduring hunger pangs.

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I'm beginning to believe that I'm watching far too much of Animal Planet on television lately...

Cobras are normally shy, but when threatened, they can become very aggressive; especially when a furry predator comes sniffing around.

At first glance, this curious mammal may not look like much competition of the venomous cobra.

However, the Indian Grey Mongoose is quite the predator itself, and its lightning fast reflexes, thick hide, and resistance to venom has enabled it to add snakes like the cobra to its list of favorite foods.

The snake attempts to warn the mongoose away, making use of its famous hooded cowl and raspy hiss.

However, the mongoose, ever persistent, is on the prowl for dinner!

When the mongoose moves in to attack, the cobra strikes...and misses...

Again, and again...and again...yet, each time, the mongoose dances just out of reach.

But when the mongoose has decided that the fun is over, he doesn't miss, and snake will be on the menu tonight.

Rudyard Kipling would be proud...
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