Humor Non-Fiction posted May 18, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
A humorous comparison

The Jilted Lover.

by Jumbo J

Could this be my life, as a jilted lover? Yeah, I now know how it really feels. You wait around all day, just waiting for the call.

They promised they'd call. Wait a minute, it's ringing. You rush to the phone, with anticipation and glee, thinking this is the moment, it's them!

But it's just someone trying to sell you another product; you make small talk and try to hide the disappointment in your voice.

In the end, it gets the better of you. You bite the bullet and phone them. Of course they say, "I still love you darling, and I meant to call, but I've been really busy."

Busy my arse! I can hear the excuses ringing in my ears. I've heard them all before, same old, same old. The suspicious part in your mind tells you, that they're sneaking around with someone new. The pain in your heart intensifies.

You know you're going to give them another chance. You always do. So, in the end, it's you that makes all the effort to keep the relationship afloat.

When are these people going to snap out of it and show some real fortitude?
Just fess up and tell me you don't want to see me or speak to me again. I don't need the game playing going around in my head.

I can tell you for real. If you don't or won't make the effort to contact me, I'll go looking elsewhere for all my needs. I love seeing you, and I love talking to you, but love is a two-way street, remember that!

So fans of Fanstorians, beware, you too could end up like this jilted lover. Waiting ever so patiently for the review from your fan that never arrives, hoping to see their names appear in your message box. Sure you'll go in and give them a review or two, thinking they must be busy.

You'll tell yourself they've got a lot on their plate. You keep making excuses for them; they must just have to catch up on all the backlog in their message box, then surely they'll get to me. But the review never comes.

Who's kidding whom, you know they're just after a sure thing. Easy reviews, more members points, more members dollars.

I'm just another jilted fan, waiting for the review that never comes.


My hope is that the people that actually read this will have a laugh.
If you are one of the writers that string your fans A little love-smile xx
Thanks to Angelheart for her inspirational artwork
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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