Supernatural Flash Fiction posted December 20, 2011

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Short Story

Tumbled Over the Rocks

by sunnilicious

When Eva turned 18-years old, she decided to take the day off from school and become a woman. Except, she wasn't sure what that meant.

She watched a couple hours of television, jumped in the car and headed to the mall and she walked around for a few hours. Then, called her mom and told about her boring birthday.

Eva was surprised that mother invited her to have lunch with the co-workers. They met at a semi-upscale type of food chain restaurant in the same building as mother's office. It was the first time Eva ate out fancier than drive-thru.

She imitated everyone at the table, as a way to become part of the crowd. Everyone talked and laughed. The conversations were amusing about palm-readers, boyfriends, marriage and birthdays. Everyone gave Eva a quick kiss goodbye, on the cheek, right after the cake slice adorn by sparklers.

Eva felt like she was walking on cloud nine. But there was still time, before her best friends got out of school. Also, she was in the city, which felt glamorous and cool. So, the notion of being read by a psychic grew more appealing by the minute.

Thrilled by what the future would hold, Eva found her way to a new age parlor with books and gifts. It seemed dusty, but the furniture and decorations held allurement. She entered the establishment and was immediately drawn to the jagged pink rock.

Eva touched it. Then, she picked it up.

The pink stone, labeled 'Roze Quartz', without a doubt, was a pricey piece. She was completely captivated by every ridge on the stone. The colors were vibrant hues that ran from clear, white to shades of pink. It emanated a powerful but unseen energy that scared Eva.

She looked around to see if anyone watched her. Then, she gently placed it back on the display table and headed back to the car. Eva couldn't forget the name of the stone. She had to write it down.

So gripped in silence with wonderment, Eva fumbled around her satchel purse for pen and paper. Her behavior came across as quirky, but Eva was an appealing sight.

Suddenly, her purse spilled out on the parking lot floor, and a chivalrous man walked over. He helped her gather everything up. And he observed her scribble 'rose quartz'. Then, he recited his telephone number aloud until she wrote it down also.

Ten months later - Now, attending junior college, engaged and pregnant, Eva chalked the year of her eighteenth birthday and newfound love life up to the power of tumbled rose quartz.

Supernatural Flash Fiction writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The character in your story is involved in some way with the supernatural.

Word Count: 425

Eva - Eva is a popular exotic baby girl name. It can be tied in origin directly to India. It is a popular name for Hebrew and Spanish. Also, Eva is a popular English and French name spelled as "Iva". The name means, "One who gives life."

Rose Quartz - is a metaphysical symbol for eternal love and beauty

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