General Fiction posted February 21, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
Friends come and go.


by Mastery

To support his rock habit, Brady tried to become a drug dealer. He was not successful and lived on the street for a while, the usual elegant lodgings----dumpsters, abandoned houses, public restrooms. Then a third-rate hooker who called herself Bootsy Nelson took him in. Bootsy was a pathetic druggie herself, afflicted with the shakes, rotted teeth, HIV, the whole catalog of problems that can accompany meth addiction.

Morning light crept in with Brady sprawled across the bed. He blinked, then glanced at the nightstand clock. Eyes barely open, he had to get up and eat breakfast, but his brain and gut rejected the idea. He saw Bootsy sprawled face up on the floor, clutching her cell phone.

"Boots! Hey! Bootsy . . . time to rise n' shine, baby." He nudged her bloated black body with his foot.

Oh no! "God help me! Why'd you have to do this, girl? Sorry, I gotta go."

100 Word Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story that is between 100 and 150 words. The trick is you must use the following words: breakfast, light, rock, phone, clock


A real friend comes in when everyone else walks out. Thanks Lillia for the artwork. Good job.
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