Young Adult Fiction posted February 21, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
Patrick talks about heaven

The Devil by Firelight, part 10


Fin went up stairs to lay down. He was so tired that his words had started to slur. It left Patrick down in the living room with Jenny and her brother. Neither brother had noticed the missing knife.

Jenny slumped in the chair, her back and shoulders aching from the wood gathering.

"So, Jenny, tell me what heaven will be like." Patrick spoke as he picked up the poker and pushed the burning logs around.

Jenny's eyes were closed, but she wasn't asleep. She didn't want to get dragged into a theological discussion. Not with Patrick, anyway.

"I know you ain't asleep. I want to hear about this heaven of yours."

Jenny sighed and thought for a moment. "It's a place where every one's happy. You get to see all those who passed before you. I think it'll be like a party," she said. She waited to hear his teasing.

"You want to know what I think heaven will be like?"

She knew he was going to tell her no matter if she wanted to hear or not. "Sure," she said, as her eyes closed again.

Patrick turned around and touched the end of the poker to her leg. It was still hot and she jumped. He was smiling at her, his eyes so calculating and knowing.

"I think it's a place where I won't ever hear the word no. I'll be respected and not be called a pathetic waste of space. Maybe it's a place where I can take whatever I want and no one will send me to live with crazies. I won't get beat up and fucked for making a stupid mistake. One stupid mistake and -," he said, his voice rising in anger momentarily.

"Why are ya'll running?" she asked. It seemed pointless to pretend anymore. There was a good chance she and Jeremy were going to die.

"Fin. He likes to borrow things. He's got quite a collection of things. He started taking things when he was real little. Used to steal the bacon off my plate," he laughed quietly. "He's pretty good at it. Once you start looking around here, you'll notice some things missing. Occasionally, he gets caught."

"I'm guessing he got caught."

"Some turban headed asshole chased after Fin. Yelling how Fin stole some necklace."

"Why didn't Fin just give it back," Jenny asked.

"Part of the fun is getting away with it. Anyhow, he cornered Fin in an alley. Pulled a knife on him.. He was threatening to kill him. Kept on saying how in his country, thieves get their hands cut off," Patrick said. His voice was higher pitched, though when Jenny looked at him, he seemed to summon his cool demeanor again. "All I can say is go the fuck back to the dessert."

"Why didn't Fin call the police?"

"Come on, Fin stole the necklace. He just wanted to get away. The guy should have just left him alone. But no. He wanted to stick my brother. So, Fin did what I have always told him to do. Somebody starts something, you damn well better finish it. He grabbed a wine bottle out of the trash and broke it against the bin. Poke, poke, and the sheet-head goes down."

"How did you get mixed up in this?"

Patrick held up both of his hands. "Fin called me freaking out, so I told him where to meet me. We came out here because no one ever comes this far out, especially when there is snow in the forecast."

Jenny shook her head and laughed sarcastically. "Lucky us."

Patrick looked over at her, no trace of a smile on his face now. "You think you are so much better than the rest of us. Think Jesus has a special place for you when you go to heaven. You make me sick."

She didn't answer, just leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes again.

Smug little bitch, Patrick thought to himself, as he watched her from across the room. Even sleeping, she looked stuck up. She didn't appeal to him. She wasn't pretty, lacked any sexuality at all. She was just a plain faced little bitch who needed to be brought down a peg or two.

She thought she was so much smarter than him. But he had showed her who was boss this afternoon. She had lost that smug and superior look then.

She hadn't cried, not then, but there would be tears. He'd make sure of it. Let the girl sleep. She'll cry, by God, he'd make damn sure of it.


Feedback welcome. Please and thank you. Thank you to achlassmal for the picture.
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