General Poetry posted March 12, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
Checking the ground where I walk.

Consider the Fallen Leaf

by amada

Consider the fallen leaf--
how it lies on the ground. Consider.

Torn from the mother branch,
dry and wrinkled, twisted and turned--
so we say...

Consider the fallen leaf.

I held one of them today.
Cold, it clung to my hand
seeking warmth, or a friend,

I tried to reshape, remake it...
but my terse hands
couldn't cuddle such a fragile thing,
and it crumbled,
on one fold of my ragged hand.

and it flew away
like sacred, golden dust ...

But one remained on my palm:
a reminder,
that we always leave something behind...
a smile
a sparkle
a sigh.

the fallen

Free Verse Poetry Contest contest entry


9wed 12/24/19
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