General Fiction posted April 20, 2014 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 7... 

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A chapter in the book Wilderness Encounter

Connie's past

by Catherin Elizabet Belle

Connie knew in her heart the time had come to reveal the reason for her isolation in the deep woods of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Looking over at Liam reading in the corner of the room the late afternoon sun illuminating the pages of his book, he is almost healed and will be wanting to return to his home across the mountains. Creeping into her conscious thought, I don't want him to leave, not really. She shivered at the idea, being close to someone scared her.

Liam looks up in time to see the quiver run through her body, "Are you okay, Connie?" worry knitted his brow as sat waiting to see what she would say.

Smiling she rises to her feet, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

Liam senses she is stalling for what he doesn't know, but he will give her a chance to spill whatever it is bothering her when she is ready, "Sounds good to me," and follows her into the small kitchen.

Connie puts the coffee on to perk but instead of moving to the table where he is sitting, she stares out the window seeing nothing her mind painfully recalling the first time she felt herself in danger.

Liam watches the slump of her shoulders observing her body as it becomes a ridged pole of steel. Taking two mugs from the cabinet pouring the coffee she turns placing the cups on the table then sits across from him. "Liam, once you asked me why I chose to live in seclusion, perhaps it is time to answer. You are almost healed and your need to be here is fast coming to an end."

"Connie, Yes I would like to know, but only when you are ready to discuss it."

"If I waited until I was ready I would never talk about it. I have tried to forget and here on this mountain I was almost successful. When we left the cave and you insisted on accompanying me, I was terrified."

Liam can't stand the pain in her face, "Why would you be frightened?"

"I had time to think as we moved down the mountain; and I realize if you were here to kill me you would have done so when I was lying in the mud with rain pounding the earth."

"What the hell are you talking about? And why would I kill you I only met you two weeks ago. Traipsed all over hell and back to save you ass. Connie you're not making any sense."

Connie looks at his angry face and manages a very weak smile, "Perhaps if you will sit quietly and listen I will try to tell you. Please don't ask any questions, Please don't. If you do I might not get through the telling."

"It all started about ten years ago in a small southern town in Alabama, I had gotten off work early and was on my way home when I decided to stop by the bank. There were some papers in the safety deposit box I needed to close out my Uncle's estate. The bank was rather busy so it took a little while for the attendant to let me in the vault to the papers I needed."

Connie seems to drift into another world as she continues her story. "While looking through the box I heard a loud commotion in the bank stepping out to see what the hubbub was, I see this man waving a gun in the air and shouting for everyone to get down on the floor. He takes a bag to first one and then another teller instructing them to dump the cash in it. Another man stands over by the door and one by the office holding a gun on the bank president. Just as the president pulls the mask off the gunman revealing his face I slide down behind the door but not before I get a good look at the gunman. Hidden behind the door I hear women whimpering and a child crying as the mother tries to quiet him. When the banker sees his face he lets out a string of cuss words and shoots him in the chest. At that moment an icy chill gripes me, fearing that he saw me duck behind the door."

The gunman by the door yells "What the hell did you do that for?"

"He saw my face you damn fool we can't leave anyone who can identify any of us. Now get the damn money and let's get out of here."

"The teller nearest the exit punches the alarm as they reach the door, immediately the gunman closest to her fires killing her instantly. Still hiding behind the door my hand in my mouth to keep from screaming immobilized by dread gripping my every muscle sure I was going to die. I glance up in time to notice a vehicle idling at the curb as the gunmen dash out the door and climb in with the driver speeding off before the doors are fully closed."

"As vehicle races away I crawl from my hiding place to check on the president. Blood is seeping out from under him as I reach to check for a pulse...there is none, he is dead. I cringe as I feel the wet of his blood seep into my clothes looking down I see my hands smeared with blood. Choking with horror I numbly move across the floor trying but in vain to reach the teller behind the counter."

"All of the patrons are still lying on the floor as I pull myself up barely able to stand I hang on of the desks. Just as I am on my feet, the police come charging into the room guns drawn, I quickly see gun and drop behind the desk I had been leaning against. With the arrival of the officers people begin to get off the floor some milling around in a daze others still sitting where they are."

