Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted April 24, 2011

This work has reached the exceptional level
What to expect


by Cogitator

From Now On - Introduction

This effort is written for the purpose of expanding ideas and possibilities to create a better future for all of us, but especially for our children and grandchildren. It is the result of almost thirty years of experience and research. It is the follow-up to my first effort: "The Mind - User Manual", self-published in 2007 and Release 1.1 of the same title which was shared with a few dozen people as a PDF. Material from both books will be included here, along with some new thoughts.

My epiphany happened on February 5, 1982. One of the days in life that cannot be forgotten. I had been sent to California for a four week training class. The first week was five days of Counselor Selling from Wilson Learning. This class is designed to enhance communication skills in an advanced sales representative. The fifth day was the day. From what I learned in that class, I learned all about my own self and how I related to life. The weekend was spent driving up and down the California coast in tears in realizing how ignorant I had been. We're all connected! Everything is connected!

The following quote from "Transforming the Mind" explains it best:

"You may, at some time, have had a 'peak' experience, an ecstatic moment or a moment of greater understanding, when your consciousness expanded - and you knew it. When this occurs, the integration between left brain (logical thinking) and right brain (intuitive feelings and emotions) is manifested in increased energy-flow between the two sides. This is thinking and feeling in a holistic and balanced way. It is a foretaste of an evolutionary jump for humanity - and in essence, what the so-called New Age is all about - a new level of maturity in mental development, an awakening.

By learning how to arouse the whole brain, selectively and at will, the mode of consciousness may be freely altered, appropriate to the task or situation - whether a crisis, making music, relaxing, mental arithmetic, brainstorming, or contemplating nature. In this new wide-awake consciousness, the world seems to be full of possibilities - it possesses a strong sense of rediscovered meaning. This is nothing mystical, it is essentially ordinary consciousness, operating for once at its proper efficiency."

Easy to say once it has been experienced, NOT! My question to my self was "How do I use this experience and knowledge?" I didn't find the above quote until two years ago. That's when I started researching Metaphysics and writings from the 19th and early 20th century relating to how we use our mind. There is no imagining the mental torture I underwent to find words that could communicate how fantastic this power is. I may not be able to do it even today. My ace in the hole is FanStory. With the feedback I have received from the essays I've posted, I feel confident enough to gain support and editing help for my words to come to life. This is not being done to add value to my life. This is being done to enhance my grandchildren's lives. I am at peace. The truth resides in each of us. The way to find it is to remove lies we have lived with.

Removing lies is not easy. The fact that it happened in one day for me was not easy to accept. It probably will take a while for others to have their penny drop. Wanting to do it is the key. One of the sayings I use often is: "What's the difference between Ignorance and Apathy?" "I don't know and I don't care!" This work can help those who care enough to know, but is useless for those don't know enough to care. An open mind is the only answer for change to occur. Just like going to a stage play, in order to enjoy the show, we have to suspend our disbelief. When we do that, our imagination fills in the blanks.

As Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

The eventual result of this book is to have as many people as possible relating to John Lennon's "Imagine." Many will view this song as unattainable, but it is not, as you will see if you continue reading.

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky

(If we all stand on the equator for twenty four hours and continually look from horizon to horizon, we will have a better idea of "heaven." We're in it. Hell has no place in heaven.)

Imagine all the people
Living for today...

(There is no such thing as past and future, except what our minds project. If we all work to make this day a better one for each other, we're on the right path.)

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

(Borders are imaginary and religions are systems of belief, or isms. All beliefs are assumptions, not truth. Living in truth and acknowledging that political borders are man-made removes the possibility of war.)

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

(There are dozens, if not hundreds of websites leading to world unity.)

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

(In truth, no human owns anything. Society allows us to call something our own, but that is an illusion. There are no pockets on our coffins. King Tut's possessions can occasionally be seen in world museums.)

