General Poetry posted February 18, 2013

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Trigee Poem

I Know

by Idamarty

When thoughts of you bring sorrow`s tears...I say a prayer to heaven`s King
As sun sets and evening nears..................... I thank Him for one special thing
I know that you are now at peace..................I know you sleep in angel`s arms
Where sweet lullabies never cease................Free from all life`s hurt and harms

Trigee Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
For those unfamiliar with the 'trigee' read the left half, then the right half, then follow the dots read the two halves together as a whole. It's 3 poems in one. The trick is that each of the 3 parts should be able to stand alone as a poem.

The Trigee form was created by (TD Euwaite, Richard Brotbeck) founder of and Tangled Web Press.
Trigee should not be mistaken for a Cleave which is a similar form except Trigee form if extended must always be in a four line stanza form where a Cleave can continue beyond four lines and is not broken up into separate stanza format.

Trigee form does not require to rhyme. but you may do so if you wish.

* This contest will be a 1 stanza Trigee Contest. you may choose any subject.

Please view example before posting.
Be creative and have fun. :)
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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