Spiritual Poetry posted July 19, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
He died and was resurrected, for you & me...

~His All-He Gave~.

by Dean Kuch

Poem of the Month Contest Winner 

 ~† His All —He Gave †~


Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not
what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

Luke 23:34


 photo the-crucifixion.jpg





His flesh was beaten, tattered, so torn–

Mankind's sins, into which we're all born

spat on, ridiculed, with vicious scorn–

Adorning his head— a crown of thorns.




The son of God— it's sheer blasphemy!”

They mocked Him for you, as well as me.

Led Him battered , bleeding, to Calvary

To fufill His Father's destiny...




The nails were driven, deeply they bore–

rent the very gentle flesh they tore

No King”, they scoffed, we can be sure;

no man is so righteous, good, and pure.”




Lo', once his bloodied body was nailed down–

they hoisted him up from off the ground,

so everyone could see, for miles around,

this King of Jews, the one they had bound.




Two thieves placed closely right at His side–

one anxiously decided to confide,

Jesus assured him just before he died,

with Him, in Paradise, he'd soon reside.




The skies, they darkened, the die was cast–

As the Son turned to His father— asked

"My God, how much longer can this last?"

As He took the dark of man's sins to task...




The time was now nigh, yea, getting close;

as the Son lay dying– on the post.

Begging forgiveness for His wretched hosts

then closed His eyes— and gave up the ghost...




Ground split asunder, quaking the earth;

our eternal Salvation, given birth.

Centurians no longer danced with mirth,

realizing His gift for what it's worth.




Know the truth, now you possess a clue

that will lead you to a life brand new

For, it's your choice as to what to do–

There for the asking— it's up to you...







Poem of the Month
Contest Winner


Somehow, I gather through my facebook page of which he is subscribed to, the Pastor of our church, the reverend Richie Pride, a man whose wisdom and understanding I value just beneath my own father's, came across a couple of my works of poetry and was astounded. He was prompted by---what?--inspiration or duty, to call me at home yesterday evening. He told me something that really hit home. "Dean!", he said, "I know you are a man of strong faith. Don't your realize that this 'gift'(his words, not mine) is borne from God, Himself? Please, if just for one time, use that talent to promote your faith in Christ, reach out to others." You know something? He's right...

Pastor Richie Pride, this one's just for you, my wonderful friend!

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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