"One of the officer's radios for EMT's while they began taking everyone's statement. Most of the clients never saw their faces because of the ski masks and being prostrate on the floor."

"According to those in the front of the bank the gunmen just miraculously appeared, and no one observed the one already inside putting on his mask.

I am still sitting behind the desk unable to move or stop trembling. Barely aware of movement and voices around me, I scoot back cowering against the desk trying to vanish as the officer approaches me."

"Seeing the blood smear on my clothes, he kneels in front of me, "Ma'am, where are you hurt?"

Getting no response, he moves closer to her only to have her slide under the desk away from him. Officer Kelly over here please." As the Officer approaches, "She is traumatized, see if you can get her to talk to you."

Officer Kelly moves to the opening under the desk but remains several feet away, "Ma'am, I'm here to help you. My name is Kelly, You are bleeding; can you tell me where you are hurt."

The soft voice of the female officer seems to garner a small response as Connie raises her head to see who is speaking. In a voice barely above a whisper Connie says, "I'm not hurt."

"That's good." Reaching her hand toward Connie, "Please let me help you so the medics take a look at you."

Slowly very slowly, Connie scoots forward where she can reach the officer's hand allowing her to assist her from under the desk. Then very carefully Kelly leads her to a soft chair just a few feet away. An EMT approaches and having observed the situation sees how tense her body is he squats down in front of her, "Miss, let me take a look at you. Where are you hurt?" Her posture rigid she sits staring out the window and just when he thinks she is not going to respond he hears.

"The blood is not mine." Then turning toward him no expression on her face only a sadness shadowing her eyes, "It is the presidents. He's dead." She remains quiet as he watches for signs of trauma, "Could I have a glass of water, please?"

Motioning to Officer Kelly, "We could use a glass of water here." As the officer moves to locate some water a lady stops her handing her a bottle of water.

"Thanks." Connie sits sipping the water realizing for the first time all the activity going on around her. The bank is full of police offers all busy, some talking to those who were in the building at the time and some looking around the bank. As she becomes more aware of her surroundings, she assures the EMT that she is okay. She quietly sits becoming aware that no one has been allowed to leave. Watching the officers interview each of those in the bank at the time of the robbery. When will they get to me, I would like to go home. With that thought she sees an officer approaching.

"Ma'am, I'm Detective Dan Rico. I would like to ask you some questions." He notices that she is shaking, "Are you okay?"

Perhaps the shock of what has happened and knowing I could be dead now is finally getting to me, "I'm fine officer. It's been a trying morning."

"What is your name miss?"

"Constance Welch, Connie."

"Miss Welch, There's blood on your clothes, are you not injured? He knows she is not as he has talked with the EMT and officer Kelly, but he asked any way.
Thinking of her crawl through the blood, a chill cause her to shiver and had anyone been looking they would have seen a sadness in her eyes, "I crawled by the president to see if he was alive."

"Where were you during the events of this afternoon?"

"Officer, I was in one of the rooms used by the safety deposit vault going through my box when I heard a loud commotion and poked my head out to see what the ruckus was all about."

His black eyes turn even blacker as he ask, "How come you were not on the floor with the rest of the people?"

"Sir, I don't think they ever saw me behind the door, it was only slightly ajar. They seemed more intent on the money than a partially opened door off to the side." She can't help it as she recalls the incident just moments ago a cold wave of fear ravishes her body.

Seeing her shiver but knowing he has to push her for as much detail as she can provide, "Tell me what you saw with as much detail as you can."

Looking down at her hands gripped so tightly they are white, "One of the gunmen was holding the president hostage, he grabbed his mask jerking it off and as he did so the gunman shot him instantly in the chest. After that it seemed they were more intent on getting out of the bank."

"Ma'am, think carefully, your answer could be very important; can you identify the one who shot the bank president."

She hesitates, "Yes, I think so."

