Young Adult Fiction posted May 3, 2014 Chapters:  ...14 15 -16- 17... 

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Dad and Rory talk about Kathleen

A chapter in the book Sins of My Father

Event Worth Mentioning


15 year old Rory French is trying to figure out who he is and why life seems so unfair.
There are times when I think maybe my dad is missing some part of his brain. He had a stroke when I was really little, and both Granddad and Grandma Carolyn say he had a real tough go for a while. He had to relearn a lot of things, simple things. His memory was the worst, but according to him, he got it all back. Even he told me that the only thing that kept him fighting was the fact he wanted to be there for me.

It all sounds good until I go to him with a problem and his answer is "Deal with it, Rory. If it ain't this, it will be something else." Really? My life, as I know it, is about to be screwed up by my - scratch that. I was about to call her my mother, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Kathleen has returned and all Dad can say about it is 'deal with it.'

Thanks, Dad. Thanks for the tidbit of great advice. Back to my original tirade. Anyway, maybe when my dad had his stroke, it fried the part of his brain. Maybe he doesn't have the faculties to empathize and sympathize with those going through catastrophic events.

And I believe Kathleen Gedes returning to Patterson County is a catastrophic event.

He comes to my bedroom later, knocking softly on the partially open door. "Rory, I'm sorry about your mom coming back into town. I know you're freaking out that someone's going to find out, but really, what are the chances?"

"Well, my last name is French, and we all know how lucky that is." I study my fingertips casually. "So, I'd say pretty darned good."

"Well, considering she rarely visits," he checks to see if he hurt my feelings. "Anyhow, Rory, she's only here for a few weeks...hopefully. Just go on with your life. Don't worry about people finding out until it happens."

I pick up the basketball that is beside the bed and start to toss it rhythmically over my head. "And if it does happen, then what?"

"Then you deal with it."

"That was helpful."

"Rory, you're a smart kid. You'll know how to get through this. Now, go to bed."

When he turns to leave I watch as his hands shake. Grandma Carolyn says he was pitiful when he was younger. He only had Albie as a friend and he was too scared to tell Albie much for fear of scaring him off. She says he was closed off from everyone. All I can say is he must have been a basket case. Dad isn't exactly an open book now.

"Night," he says, pulling the door closed behind him.

"Night, Dad."

I close my eyes, letting the ball rest on my chest. The images of the posters come into my head.

Why'd she come back? Why now? Questions start to collide in my brain. All demanding answers that I don't have. Who is Kathleen Gedes? Why doesn't she love me? What was my Dad thinking?

The biggest question comes roaring through the tangle of worry. What the hell am I going to do?


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