General Fiction posted September 28, 2011

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Zee Zee's Approach to Fixing the unfixable.

My Fellow Americans:

by zeezeewriter

Market Solution Contest Winner 

1. Term limits will be placed on all elected officials. The office of the President of the United States will be limited to a one-time six-year term. After the term is ended, he will be required to serve on an advisory committee comprised of former Presidents.

Congressman and Senators will be limited to one term of six years, as well. During their term they are restricted from any other employment or sitting on any Corporate Boards. Elections for Congress will be staggered according to a schedule to be determined.

With term limits we deter the instance of reelection corruption. An honest man can then serve his country without the pressure of garnering votes for reelection.

2. I will restructure the election process. Private campaigning will be forbidden. The government will establish a National Broadcast station for all debates and candidate biographies and philosophies. The station will broadcast twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week until election day. No candidate will declare their party affiliations and partisanship until after elected.

3. A strict tariff will be placed on all goods coming into the United States for a period of three years or until the economy dictates.

4. I will annex Mexico as our 51st state, with or without their permission. Thus eliminating the current problem of illegal immigrants and job-loss to company migration.

5. I will pull all of our troops from Afghanistan and Iraq. I will assign the safely of all Americans from terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslim extremist to Saudi Arabia. They will become the police force for the middle east. In the event of an attack on our soil, we will retaliate against Saudi Arabia.

6. I will initiate a public works program for the infrastructure of our country. Private companies will bid on projects. These companies must be owned and operated by US citizens. They will sign a contract declaring the date of completion and fined per day for any and all delays. Government inspectors will be assigned to each project. The inspectors will be rotated during the project, on a schedule to be determined.

7. Governmental Departments will be rewarded for surplus funds at the end fiscal year end, versus being punished.

8. All employed workers will pay into social security. No one will be exempt. Social Security taxes will be paid by the employee. This will result in an immediate 6.2% relief to all employers. Employers who offer a 401K or similar benefit will be entitled to apply for a tax relief incentive.

9. All citizens will pay state income tax. No one will be exempt.

10. A committee will be assigned by the Vice President to over-see all Unions. Unions will pay a tax to the government to compensate the committee. The committee will monitor the actions of all Unions and act as arbitrators during a strike period.

11. Prostitution will be legalized and controlled for medical purposes and taxation. Prostitutes must obtain an annual renewable license and submit to regular medical checkups, a schedule to be determined. Strict punishment will be immediate for anyone participating in unlicensed activity. Red light districts will be confined to specific locations, determined by the state and local government.

12. Corporations will be eligible for tax relief for participating in a "Internship" program. Wherein, students graduating high school can intern with a company for two years, as an alternative to college. Students would receive no compensation during their internship other than regular medical and vacation benefits. The company would guarantee employment to all participants who completed their internship with satisfactory accomplishments.

13. Drugs would be legalized for all registered consumers. The same laws would apply for selling to minors, driving while under the influence, and use by unregistered consumers, or the sale of products not from a controlled substance facility.

14. I will overhaul our welfare system. I will establish a two-tier system. One for temporary recipients and one for permanent recipients. All recipients would be required to donate time to public service during participation. Temporary recipients would also be eligible to participate in the internship program. Participants would be restricted to a three year program, at which time they must leave the program or apply for permanent welfare. Permanent welfare recipients would be required to perform a public service to be determined, of which they will be compensated in cash. They will be subject to Government housing facilities which will provide three meals a day, transportation, and an on-staff registered nurse. No cash funds will be made available. These facilities would be comparable to Assisted living communities.

15. Private citizens earning more than five-hundred-thousand dollars a year would be required to pay a 40 percent income tax. Private citizens earning in excess of ten million dollars a year would pay 42 percent income tax. Household-Child deductions would be capped at two children per family. Churches and not-for-profit organizations would be required to purchase an annual operating license from the county in which they operate and be required to pay tax on all moneys earned from fundraisers.

16. All citizens will be covered under a Government controlled and funded Medical program and be required to pay a co-fee at the time of treatment. Those citizens who wish to purchase independent insurance will still be subjected to the co-payment.
In order to pay for the Government Health program, the current "Sales tax" will be replaced by a "Heath Insurance tax" on all purchases.

17. I will eliminate the current tax-free status of merchandise purchased for resale. This tax will replace the current sales tax paid by the consumer. Companies can declare the cost of doing business as a deduction on their income-tax. By making all products purchased for resale taxable, we eliminate the temptation to skim sales profits.

18. To go into effect immediately for all employees: employee bonus and incentive programs will be restructured. Companies will be required to include all employees in their bonus/incentive program. If one employee is given a bonus, 20% of that bonus amount is then paid to all employees. All employees will be eligible to participate in a company incentive program.

20. To go into effect immediately: All foreclosures will be eliminated. New financing will become available for homeowners at a 1% interest rate by the original owner of the mortgage. The owner is then obligated to make-good on the revised monthly payment schedule, after a three year grace period.

21. I will restructure our court system. Frivolous lawsuit will be discouraged. A judge will have the option to throw out any and all lawsuits of a frivolous nature and to enforce a fine on the Instigating attorney. In regard to civil suits, the attorney representing the losing side will pay all court costs.

22. I will restructure Unemployment Compensation. Companies will no longer be required to pay into Unemployment Compensation. It will become a Government Sponsored program. Recipients will be required to work on Government projects while collecting Unemployment, until they are rehired into the private workforce. Time limits will be considered.

23. All media will be subject to new slander laws. Print and broadcast news media will be held accountable for the veracity of material publicized. Undocumented slander will no longer be tolerated and will be punishable by law.

It is my personal opinion that no law will or can stop rich men from controlling our country. No law can cure greed. No law can force compassion upon its citizens. No law will guarantee fairness and justice. No law will change the hearts of men seeking to climb to success on the back of their neighbor. But we can try. We can make it more difficult. We can tip the scale with common sense.

That is my objective.

Writing Prompt
Write a 500 to 2700 word essay on what you would do if you were the President of the United States, and you can a cooperative Congress and Senate.

The entry with the ideas that most effectively and postitively impact the United States and The World in general will win.

All ideas are welcome, and should be elaborate enough to include how such ideas and programs could be funded if applicable.

Market Solution
Contest Winner


A special thanks to adewpearl for her help in editing this piece.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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