Speaking to one of the officers, "Bill, continue to interview the people here getting their names, addresses, etc.; you know the drill. I'm going to take Ms. Welch downtown to a sketch artist."

Taking Connie by the arm he leads her through the bank lobby and out to his unmarked car. Nothing is said on the trip to the station by either the detective or Connie.

Starring out the window everything is a blur as the vehicle moves through traffic. My eyes are open, but why doesn't this nightmare end. When will I wake up and find I'm in my office? A shadow of fear races through her body leaving hair on her arms standing straight up and a numbness she can't explain.

Aware of her trembling the detective asks,"Ms. Welch?" Receiving no response, "Connie."

With a startled look she asks, "Did you say something?" All at once her expression is blank, her eyes full of pain.

"Are you alright, Miss?" as he pulls into a parking place outside the police station.

Giving him a smile that doesn't quiet reach her green orbs, "Yes, I'm fine."

Entering the building Dan leads Connie to his desk. "Would you like a cup of coffee while we're waiting on the Sketch Artist.?"

"Yes, officer, that would be nice." Connie looks around the room seeing several empty desks while others are occupied with officers either on the phone or working at a computer.

Dan knows he told her he was a detective, but doesn't bother to correct her. Just as Dan returns with two cups of steaming coffee Nell arrives with her sketch pad as he had briefed her from the phone in the kitchen.

Looking at Connie, "Miss are you ready to give us a description of the gunman?" Connie nods her head without responding to the question. "Good lets go to my office where it's quiet and we won't be disturbed. Connie takes the cup offered her following Nell down the hall.

Just as the two women round the corner Dan's phone rings, "Rico here." He listens without speaking for several minutes, "I'm on my way." Picking up his hat, he makes for the elevator just as Jack Nestor arrives. "Come on Nestor, let's go."

Arriving back at the scene of the robbery and murder the two detectives see Bill waiting. As he parks the cruiser the sun is sinking behind the towering building of bank offices. "What you got?"

"You remember the clerk who was shot as she supposedly reached to set off the alarm, Name's Kay Darwin." Continuing without waiting for Dan to answer, "Look what I found in her purse." With that he hands Dan a ticket to the Cayman Islands the plane leaving just after bank closing time today; and right next to her passport is a bank book showing a balance of ten million dollars.
Jack gives a loud long whistle, "that's a lot a dough!"

Bill continues "I asked one of the other clerks if she was due to leave on vacation; and was told she had quit, this was her last day."

"Well! Well! That's interesting. What else you got?"

Bill shakes his head, "Still waiting for forensics' to finish. Most of the people were told to lie on the floor and didn't see too much; or were too scared to notice. We have a list of the employees and those in the bank at the time."

Rico looks around, the three bodies have been removed but there is still the blood splattered floor where the guard was shot and splatters on the wall from the shooting of the President; and let's not forgets the splatter behind the teller. Such carnage and for what?

Has the Vice President been called Rico? We need to know how much money was taken."

"He's on his way in. He was playing golf at the country club, should be here in about 20 minutes."

"Thanks Bill. Jack, why don't you stay and interview him while I see if Nell was able to get a sketch of the gunman from Miss Welch?"

Arriving back at the station he finds Nell in her office with Miss Welch. Nell has already made copies of the sketch and is running it through the data base hoping to identify the suspect. "Ms, you have a good eye for detail."

Just as Dan walks into Nell's office face recognition pings. "What you got Nell?"
"Your timing is perfect. Take a look for yourself." Nell moves aside so that Dan can see what is on the screen.

He looks at the picture staring at him from the monitor, "What the hell that's Juan Perez; now what is the Julio Cortez Cartel doing robbing banks?" Deep in thought he turns, "Thanks Nell. Where is Miss Welch?"

"She's in conference room two."

Entering the elevator he dials Nestor's cell, "Nestor, let's make sure the press doesn't know there is a witness. The sketch matches a member of the Julio Cortez Cartel, Juan Perez. He has been busted a few times but there has never been enough evidence to convict."

"No Shit! I'm just leaving. Go talk to Captain Walters, Rico. We need to put her in a safe house."

