Family Poetry posted October 10, 2010 Chapters:  ...95 96 -97- 98... 

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An teenage artist getting support from Stepmom

A chapter in the book Emotions of Love and Life

Stepdaughter Allie

by Angel Debbie


With pencils and colors in hand
Your drawings are just grand!

Vibrant colors you do very much like
Can you color Sponge Bob riding a bike?

Pretty shades of reds, greens and blue
Draw Noah's ark of animals two by two

You've drawn the sun, moon and stars
How about the solar system with the planet Mars?

Your figures are cute even the mute
Even the frog that played the flute!

Your imagination gets carried away
Drawing more and more every day

An Artist you have become like your Dad
For this don't give up cause you'll make him sad

He loves you following in his shoes with your art
As he believes you're really smart

Keep up the great work you do
Some day you may be rich and not so blue

For it only takes one great art piece from your own hand
To start a great career in an artists land!

Once found you're now in
From then on you'll always win

Your name will be small at first
But soon people will begin to thirst

For you're beautiful art to shine
Boy do I wish my art would do so fine!

I wrote this to my new Stepdaughter as an encouragement and support for her and her art. Her Dad is an artist also and really appreciates the art his children do.

Please note original art work still to come. Thank you for understanding.
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