General Non-Fiction posted March 5, 2011

This work has reached the exceptional level
A girl is hesitant to open her door at night

Stranger in the Night

by BethShelby

There was a knock at the door.  Lisa woke from a sound sleep. Panic gripped her. The numbers on her digital clock said 2:43 a.m. No one should be at her door at this ungodly hour! Lisa was alone. Her housemate was out of town for the weekend. With  heart pounding, she sat up and pulled on her robe and slippers. Should she dare go to the door? She flipped on the table lamp and searched the room for something to use as a weapon. The only thing handy was an umbrella. It wouldn't do much damage, but maybe she could poke someone in the eye with it.

Why had she pooh-poohed the idea of getting a pistol when her father had suggested it?
"Dad, what on earth would I do with a gun? I live in a safe neighborhood. Who do you think I am... Annie Oakley?" But now in the night, the idea seemed to have more merit. Mace might be helpful, but she didn't have that either.

The knocking continued becoming louder and more persistent. Lisa snatched up her cell phone, ready to dial 911 should the emergency number be needed. Armed with the umbrella and the cell phone, she cautiously approached the door and called out, "Who's there?"

"I need help. Please let me in? I'm in trouble." It was a female voice causing Lisa's racing heart to slow down a bit. She didn't recognize the voice, but she started to open the door anyway. An alarm triggered in her mind prompting her to use caution. Her hand paused above the dead bolt. She switched on the outside light.

"No, turn the light off. I don't want anyone to see where I am. This guy tried to rape me. He ripped my shirt off. I'm cold. Please let me in."

Lisa's heart went out to the stranger in trouble. She flipped the light off, but still she hesitated about opening the door. "Let me call the police for you. They'll help you."

"NO! Don't call the police. Please don't call the police. Can't you just give me a shirt or something to cover up with?"

"Maybe I could call someone else for you. Your parents or someone? I don't think I should open the door this time of night. I don't know you."

"NO! To hell with you then! I'll go somewhere else. Someone will help me." The  fear had gone from the voice and had been replaced by anger. The voice sounded much older and had a hard edge to it. Lisa heard footsteps of what seemed to be more than one person leaving the flagstone porch.

She exhaled with a sigh of troubled relief. Maybe she'd not done the right thing, but at least she was off the hook. After this episode, she wouldn't likely be able to sleep. She made her way to the kitchen and put the kettle on. Some herbal tea might help settle her nerves. "I bet she'll go next door," Lisa worried aloud. "The people next door are an older couple. They might be more inclined to open the door to a young girl in trouble. They seem a bit naive."  She was almost sure they wouldn't hesitate to open the door.

"I'm calling the police anyway," Lisa muttered to herself. "There is something strange about this. She may be strung out on drugs or something worse." She grabbed the cell from the pocket of her robe and started dialing.

"This is 911. What is your emergency?"

"I think you need to send the police. I'm not sure but I think it may be an emergency. Someone may be in trouble." Shortly the police department was on the line listening to her story. She gave them her name and address.

"You did the right thing. Don' t ever open your door to a stranger, especially not at night. We're on our way to check it. We'll be back in touch with you later." Lisa sipped her tea and waited.

An hour later, another knock alerted her that the police had arrived. After proper identification, she opened the door for them.

"I thought you'd like to know that by calling us tonight, we were able to break up a home invasion in progress. We have a pair in custody that is wanted in three states. They've probably been checking out this neighborhood for several days. They prey on women, who they have reason to believe, are alone. After you didn't let them in, they went over on the next street. The lady was older and they had her tied up. After hitting one city, they usually move on in case their method of gaining entrance hits the news. The man has a rap sheet a mile long. We'd like to commend you for your actions tonight. That line the girl uses about being raped gets `em every time."

The next day, Lisa went out and registered to purchase a gun. Hopefully there would never be a time to use it, but just having it and knowing how to use it properly in an emergency would certainly make her feel more in control. She also signed up for self-defense classes. It was a scary world out there. Next time, she might not be so lucky.

This Sentence Starts The Story contest entry


Based on a true incident that happened to my daughter.
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