Spiritual Poetry posted September 26, 2010 Chapters:  ...81 82 -83- 84... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Love and affections in all sorts of ways.

A chapter in the book Emotions of Love and Life

The Importance of Touch

by Angel Debbie

The Importance of Touch

Starved for your very touch
I miss it so damn much

I love the passion you put across within the feel
To me it is such a show of love and affection what a deal

Just sliding your hands around my waist
Kissing with the tongues what a taste

Holding me tight like tomorrow will never come
May seem strange for others, but shows me that I'm loved a ton

I want your love and affections in all sorts of ways
It keeps me going through the roughest of days.

Communication and touch is the importance, of one's life
It washes away the troubles of ones hectic strife.

To know that you are loved in such away
Yearning for more of this love each and everyday.

I want to give you all the touch that I can
I want to show you that you are my real man

That I love you and want you to know
That my heart only yearns for you, as my love does grow.

So keep on touching me soft and gentle as can be
And I'll love you up every minute I'm free!

You and I deserve only the best
As God has put us through such a awful test

Now that we have passed with the flying colors of love
We can sit pretty in God's white clean glove!

So many people are starved for passion of touch these days that it is so important to let your mate know that they are loved by a touch of some sort and not like our computer world--recordings.
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