General Poetry posted May 12, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
Simple thoughts of a common man... Free verse, my style.

Just another day....

by Dreamdancer

A young boy came to me as I was pumping gas
and he asked
do you have bus fare I could have
and the pain in his eyes told me
a story of today
ten thousand miles to nowhere
dreams banished
before they are birthed
tell me
where do we go from here

The old man limping between cars
waiting for the light to change
one hand steadying an old cane
the other holding a cardboard sign
spare change will help
god bless
a story of today
a godless world
as he is forgotten
when the light turns green

The young girl
laying on her back
legs spread to feed a habit
the broken man
filling her with his seed
tears fall
one from loneliness and shame
the other
from a broken soul

Tell me
where do we go from here
when here
is the only place we know....

Poem of the Month contest entry


Thanks to blairwacha for the use of the wonderful art...
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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