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Quite a revolutionary idea. To me, it means John Lennon removed all the lies from his life. There are many, many websites in the bibliography that understand this message and are working to make it happen. The interfering factor in making this happen is the human mind we call ego. That is our ego fighting for survival. I used to call mine Beelzebub. The name is associated with a nasty dark side of us. One of my poems, written in 2004, tries to clarify our relationship with Beelzebub:

Ego craves for humanity
The true me wants divinity
It's bad enough to work and slave
Ego worries about the grave

It doesn't get Infinity
Has no clue of Eternity
Tries to create Identity
Please go to sleep Nonentity

If Truth be known, we are endless
Only Past dies, that's a promise
The future comes as we decide
So, come ego, enjoy the ride

Now that Beelzebub and I understand each other, I refer to him as Bubba. He likes it better that way, too. He used to love to judge in order to make himself useful and valuable. Unfortunately, he has limited senses to work with, namely the five physical senses. Our Common Sense is our spiritual judge which is never wrong. Bubba was wrong often. We have a choice of following either judge's decision.

One of the most horrible inventions created is the mirror. It created narcissism along with it. How would we change our life if there were no mirrors? We would probably ask others what they thought of us. That's not a bad practice to activate. That's one reason I love FanStory. The reviewers are the mirror of my thoughts.

Much of this work will attempt to follow the path of the Spiritual Warrior in don Miguel de Ruiz' "The Four Agreements" and its subsequent book "The Fifth Agreement." A few websites in the bibliography will substantiate this path. Other websites will provide the Tao as a path to enlightenment. Of course, Jesus will be another central figure because of his attempt to enlighten us. Buddha's teachings will also be examined.

If you desire food for thought, you may be on to something. If you offer honest critique without character assassination, I welcome the opportunity to learn how to communicate better. We can certainly make this a group effort.

The book will contain four sections. These are Self-analysis, Relationship analysis, Community analysis and World analysis.

Self-analysis seeks to describe how we work as human beings, how we think and feel, how we communicate with ourselves and each other and how to remove blocks that prevent us from growing.

Relationship analysis attempts to show how we establish our primary relationship and how that relationship creates the foundation for all communities, eventually all society.

Community analysis has to do with creating a cooperative atmosphere and use the various skills and capabilities of its members to create a self-sufficient community.

World analysis is the "Think globally, act locally" concept necessary to transform the current condition into a safe and sane environment.

I see life as a picture puzzle. When I first dump the individual pieces on the table, the first pieces I seek are the ones with straight edges. Once I connect those, they form the periphery of the "Big Picture."

The remaining pieces are like bits of knowledge that must be placed into the picture in a meaningful pattern. The next step is usually matching pieces of color and lines to create larger parts of the puzzle until they can be attached to the perimeter. As the picture becomes clearer, it becomes easier to add more of the view.

My take on this is that we still have a pile of pieces of knowledge that are not connected to the big picture. In my own efforts to "connect the dots" and connect knowledge, I have struggled against my own ignorance to remove as much of it as possible.

World Unity is a truly Big Picture. This work is a compilation of many, many other works. In trying to knit this knowledge together to form a relatively simple message, it all boils down to wanting to communicate and come to common agreement about what things mean. Agreement on the goal is one thing. Agreement on one "best" method is another. The best method will surface by itself with cooperation and collaboration.

One thing that made me change my mind was the realization that our bodies exist in a three-dimensional space, not a flat plane of a picture puzzle. We are more like spheres of influence that connect with communication. We all project an aura that can be called charisma. This aura originates at the core of our being which is directly connected to the Source. Finding that source is definitely what Dr. Wayne Dyer has accomplished.

With more feedback, we can refine, redefine and perhaps even reach that goal of a peaceful planet. Certainly our children and grandchildren deserve it. We created this sorry state we're in. If we don't take responsibility, who will?


After receiving some reviews, I have come to realize that I am not adhering to my own thinking process. I will stay with this introduction until it makes more sense...John
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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