General Poetry posted September 20, 2010 Chapters:  ...69 70 -71- 72... 

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Material Love and abuse Vs Gods love and love

A chapter in the book Emotions of Love and Life

My Mom

by Angel Debbie

My Mom

My Mom so beautiful and pure,
Got three beautiful children that's for sure

For her family of five
Most times love wasn't alive

For two girls and a son
Mom and Dad were not always fun.

See Dad, was material, Mom was Love
They clashed like a mixed pair of glove

From time to time so long ago
Mom should have told Dad to blow

But the God's love Mom did hold
Her heart was always filled with a pot of gold.

Loving us kids as though no tomorrow
Getting Love from Dad was her sorrow.

A romp in the sack Dad was fine
Anything more he was blind.

Mom was afraid of Dad way back when
I saw this before I was even ten.

She had secret friends I know.
Just to fix the things we kids broke so Dad wouldn't know.

Dad would come home in a bad mood from work
And you didn't act up or Dad would go berserk

Brother was a terror of a child
He had problems and was so wild

Dad had problems accepting his son
Used his daughter for his fun

Mom and daughter stopped abuse on her son
Getting whipped by a belt buckle was not fun

Leaving welts on Mom and I
Went to my room and sure did cry.

Mom would come later to check on me
Brought me ice cream and wanted to see

My marks by Dad hitting on me; I loved my brother more then he could see
Even though my bother had his problems that didn't bother me

As the years of abuse took its toll
My Mom was no ordinary mole.

She loved us kids with all her heart
To her death this did not part.

My Mom clinged to life and us kids
And caught us kids in lots of fibs.

Fibs she could not control
To save her mortal soul

Us kids covered alot of turmoil in our home
That's why we all went our separate ways to roam

To this day I think of Mom and the tender love she gave
For all the loving light she had, she could light the darkest cave.

Starving for love and affection from whom she loved most
On that special day of her life her marriage post.

Lost and never found, Dad wasn't with her on her dying day
He was romping with another woman in the hay.

Life's not fair
But I the daughter sure was there.

To let Mom know she was loved and going home
Where all the beauty will be for her to roam.

God please take care of Mom, I love her so
I just want to hug her so

I miss you Mom, I hope Grandmas there
You and her made such a loving pair.

Love unconditionally and eternal,

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