Hanging up the phone, Rico walks into the Captains office and closes the door, "Captain." Laying the sketch and the computer printout on his desk, "We may have a serious situation here. The description provided by Miss Welch proved to be a member of the Julio Cortez Cartel. Right now they do not know there is an eye witness; we need to keep it that way until we have him in custody."

Sitting down behind his desk, "What else do we have to connect him to the robbery?"

"The forensic team was just finishing up and Nestor is on his way in. Bill Dykra was the first officer on the scene. He and partner, John Bells, interviewed the people in the bank. They are due back at the precinct within the hour."

"Do you have an address for Juan Perez?

"We're checking now, Captain. Also, I want to check with forensics to see what finger prints they might have found at the scene. If his prints are on anything, we might not have to acknowledge an eye witness."

"Get on it Dan."

He walks down to the conference room to talk with Miss Welch. Entering the room he sees her just staring into space, "Connie, can I get you something to drink."
Slowly turning she sees him standing in the doorway, "Coffee would be nice."

"Be right back, Cream or Sugar?"

She simply nods her head as her eyes take on that faraway look he saw when he entered the room. I'm worried about her; she has had a tremendous shock. Returning with her coffee he sets the cup on the table beside her, then sits across from her. "Connie, we identified the one who shot the bank president through your description. We are trying to locate him as we speak."

Knowing that if he is in the system means he has been arrested before, numbly she asks, "What was he arrested for?"

"He has been arrested several times on suspicion of laundering drug money, but there was never enough evidence to get an indictment." He sees her face blanch even whiter if that is possible.

Raising her head she stares him straight in the eyes never once flinching, "Why would he be robbing a bank if he is connected to the cartel?"

Dan is taken aback by her question. This lady is one sharp cookie. "We're trying to figure that out right now. In the meantime, we want to take you to a safe house. We need to have him in custody before anyone knows there is an eye witness."

Connie continues to stare at him waiting for him to say more, but he does not. His wanting to put her into a safe house seems to jolt her trance, "Officer, what am I supposed to do. I have a business to run."

"What type of business do you have? Is there someone who can handle the day to day affairs without you for a while?"

"No! And I have no intention of going anywhere but home. You have everything I saw and heard in a deposition that I sighed earlier today. Like I said I have a business to run." Rising, "Now, am I free to leave?"

With no more evidence than he has now, Rico has no choice but to let her leave. After all she is a witness, not a criminal. "Okay, Ms. you're free to leave. We'll contact you if we need anything more."

Without saying another word, Connie walks down the hall and out the front door, hails a taxi and returns to pick up her car at the bank.

Nestor walks into the station, "Rico, What is Miss Welch doing leaving. I thought we were going to put her in a safe house."

"She refused. Said she had a business to run and was going home. And, what evidence did I really have at this time to insist. We haven't even made an arrest." Sitting across the desk from Nestor, he picks up the phone dialing the lab, "Terry, how soon before you process the prints from the bank?"

Jack can tell by the look on Rico's face that Terry gave him 'what for' for asking about results before his team even had time to put their equipment away after arriving back from the scene.

As Dan hangs up the phone, "Got your ears blistered didn't you!"

Just as he hangs up with forensics the phone rings, "Rico." Dan listens for a few minutes then says one word. "Okay." Clicking off, Lets go Nestor."

Arriving back at the bank, "Bill, what you got for us?"

"Going through Darwin's purse we found a one way ticket to the Caymans. I asked one of the other tellers if she was due vacation. Her reply was that she quit, this was her last day. In a zippered pocket near the bottom we found a passport and a Swiss bank book showing a balance of ten million dollars."

Jack lets out a long loud whistle, "That's some serious dough!"

Dan talking to himself, "Now where would a bank teller get that kind of money?" Dialing the DA's office hearing his assistant pick up, "Rita, I need a warrantee for Kay Darwin's apartment." Pausing to listen, "That's the bank teller killed in the bank robbery today." He continues filling her in on the details known at the time.

