Biographical Poetry posted June 22, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
Court Humour...


by closetpoetjester


I've written rhyme and kept in time
As long as I remember
My bane and curse is metered verse
A full paid founding member

No break for me from poetry
My words stream like a river
It's peak and flow I must bestow
I know I can deliver

But don't be fooled I won't be ruled
By those who seek to try me
My leather hide is bona fide
So sorry, charm won't buy me

I'm sans the front it's not a stunt
The REAL McCoy before you
No fancy act, the simple fact
My honesty may floor you

No alcohol need ply this doll
To blurt out what she's thinking
I'll take that chance and risk each branch
Then worry when I'm sinking

No in-house staff to write each laugh
Just twisted sense of humour
I'm lots of fun but please don't run
In spite of any rumour

My forthright style can prompt a smile
Your laughter will not fester
And I'll concede, most folks agreed
I'm just a smart-arse jester!



All true I'm afraid.

Oh alright, I DO have inhouse staff.
They're paid QUITE handsomely too...LMAO

Good help IS hard to find these days.

Thanks for reading...

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