General Poetry posted May 16, 2012

This work has reached the exceptional level

Return to Nature's gift.

by alexgardiner

For Lorraine

I see splendour as I walk today,
among the treasures of life at play.
To be back with Nature and be as one,
to be amazed at the sights to come.

I will rest among Nature's gifts,
and quietly set my mind adrift.
I view the world through misted eyes,
so beautiful. I just want to cry.

Like the golden leaves upon the ground,
and the whispering of Nature's sound.
Rustling creatures going about their play,
my worries now, Nature does allay.

The morning dew, bending, a blade of grass,
a butterfly wafting gently passed.
A plaintiff cry of a bower bird's call,
swaying trees above, so tall.

I am alone but not alone,
as I sit here in this awesome throne,
A throne made not of any man-made kind,
a seat of calmness for my soul to find.

I feel my families of past gone souls,
I let my mind relax to play the role.
Long gone life of ancient times,
my rested mind now acts and mimes.

I see myself play the life of a dragonfly,
as it wisps and darts, flying low and high.
Now I am lizard darting here and there,
or a parrot's colours, which nought, can compare.

No longer in my own time zone,
mesmerised now, in my lofty throne.
I hear the tinkling of a babbling stream
like the sound of a Franz Liszt's ivory theme

I slowly rise from this magic place,
time now to retreat back to the human race.
Here now I will remain,
and be part of Nature's loved domain.

Still, I guess from this day,
I can watch from above my loved ones play.
Please, I promise to make this date,
along with Nature, this will be my grateful fate.

Alex Gardiner.


Lorraine, you will be sorely missed by all. R.I.P

By The Auld Yin aka Alex Gardiner.

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