"Okay, Dan, I think I can catch Judge Rubio before he leaves for the day. I'll meet you at the location with the warrant."

Surprisingly by the time they arrive at the Darwin apartment Rita is just parking down the street. She comes toward them waving the warrant. Rico is knocking on the land lord's door as she steps up beside him.

As the super opens the door, Rico shows his badge and the warrant, "We need you to let us in Miss Darwin's apartment."

"What for? I'm not supposed to let anyone in she might not like it."

He was an older gentleman with enough class for the complex, "I don't think she will object. She was killed in a bank hold up this afternoon."

"I'm sorry, she was a nice lady."

Looking around at the plush offices, security, and lobby Rico asks, "How long has she lived here?"

"She moved in about two years ago; didn't have a lot of visitors. Stayed to herself mostly."

Showing the picture of Juan Perez to the super, "Every see this man with her?"

"Yeah, he use to visit her occasionally; she said he was a business associate. Sometimes he stayed over." The super moves toward the penthouse.Rico and Nestor stop him noticing the lock has been jimmied. With guns drawn they enter the apt finding it trashed; moving from room to room finally declare it clear. Placing a call to headquarters, "This is Rico, send the forensic team to the apt of Kay Dawin. Hold on. Rita give them address on the warrant."

She takes the phone and proceeds to give the forensic team the address. "Rico, do this by the book. I want to prosecute Perez and get a conviction this time."

"Rita, you can count on it."

With that she turns walks out of the room and leaves the building. She has some research to do in case they can turn up enough evidence to get a conviction on Perez; or better yet Tafoya and Julio Cortez.

Once the forensic team arrives, Nestor and Rico return to the precinct.

Several weeks have gone by as they follow up on leads while waiting on forensics to process finger prints, etc. When Rico's phone starts buzzing, "Rico here." Listening for a few minutes, "On the way. Let's go Nestor."

"What we got?"

"Forensic got the security tapes from the bank, thought we might be interested."

Arriving at the lab, "Over here Rico, we have the tape ready to run starting with the security guard and bank president's arrival at 0800 the day of the robbery."

Watching the tape run through the hours of the bank robbery and murders, the two detectives see what the patrons did not see; the man already in the bank slip on his ski mask. "Well, I'll be dam! That's Jimmy Tafoya, Cortez's hit man; and there near the back of the bank is the mug of Juan Perez, who was identified by Miss Welch." Grinning, "Thanks guys, a real fine job."

"Rico, think we ought to stop by and ask about finger prints?"

"Yeah, let's see if we get thrown out or if they have had time to process them.
Walking into the lab, "You two again, don't you ever give up?"

"Not on your life, Tilly. What have you got?"

Smiling, Well boys, I think I can help you out. Fingerprints of Juan Perez is on the spent cartridge found near where the president was killed. And in processing the prints found in Darwin's apartment, we found prints matching Julio Cortez. Both have several arrests but no convictions...all on drugs related charges or money laundering."

Rico, gives her a great big smooch on the check whistling as he leaves the lab entering the elevator. "Nestor, let's see if we can locate these bad boys."

Based on the evidence they have Rico and Nestor got warrants for Jimmy Tafoya and Juan Perez, going to the club where they were known to frequent they arrested them reciting their Miranda rights. They were booked and placed in jail awaiting arraignment all the time yelling for their attorney. The arraignment before the judge was scheduled two weeks after their arrest; Rita Belker, assistant DA presented a compelling case and bail was denied."

Pausing her story Connie gives a deep sigh and continues, "In preparation of the case, Assistant DA determined that I would have to testify. I didn't like the idea at all, but I did see Perez kill the bank president. Took over a year to bring Perez to trial. After a long trying time he was convicted of murder and was sentenced to death. Tafoya on the other hand was convicted of armed bank robbery sentenced to 25 years."

About six months after the verdict I went to the office discovering the door bashed in and my business trashed....all my computers, printers, and soft wear ruin. Across the wall scrawled, "Bitch". This time no fingerprints were found, no leads at all.

Knowing that it was the cartel and proving it was miles apart.

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